I don't know about you but the fact that a guy got a permaban undone solely because they're friends with an admin sickens me. I know the admin that did it as I warned them "Hey this guy got permabanned for being a complete *** who kept harassing people", next day, the dude is unbanned and the admin goes "uwu what if flamehabenero changed go to fowum suppowt". There's how certain users seem to be targetted deliberately, there's the whole Zipzo show where the staff went "UwU we can't act on off site dwama" and then Zipzo brought the off-site stuff here to which they did ****ing nothing, there's how a nasty *** TERF who doesn't post anything unless it's to rile up the thread never even as much as got a slap on the wrist for making an alt account to get back into a social group he previously got banned from back in 2015, etc. This place has absolute garbage administrations and ****. I'm hoping recent events made them change but I'm still doubtful as hell