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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Deleted member

Was about to make a funny reply but I realized it probably isn't the time for that.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I get a feeling that with a presentation like that, there will be extended segments on big games, with some announcements in-between.

So like 10 mins of Animal Crossing, some filler. Luigi’s Mansion, some filler. Smash DLC news, filler. Fire Emblem, filler.

If it really is going to be an hour which is...awesome. That’s huge.

EDIT: False alarm. Oh well, it’s still probably going to be long.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I think I should play some Smash...but at the same time I don’t wanna play Smash...that is weird


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
That's a lot of time. Clearly they're going to announce a Fire Emblem spin-off game starring Merric. It just makes sense.
I mean what with Khadein wouldn't that basically be Fire Emblem Harry Potter?

. . .Well like, moreso than Three Houses.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
The real fire emblem spinoff is actually a dating sim with every character in the franchise and just as many Camilla alts


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Ok guys, let’s say you could add an entirely new series to Smash along with a represented character. The following are what you can add:

  1. A character
  2. A stage
  3. Twelve musical tracks
  4. 8-12 Spirits
  5. A trailer for the character
Be as descriptive as you want. I’ll put mine up later this evening.
I've already done the spirit battles on other threads, so self-plagiarism for the win! My most wanted characters are Banjo-Kazooie and Dante, and I figure that a lot of people are going to have material for Banjo and Kazooie.

Dante from the Devil May Cry series

Stage: Temen-Ni-Gru (the roof, where the first fight between Dante and Vergil takes place - throw in some glowing red energy platforms for some variety)

Devil Trigger (DMC5)
Silver Bullet (DMC5)
Devils Never Cry (DMC3)
Public Enemy (DMC1)
Ultra Violet (DMC1)
The Time Has Come (DMC4)
Vergil Battle 2 (DMC3)
Lock and Load (DMC1)
Ragnarok (DMC2)
The Duel (DMC5) - WARNING: major spoilers for DMC5 in the video's title/picture - for those who have played the game, it's one of the final boss themes
Swipe of Sword (DMC4)
Dante's Office (DMC3)


Primary, defense, ****
Character: blue-coated male Robin with Killing Edge
Stage: Final Destination
Rules: the enemy's melee attacks have increased power

Primary, neutral, ****
Character: blue male Corrin
Stage: Arena Ferox (battlefield)
Rules: the opponent uses a lot of grabbing attacks

Primary, defense, ***
Character: Zero Suit Samus (black suit)
Stage: Kalos Pokemon League (omega)
Rules: the items are lightning bolts

Primary, attack, **
Character: Bayonetta (white suit) with Super Scope
Stage: Unova Pokemon League (omega)
Rules: the items are explosives

Primary, defense, ****
Character: giant metal Charizard
Stage: Castle Siege (lowest level)
Rules: the human player(s) suddenly take damage after a while

Support, **
Character: red haired Lucina (with blue male Corrin as a support)
Stage: Temple
Rules: defeat the main fighter to win; the main fighter avoids conflict

Nelo Angelo
Primary, neutral, ***
Character: white-haired Ganondorf
Stage: Spear Pillar (battlefield)
Rules: the opponent doesn't flinch easily

Support, **
Character: red Bowser x3 (starts normal, and when that one is KO'd, a larger one shows up; the third one is larger and has a curry effect)
Stage: Find Mii (omega)
Rules: the enemy's neutral special has increased power

Support, *
Character: Dark Pit (white outfit)
Stage: Palutena's Temple (omega)
Rules: the enemy's Final Smash meter charges quickly

Support, *
Character: Bayonetta (orange suit)
Stage: Shadow Moses Island
Rules: the weapons are all guns, and they are drawn towards the opponent when the opponent gets near them

Primary, grab, *
Character: Robin (male, default costume)
Stage: Reset Bomb Forest
Rules: the items are assist trophies and Pokeballs

Support, ****
Character: Giant Ganondorf (blue costume)
Stage: Brinstar
Rules: the human player suddenly takes damage; Maxim Tomatoes spawn often

(just a heads up that any trailer that I come up with will likely be cheesy and dwarfed in quality by the actual trailers. Also, I'm assuming that it would consist mostly or entirely of in-game footage, similar to the trailers for Smash 4's DLC characters)

The trailer starts with Bayonetta using one of the combos where she KO's people off the top of the stage against Pit. Landing, she taunts, adding in "That was too easy!" Dante lands on the stage, though the camera only shows his feet. We get a bit of voice over from him as Bayonetta turns to look in his direction (something like "So you're the demon summoner I've been hearing about? Shame that I've got to bust up such a pretty face, but that's the job") before it pans up to reveal Dante as the splash card appears. ("Dante Awakens"? "Dante Crashes This Party"?)

