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UofM biweeklies Ann Arbor, MI (Back in the Fall)


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Yet Battlefield is one of the two stages I've ever taken a game from him on...

Instead, I lose on Final Destination.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
Jermesque, we've been to a few national tourneys ourselves and as we have just shown, we know how it goes. Lain's not going to start to beat us consistently.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
After talking to the owner of Get Your Game On today, I'm going to get the game, fully unlock it and then bring it to the store and just have 4-player FFAs from whenever I'm off class until it closes everyday. Please don't bring your own controller and just use one of my 4 wavebirds. I was at a tournament last weekend and my Wii got knocked over a lot because people who lose are mad and pull out their controller angrily. I don't want that to happen so I'm just gonna use my wavebirds. Expect this to go down starting next week. Obviously, after the US version is out, no need to keep holding these so take advantage while you can!

Oh, also do me a favor: I'm not a pro smash person, but I love watching pro Melee because I could never dream of doing half the stuff required of pro melee. But I don't want to hear non-Pro Melee people gloating about the amount of stuff they took out, or Pro-melee people complaining about how much it sucks now. I play 64 smash more than Melee, so I won't be able to notice how much is actually gone and I'd rather not have quarreling about it. That's why I stopped running Melee tournaments in the first place.

Anyway, I'll post again with my schedule and when I'll be at Get Your Game On. Hope to see you guys there!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2007
Dearborn Heights
Guys, you're taking my predictions as if I'm saying you guys suck. I know you guys are better than me (as a general rule) but I know I've gotten better, because I just got 3 days of straight experience and practice against all kinds of different playstyles and characters at many different levels of play.

Nowhere in anything I've said did I say that you guys suck for not going, infact, if anything, I wish you would have, because we ALL would have had a blast and learned a lot. Nor did I say that you have never been outside of the state to anything. Just that I, personally, just me, learned a lot, and got much better over those 3 days. So I feel confident that I won't be out 3rd round of brackets anymore. I also know that Anther and Shaeden are going to continue to dominate, obviously, and Lain improved a lot in his experience fighting Peach, Falco, etc. so he'll be giving you guys a much harder fight to maintain your 3rd+ place finishes.

Note: Scotu, I saw that match you won against Anther, and that was great playing. Don't think I'm denying you that, you're improving just like everyone else. I'm not talking all high and mighty because I went to a national event and got ***** lol. I'm not gonna keep talking though, I'll let the UMBs show if my predictions are correct, or if I was speaking too soon.

You guys know I'm a nice guy, you've all talked to me for at least a minute or two, you should know I'm not just some ***hole. I never start crap on the boards, or at UMBs, so it should be obvious that I'm not just trying to get you all mad. I'm just excited because I can see my improvement.

ALSO: tl;dr <3


Smash Champion
Oct 5, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
btw brawl is effin awesome it's gonna be an amazing game tourney wise especially for the first couple months XD.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2007
yes, everyone ban battlefield against anther.. only to realize it's not his best stage.
Anther and I shared a pizza.. and before we shared that pizza he scared some lady that was minding her own business.. and then he flirted with her.. then he asked the same question 4 times and got the same answer 4 times. then stuff happened.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2007
Ann Arbor, Michigan
After talking to the owner of Get Your Game On today, I'm going to get the game, fully unlock it and then bring it to the store and just have 4-player FFAs from whenever I'm off class until it closes everyday. Please don't bring your own controller and just use one of my 4 wavebirds. I was at a tournament last weekend and my Wii got knocked over a lot because people who lose are mad and pull out their controller angrily. I don't want that to happen so I'm just gonna use my wavebirds. Expect this to go down starting next week. Obviously, after the US version is out, no need to keep holding these so take advantage while you can!

Oh, also do me a favor: I'm not a pro smash person, but I love watching pro Melee because I could never dream of doing half the stuff required of pro melee. But I don't want to hear non-Pro Melee people gloating about the amount of stuff they took out, or Pro-melee people complaining about how much it sucks now. I play 64 smash more than Melee, so I won't be able to notice how much is actually gone and I'd rather not have quarreling about it. That's why I stopped running Melee tournaments in the first place.

Anyway, I'll post again with my schedule and when I'll be at Get Your Game On. Hope to see you guys there!
Will you have any time limits on how long I can play becuase I'm honestly thinking about walking down there everyday after I finish my hjomework and just staying til closing time.

