I think my only unpopular opinion is this:
People who constantly and openly bash certain character support fan bases need to stop.
It's RAMPANT in the Smash community. It's EVERYWHERE. I can't even begin to tell you how much accusatory stuff and harassment I've been on the receiving end of because I happen to support Geno. Newsflash: We aren't all bad. I sure as heck am not going to be 'delusional' about his chances, which are particularly very low, and I'm not going to slander people who want a different SE rep. I'm not going to trash up random places on the internet with obnoxious support, being like, "Geno NEEDS to be in Smash! C'mon, Hackurai!" I know quite a few people who support Geno who are the same way.
Yet, guess what? We get trash-talked just based on a stereotype attached to the fan base because of a few bad apples. I've seen people generalize fan bases based on ONE PERSON. One. Person. Pardon my French and my bluntness, but that is just... ****ing stupid. Not all Waluigi fans are awful people who will send Sakurai death threats. Not all Steve fans are trashposters who only care about seeing people miserable. Not all Banjo fans trash Steve's fans just for so much as breathing near them. I could go on and on and on.
I've been brought to the point of tears multiple times because of the toxicity of Smash's fan base and trashing people just because of their preferences. When it gets to the point of having ad hominem launched at you for liking a video game character, that's beyond ludicrous. Stop behaving like children. I'm so frustrated, tired, and done with having to deal with Smash's fan base as a whole. The good people are just... wow, you guys are great. Don't let the bad apples get you down. There are so many good people and not all Smash fans are bad.
That being said, though, it's hard to even function in the Smash fandom without being dogged for little to no good reason. My mental state was amazing until I got into the Smash fandom proper. Now, it's been a mess thanks to the amount of garbage I have to deal with every day, just because, wow, gee, golly, I like a certain video game character that a lot of people don't like.
To the people that do this kind of thing, please. Please reconsider what you're doing. This stuff hurts people. When it gets to the point of harassment because of an opinion, where it actually affects a person's feelings and mental state, it's no longer just differing views on a video game. It becomes straight-up bullying... and it's wrong.
I'm just... tired and done. I may sound angry in this post, but I'm really not. I'm just frustrated and broken down. It's depressing when trying to enjoy and talk about a video game, talking about speculation and the like, results in stuff like this.
Just please be kind to your fellow folk. Please. That's all I ask.