Smash Hero
SchAlternate can't fix models. And his model in SSB4 is just Other M model re-rigged with slightly edited textures that were severely (by 300%) decreased in size. Beak is messed up because apparently, there was one dumba** who decided "Hey, lets give Ridley mouth that opens by moving BOTH jaws! That surely will be intimidating!". He must be fired.Okay, okay. I'm calm, now...
So you mean you can't even askSchAlternate to fix it for you? ...Well, now we know why his beak is all messed up in Smash 4; his model from the Direct was smaller, but they grew him back up, and the growth defect was a case of Woody Woodpecker...
Just...can you please find something to add? I can't believe I'm now begging, but I guess because we're now friends, I want it to feel like our mod, even if mine, or our (the watchers'), suggestions are minimal.
.....Still goin' fo' 'dat crawl...
Im not sure i can use anything.
Crawl will first require modules to be edited. Even then, it may not really be useful. Crawls are used to avoid attacks that hit high enough while still being able to move. It won't help Ridley unless he will do it like Snake does (completly lying down on the floor), but it will be ridicolous (yet funny because Metroid can't crawl, but Ridley MOTHERF_____ can). Bowser has useless crawl in official games, but it was fixed with addition of armor in PM. It still is rather useless since other movement options are better, even simple jumps.
Its more of a good thing than bad thing since because of that, Brawl is still alive and we have f***ing PM.Now I know how melee players feel like lol
It's both very good and kinda bad that hacking is as easy as it is. But this isn't the thread for it.
Any coding problems of late?
Not really. Only things that bother me about coding is how claw swipe GFX should be placed and rotated (last part is harder because BrawlBox has messed up axis order, so, X axis may actually be Z axis and vise versa). Thats all i remember at least.
Anyway, NAir:

Ridley uses spikes on his back and tail to basically become a chainsaw blade (chain?). It hits 6 times, with first 5 hits being weak with fixed knockback. Final hit is stronger, but not by much. It certainly KOs at 300%, most likely earlier, but its not a reliable finisher. I'd use it for racking up damage than anything else, but im not a competetive player, so, maybe its actually very useful. No sourspots.
Reworked DAir:

Ridley uses one of his iconic attacks - pogo tail. Now it actually is a pogo tail and works exactly like in Metroid games. Meteor smashes (or spikes, i still don't know real difference IN THE CODING) shortly before going down. Otherwise, just launches opponent up like in SSBC. Goes through opponents if A button is held. Can move around freely unless he bounces off the ground. After falling for 1-2 seconds, he stops and goes into falling state. Not that it will help most of the time.
Also, now gifs have higher quality because of higher framerate.