Let me put it this way. There are an incredible amount of issues in the world today. Climate change. Economic growth. Gender inequality, racial inequality, poverty, hunger, the criminal justice system. Technology with several subsets of issues, like hacking, hate speech/hateful ideologies, fake news. Higher education/student loans. Gun violence. There are even more than that which I don’t feel like listing.
There isn’t any one solution that will fix all of it. There are too many moving parts that require different people to do different things.
As a teacher, i’ve come across many different people from many different backgrounds. As a straight white guy, i’ve learned a lot about the oppressed history of people of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ community. At 26 years old i’ve determined what I believe in, or what the best path forward is.
While I am aware of the differences everyone has from one another, I think we fixate too much on it. Identity politics does more to split us apart than bring us together, as it only allies ourselves with people who look or sound the same, or have similar experience, as if there’s nothing we have in common with people who look or sound differently.
What’s interesting is that T’Challa, in one of the post credit scenes of Black Panther even says this. We have gotten so hateful toward each other people of something, that we now are so incredibly judgmental. It’s a toxic phenomenon, really, and it fools people into thinking that it’s Z group vs Y group. In reality, there are probably plenty of things that we all have in common.
Do you know how many students of color I teach that are homophobic? Engage actively in colorist toward each other? Discriminate against Muslims? Treat women as less than men? By identity politic standards, that doesn’t exist. But it does. There are students who I teach that are poor, black, and have basically told me that they plan on getting through life by selling drugs, and have shown that they are extremely lazy. It’s not an exclusively black thing, no. But to act like it’s not a reality is a mistake as well. I do not think they’re lesser people necessarily, and I wonder what has happened in their lives to have their outlook, but it’s not as if it doesn’t exist.
No matter what, we all have to love each other, unless we want to be miserable for the rest of our existence. You can’t learn to love each other or accept each other despite our differences without at least trying to love and accept each other.
Like, when I was in Atlanta, there was a Trump protest of decent size. There was a diverse crowd there. My gf and I stopped to listen for a bit. There was, however, in particular one burly white man with an anti-Trump sign. He had a camouflage hat on, and/or could have given the average person the idea that he was a “red neck “ and therefore a Trump voter. But he wasn’t. He was anti-Trump.
We have to put our differences aside, and learn to fight hatred. The people who want to wallow in hatred? Well...they need to get with it, or stay behind.
As Dr. Winston said in that Overwatch short...”Never accept the world for what it appears to be. Dare to see it for what it could be!”
People can be extremely annoying, we have no doubts about that. But imagine what the world could be, if we can together, out of our tribalism, worked to change the world for the better, together.