Only read this if you like a good essay about failure.
On the playstyle debate:
I consider myself to be somewhat of a smash oddity seeing as how I have decent tech skill and my mind games are not as good as tech skill but still not terrible but I still remain in the "scrub" division of players. The only thing that I can blame is my playstyle. I am viciously agressive because against my friends it works, they have bad defense. But when I goto a tournament with real players I am torn to pieces because a simple shield grab will mess me up. For the same reason I am absolutely ***** by range(Marth) because I approach with a SHFFL and then just get tipper FSmashed away. None of my training buddies have any sort of mind games and none of them can wavedash (2 of them were working on SHFFL but gave up due to Brawl) so I have trouble playing against the simplest of mindgames, most notable dashing left then wavedash right. That just kills the way I play because I can never predict the wavedash and always try to SHFFL them then they wavedash back and combo me. I don't grab... pretty much ever. I only grab at the UMBs because I think "Oh yeah! Grabbing is good!" but in casual play I never do which makes it so my instinct is not to grab. But for all these reasons if why I LOVE to goto the UMBs becuase everyone is so much better than me(with a few choice exceptions) and then I get ***** but I learn so much. Sometimes it's more direct than others for example Lain simple shouting "Grab, Oki, Grab!" in the middle of my round robins. Much like how *pound* has helped Jermesque out. But on the actual debate I don't think that Jermesque will be that much better because I am in the same situation he is in every UMB that I go to but I don't become fantastically better after them.

Also I really wanna go to a National tourney but my parents may be... skeptical if I wanna go out of state to a Smash tournament with 3-4 random College kids.

I can bring a Cube like usual but not a TV.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
It'll go 4-player FFA everytime unless no one is there (obviously) winner stays. If it's 4 friends and they wanna do 2/3 4 stock 1v1s, I dont care.

Honestly, I'm prolly gonna be doing my HW there and pull up a table so as long as there's no fighting and people are switching in and out, I don't care any.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Here, I'll read and comment on your paragraph of fail.

I consider myself to be somewhat of a smash oddity seeing as how I have decent tech skill and my mind games are not as good as tech skill but still not terrible but I still remain in the "scrub" division of players.
You're not an oddity at all. I'm used to seeing space animal players who can do a lot more technical **** than I can but don't bother to pay attention to what gets them killed.

The only thing that I can blame is my playstyle. I am viciously agressive because against my friends it works, they have bad defense. But when I goto a tournament with real players I am torn to pieces because a simple shield grab will mess me up.
Teach your friends to shieldgrab. Part of playing aggressive is learning how to beat shieldgrabs. You're a Fox main, so there's a very obvious answer here - Shine.

For the same reason I am absolutely ***** by range(Marth) because I approach with a SHFFL and then just get tipper FSmashed away. None of my training buddies have any sort of mind games and none of them can wavedash (2 of them were working on SHFFL but gave up due to Brawl) so I have trouble playing against the simplest of mindgames, most notable dashing left then wavedash right. That just kills the way I play because I can never predict the wavedash and always try to SHFFL them then they wavedash back and combo me.
Because your approach is painfully direct? Fox is fast and fast is good, but players in a tournament will catch on and you will get punished for coming in with a SHFF'd nair every time (no L since I'm guessing you're not properly L-Canceling from a shield hit).

I don't grab... pretty much ever. I only grab at the UMBs because I think "Oh yeah! Grabbing is good!" but in casual play I never do which makes it so my instinct is not to grab.
Try playing some friendlies trying to get as many grabs as possible. You'll learn what works and what doesn't, and hopefully you'll see grab opportunities in normal games after some practice this way.

But for all these reasons if why I LOVE to goto the UMBs becuase everyone is so much better than me(with a few choice exceptions) and then I get ***** but I learn so much. Sometimes it's more direct than others for example Lain simple shouting "Grab, Oki, Grab!" in the middle of my round robins.
lain, no coaching. lol

Much like how *pound* has helped Jermesque out. But on the actual debate I don't think that Jermesque will be that much better because I am in the same situation he is in every UMB that I go to but I don't become fantastically better after them.
Looking at things realistically, you only improve if you see what works and get that into your style; and see what doesn't work and successfully get rid of that habit. Playing at a national tournament and seeing those working setups and getting your bad habits punished by everyone helps a lot, but you still gotta do more than just play a lot.

Also I really wanna go to a National tourney but my parents may be... skeptical if I wanna go out of state to a Smash tournament with 3-4 random College kids.
No more national tourneys for Melee, unless Brawl fails spectacularly in terms of competitive play. Just wait till you get older, if your parents feel you're too young.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
Guys, you're taking my predictions as if I'm saying you guys suck. I know you guys are better than me (as a general rule) but I know I've gotten better, because I just got 3 days of straight experience and practice against all kinds of different playstyles and characters at many different levels of play.

Nowhere in anything I've said did I say that you guys suck for not going, infact, if anything, I wish you would have, because we ALL would have had a blast and learned a lot. Nor did I say that you have never been outside of the state to anything. Just that I, personally, just me, learned a lot, and got much better over those 3 days. So I feel confident that I won't be out 3rd round of brackets anymore. I also know that Anther and Shaeden are going to continue to dominate, obviously, and Lain improved a lot in his experience fighting Peach, Falco, etc. so he'll be giving you guys a much harder fight to maintain your 3rd+ place finishes.