Cut to some gameplay as Dante makes snarky remarks throughout (such as blocking one of Madama Butterfly's attacks and adding "compared to Mundus, you're not that impressive", or saying "here's some familiar faces" as he fights with Ryu, Ken, and Mega Man) along with demonstrating his quirk. (I'd like to see him switching between various weapon sets based on his games, though there could also be Style Switching, where his specials change depending on which style he's in, or a Devil Trigger gauge - much like the DMC games, there are a LOT of options for what they could do with Dante)

The scene shifts to Dante and Bayonetta fighting on Temen-Ni-Gru, as some of its details or hazards are highlighted. Ganondorf, a giant Bowser, and a giant Ridley land on the stage, giving Dante and Bayonetta the opportunity to team up and beat them. The video ends with the two of them taunting at each other, with both of them saying "Let's rock, baby!" before the Smash Bros. x Devil May Cry logo shows up.

As a funny post-trailer scene, Dante meets a Mii wearing Vergil's costume. "Hey, Vergil! Long time no see! Did you get a haircut?" If Vergil's a hazard on Dante's stage (not sure if he should be or not), then he appears and attacks the Mii, causing it to run away.

As an added bonus, Mii costumes:
-X's Armour (gunner - returns from Smash 4)
-Proto Man's Armour (gunner - returns from Smash 4)
-Zero's Armour (swordfighter - returns from Smash 4)
-Mega Man.EXE's Armour (gunner - returns from Smash 4)
-Hunter's Mail (swordfighter - returns from Smash 4)
-Rathalos Armour (swordfighter - returns from Smash 4)
-Viewtiful Joe's Suit (brawler)
-Leon Kennedy's Suit (gunner)
-Jill's Uniform (gunner)
-Vergil's Suit (swordfighter)
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
**** was cash money.

****, imagine if he put the heighten target thought ability on all of those punches.
I can only hope he did. Bucciarati was reduced to begging Giorno not to hit him again with that ability after just one punch, so imagine what thousands of them feel like under that effect.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
I open a Chromebook at school, and I'm met with what seemed like a crashing noises, then it just blares Despacito loudly. Why?

And I may be late to this, but more Sonic movie news here. Can't say I'm surprised.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
If you're being forced to be silent DM my twitter or discord, I'll get the guillotine ready for the ****ty admins
Now, now, Miss Cutie. Now is not the time to be all ****ty on staffs. Let's not harass or attack the staffs only because of that.. I mean sure he resigned because of personal reasons but I don't think what you said is the way to go.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
If you're being forced to be silent DM my twitter or discord, I'll get the guillotine ready for the ****ty admins
Thanks for getting homicidal over me, but it's really just me going through a rough patch and not having enough energy for moderation.

Top 10 anime shortest arcs
If you think this was short, you should've seen my goth phase.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Now, now, Miss Cutie. Now is not the time to be all ****ty on staffs. Let's not harass or attack the staffs only because of that..
I don't know about you but the fact that a guy got a permaban undone solely because they're friends with an admin sickens me. I know the admin that did it as I warned them "Hey this guy got permabanned for being a complete ass who kept harassing people", next day, the dude is unbanned and the admin goes "uwu what if flamehabenero changed go to fowum suppowt". There's how certain users seem to be targetted deliberately, there's the whole Zipzo show where the staff went "UwU we can't act on off site dwama" and then Zipzo brought the off-site stuff here to which they did ****ing nothing, there's how a nasty ass TERF who doesn't post anything unless it's to rile up the thread never even as much as got a slap on the wrist for making an alt account to get back into a social group he previously got banned from back in 2015, etc. This place has absolute garbage administrations and ****. I'm hoping recent events made them change but I'm still doubtful as hell

Deleted member

Now, now, Miss Cutie. Now is not the time to be all ****ty on staffs. Let's not harass or attack the staffs only because of that.. I mean sure he resigned because of personal reasons but I don't think what you said is the way to go.
I will attack the staff anytime I want.
Gwen can attack the staff anytime she wants too.
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