I was once like you, you know.
I had thought that **** mean smash, or possibly even kill.
but no. I've learned. I've evolved.
The meaning of that **** 9S was told is that there is no meaning. Or rather, it is everything and nothing.
For you see, "You're thinking about how much you want to **** 2B, aren't you?" isn't meant to be interpreted literally. It's meant to be figurative.
The deeper meaning behind this is that Adam wasn't just saying that. Adam was saying "You're thinking about 2B, aren't you?" because that's all 9S could think about. The **** is meant to be a placeholder for anything. Hug, fight, smash, brawl, go out to dinner with.
Because 9S didn't care what it was he was doing. As long as 2B was there.
but yeah, i want to smash 2B. or rather, use 2B to smash. smash plants, jokers, and batmen.