Note: Scotu, I saw that match you won against Anther, and that was great playing. Don't think I'm denying you that, you're improving just like everyone else. I'm not talking all high and mighty because I went to a national event and got ***** lol. I'm not gonna keep talking though, I'll let the UMBs show if my predictions are correct, or if I was speaking too soon.

You guys know I'm a nice guy, you've all talked to me for at least a minute or two, you should know I'm not just some ***hole. I never start crap on the boards, or at UMBs, so it should be obvious that I'm not just trying to get you all mad. I'm just excited because I can see my improvement.

ALSO: tl;dr <3
We aren't taking your predictions as you saying that we suck. We just have been there and know that you don't know what you are talking about. You saw a lot of what was wrong with your game and you also saw things that you can do to get better but it takes some time to sink and to actually start changing. And you may start to get farther in brackets but Lain is not going to start beating us consistently.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
yo bowyer ill actually do a $1 mm against ur falco...i juz wanna prove myself

let me know if u accept but it prolly wont be next umb unless i can get a ride


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
I'll do a mm with you. I'm not going to be at the next UMB either. I hope you know you're going to lose though, and thats not me being cocky. But who knows, I am after all suicide prone.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
I'll do a mm with you. I'm not going to be at the next UMB either. I hope you know you're going to lose though, and thats not me being cocky. But who knows, I am after all suicide prone.
that might be true, but when i play 1 on 1 against people in basketball im sure id win against i don't tell them they about to lose, i give everyone a equal opportunity. And I have been suprised a few times. Not saying i would win but I dunno i juz dont feel i played to my full ability last umb. so umb 11 then?


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
Actually, after watching Mango vids all day, I'm going to beat you all, so...yeah. Just throwing that out there.
oh ****, and you beat my falco the last 2 times I used him against you. Now its just not going to be fair.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
that might be true, but when i play 1 on 1 against people in basketball im sure id win against i don't tell them they about to lose, i give everyone a equal opportunity. And I have been suprised a few times. Not saying i would win but I dunno i juz dont feel i played to my full ability last umb. so umb 11 then?
ok. If you want to mm, I have no problem with it. UMB 11 or whenever we next see each other works.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
It's pretty funny how six of the ten posts on this page (if you're running on 15 posts per page) are by Boyr.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
I go to UofM. I live in the dorm that the UMB's are held in and with the exception of the last few, me and scotu have been the ones running it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2007
watch out someone, my young link ***** the air.

... but only while I'm on nothing
this is my careface. caring.. a lot.. so much.. omg i'm filled with care... care care... and more care... i care so much it's unbelievable.. but in the end... stuff happens.. and i really don't care at all.. because all you do is care.. you care too much.. about everything... thax > you... true story and not for any reason known to you.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2007
this is my careface. caring.. a lot.. so much.. omg i'm filled with care... care care... and more care... i care so much it's unbelievable.. but in the end... stuff happens.. and i really don't care at all.. because all you do is care.. you care too much.. about everything... thax > you... true story and not for any reason known to you.
oh god. now its clear why you are so much better than me. I just need to stop caring. erghehehgghehrhrhrhrhcrabbattlehceght... it didn't work :(. I know! I'll take drugs! Does anyone have coke or meth connections???


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2007
did you really think i was talking about how good i am? because personally.. i think i suck at this game.. because i haven't beaten anyone good ever.. and i never will.. and even when i do beat someone good.. if it ever happens.. to me it'll just be a fluke.. because that's how i think. i'll never be good enough at anything i do. and i personally don't care. anther eats too much pizza.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Not caring is the first step to no longer caring. And the last one.

On that note, I'll MM Jermesque, or Thax, or whoever else I think I can win against at the moment.

And also, with Jermesque's absence at the next UMB, we could use some volunteers for setups. And stuff.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
holy **** guys, that's like 3 full pages in a day. anyway, everyone who went to *pound* 3 (and lives in MI), is required to go to the next UMB. No Johns.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Lol, scotu and I can post in the same thread less than a minute apart and not realize it until we both post. And that's when we're sitting in the same room.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Not caring is the first step to no longer caring. And the last one.

On that note, I'll MM Jermesque, or Thax, or whoever else I think I can win against at the moment.

And also, with Jermesque's absence at the next UMB, we could use some volunteers for setups. And stuff.
rofl, sure ill mm u jman. but i aint comin to the next umb.

+ ucant win against me :dizzy:


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
cuz lain beat me i guess everybody in the world think they can beat me, ok mm against every1 in the entire universe a dollar...do yall accept
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