About my post on
@JaiTheGuy about first party RPGs, or even JRPGs in general has gotten me think about Nintendo's track record on their own RPGs. Which is kind of odd since RPGs is a very popular genre in Japan.
It seems that Nintendo in house devs has never been fond with making RPGs, Mother/Earthbound is probably the only RPG that's close to Nintendo in house develop but that game series was handled by HAL and the now Creatures Inc for the most part.
It's shame how Camelot has yet to make another Golden Sun game ever since the DS... and Pokemon was the only RPG blockbuster from Nintendo... for the most part. Fire Emblem did gain popularity thanks to Melee but it was nearly dead until Awakening was released... (I mean Intelligent Systems were being told from Nintendo that if Awakening sold under 250,000 copies they would shut down the series... like seriously?!) so.... yeah...this showed even more how Nintendo was really kind of like EA when it comes to their own RPG IPs...
Therefore it was an intelligent move where Nintendo bought Monolithsoft in 2007 and release Xenoblade Chronicles in 2010 on the Wii. Even though it didn't sold well, it was still one of the best RPG from Nintendo in the 2010s. Then again, Xenoblade Chronicles is an action RPG not a traditional one.
So while Nintendo's only weak spot for now is RPG, this give other studios' RPG shine, especially back in the SNES days with DQ and FF series, and N64 despite it got moderate success... N64 was one of the few Nintendo consoles that actually "failed" in Japan because it lacked any RPGs, GC got Resident Evil sure... but after that there weren't any big RPGs on the console, same with Wii until the very late of its life cycle with Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower and Last Story, that also makes me want to mention that Wii U didn't fail because of lacking third party, it didn't get any much Japanese dev support either compare to 3DS.
Regarding Nintendo Switch in my opinion is where RPGs REALLY starts to kick off (Again...) on Nintendo's home console since SNES era, you have Mario + Rabbids which I wouldn't blame anyone mistaken this game as an Nintendo developed RPG and it's one of the best selling third party game and RPG on NS that's not Pokemon. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 by far not only the best selling Xeno game but also the best selling Monolithsoft game. Octopath Traveler exceeded beyond SE expectation to the point where they issue two apologies for whatever reason. Then last year since we get many RPGs from Ys VIII to Valkyria Chronicles... and upcoming games we have the freaking DQ XI (The first NS game to ever be announced on the platform...), Astral Chain (Not really RPG but still) more FF games, and Pokemon Sword/Shield, and I bet they will all sell well on NS.
So when it comes to RPGs, don't count on Nintendo first party please... or not on any kind of genre to be honest...