Smash Journeyman
It seems like there is some very popular "unpopular opinions" on this thread. O well...
- I think King K. Rool is too big.
- Including Palutena in Smash Bros. is about as logical as adding Ness's mom from Earthbound.
- Jigglypuff is a fun character to play as and not boring in the slightest way.
- Six to eight Pokémon characters is perfectly acceptable.
- I want a roster with 50+ characters.
- We have enough female characters. I can't think of any more possible women besides maybe Impa.
- Blonde Zelda looks better.
- Impa is cooler than Sheik, even in Ocarina of Time. Both should be included although not as clones.
- I like the idea of outlines around characters on the 3DS.
- I support Anthony Higgs.
- I have never in my life liked Sonic the Hedgehog nor will I ever.
- Pac-Man can't fight.
- Waluigi is a Nintendo all-star.
- Charizard should be by himself on the roster.
- Tripping adds some much-needed humour to the game.
- I think anyone who thinks there will not be a story mode is dumb for not interpreting quotes very good.
- Snake won't be cut - Sakurai and Kojima are tight.
- I like all clones in Brawl.
- Declone is NOT a word. (Fact not opinion)
- Dixie Kong is an awful character.
- There needs to be more one-time characters such as Sheik, Groose, Bleck, Rosalina(Mario Kart and Mario Galaxy 2 don't count).
- I like the varying Landmaster final smashes.
- Ganondorf should not be changed besides making his attacks more powerful.
- Nintendog is not a character. It is a dog from real life put into a game.
- Gino is ugly. One of the worst character designs ever.
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