Deleted member
Confront him about it. Make him know that beating his girlfriend is not right.Y'all feeling pretty betrayed and also kinda fishing for advice and I use this forum for venting already so I'ma just dump it
There's this dude I've known since I was fifteen. Me and him are really good friends, and I mean really good friends. I'm saying this completely unironically, I would literally trust him with my life
Anyways it turns out he beats his girlfriend
And I have no ****ing clue what to do. I don't know where to take it, I don't know how I'm supposed to handle it, and so far I'm the only person she's told and I'm kinda freaking out
I know for a fact that she's being hurt. She showed me the bruises. There's no benefit of the doubt here
Now I usually wouldn't be conflicted about anything. But the thing is is that she's insisting I don't go to the law or tell anyone and she's freaking out about even telling me in the first place and I have no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do in this situation