Fire Emblem Heroes? Sonic Heroes? Heroes, the TV show featuring the hero named Hiro? (I really liked the first season of that show; later seasons had their moments, but I disliked Heroes Reborn for how it treated most of my favourites from the original series)
Yup, that's the one.
I find it funny how we echo the same thoughts.
First season is great overall even with some flaws.
Season 3 is a mess for the first half and only a slightly smaller mess on the second half.
Season 4 had some good stuff but it was too far gone at that point.
We don't talk about season 2.
Didn't watch Reborn besides the first episode but I did read some stuff so considering they killed the character whose power is literally being immortal and dropped as many characters and arcs from the original show just like the original used to do, I'm not too confident on it.