*puts in two cents*
Tournaments should really cater more to the environment in which they're being held. I mean, let's put it this way. You could totally hold a soccer match in California in the middle of winter, but in Utah? Not going to happen. If you get that example, then you get what I'm saying.
Side note in reference to what PC said, "Leave it up to FTS to choose the list...and universal ban list? With his history, he doesn't follow the universal list...he just modifies them to benefit himself. This is the one big thing that he does that annoys me the most, so I always bring it up." This is the sole reason as to why I don't participate in tournaments that I am running or have had a major hand in setting up, unless it is based on other tournaments in which people have agreed that those rules are fair, and I've only had a hand in an am not running. That mainly pertains to the DDR community, but the same would apply here. I think it'd be AWESOME to hold a mine only tournament, but hey, then people would probably go, "It's in his advantage, he likes that," even though we all know it's not really. Sure, I might be able to recall more places in which mines have been layed, even on the likes of Temple, but there are people who can use them far better than I could at this point in time.
Moving on to the aspect of Brawl, people are trying to make this a competitive game. Let's take a look at Rock Band. Competitive? Possibly. Intended? No, not in the least. It was made as a party game, to get people together and to have fun. This was the intent of Brawl from what I can tell more so with the great amount of randomness that have been thrown into various levels (at least IMO). It's meant to have fun with, and y'all are trying to make it competitive because you want something new. You want competitive? Go play other 2D fighter such as Street Fighter or Guilty Gear, race around with games such as Initial D, whatever. The things that are meant for competition more so are the likes of Karate, Football, Basketball, something actual PHYSICAL, not virtual. Hell, even Chess and Pool are something safe in a competitive zone, and those are more mental. Not gaming, which should be more fun. Not to say that you can't have fun with the other things I've mentioned, but a competitive aspect is safely seen, and nothing wrong. Of course, there's always going to be competition in a game, but when you try to break a competition down into the science, then I no longer deem you a player but a godforsaken *******. You can't have fun unless there is something in the line. You want to put something on the line? Go fight gangs in New York. Too much? Then put your financial balance on the line in Vegas. Nothing should be on the line if you can't have fun with it, which half of you can, half of you do not.
Ugh, rant, yeah, but hey, whatever. Thanks for the link there FTS, I'll be reading all of that at a later time.
And yeah, I know half of that is confusing, but eh. I'm better ranting in person than over the net.