It might be possible to get out of this with proper DI from fox, but most often, Ive seen this work.
against people who don't know what they're doing
Fox can shine out at ~40%
so he can shine out at above ~40 too I'm assuming?
think about it
Can chaingrab Fox and Falco until at least 60 - 70% on Final Destination
Fox can get out at 20-22%
and up too? Or is it just a window? Somehow I thought marth could chaingrab fox to death.
think about it
In General:
It is not wise to attack the top of the shield
you're supposed to mix up your shield pressure
Yes but I'm talking about just in terms of doing aerials on the shield, in which case its much better to delay your aerials so you don't get shield grabbed
haven't you ever heard of aerials out of shield? shine out of shield? shield grabbing isn't your only option
You should always DI away from Shiek's moves
not always
In what cases should you not? Im mainly referring to her tilts and grabs
if you're near the edge and you DI away from her dash attack, tilts, etc. all you're gonna do is get screwed over when she runs off and fairs you
When a player techs near a ledge, they will most often roll towards the middle of the stage
is this a joke? everyone has different habits
Yes but this a universal reaction to not wanting to be killed off the side, while it might not always happen this way, I think most people fall under this category.
no it's not
When you corner a fast faller they will most often jump
This makes sense to me, and even if its not true all of the time, its an interesting thing to try and predict.