Deleted member
Yelling about it, won't make anything better...
Just saying
Try watching a movie you really want to watch today.
That feels great to me when I feel bad, stressed or sad.
Commenting it while doing so also helps.
Please take a break to cool off.
Go step into the cooler then.
The best way to get people not to respond to you is to not post anything.
Now that you've said this, you're gonna get a bunch of people seeing your all caps tirade and going "woah take it easy man"
Hi Mad right now, I'm dad.
I'm sorry.
Look I’m sorry is just that dlc speculation is a pain in the *** really I mean arguments haters leakers and of course nintendo choosing the dlc I can sometimes get me off the rails sometimes when you pound me down with what you say so I hope you all forgive me and