Alright, I've thought about it since Joker's reveal, and I want to make a Fighters Pass prediction:
- Joker (duh)
- Erdrick/Hero/whoever the DQ guy is
- Banjo & Kazooie
- Resident Evil rep
- Yet unknown Nintendo property rep
I think a Microsoft rep is probable, and E3 is the time Microsoft would want to announce it to really hammer home the "Xbox anywhere" initiative they're apparently planning, proving their goal by bringing a "hardcore" fans' desire to a competitor's console. I don't think it's Steve, it could be Master Chief, but my money's on Banjo & Kazooie.
Then, my bias is showing, but I honestly believe that if Nintendo is wanting to dip into outside markets, Resident Evil offers one of the most lucrative markets in which to dip. The series has iconic characters, long term history, modern relevancy and the 20th highest earnings of any game franchise. Considering that Capcom allegedly has immediate plans for RE in 2020 and 2021 with RE3make, RE8 and a fourth CGI film, I think both companies would stand to benefit from a character's inclusion.
Lastly, I don't think all five will be third party. I think Nintendo has something up their sleeve for E3, something none of us expect. And I think that the final DLC character, like Corrin, will be used as a way to further promote that game. I'm holding onto that final spot to predict something unknown that we couldn't possibly predict until after E3.
With this setup, their Fighters Pass covers an extremely wide range: modern non-Nintendo-centric popular franchise (Joker), classic Eastern popular franchise (Erdrick), hardcore fans/popular Western franchise (Banjo & Kazooie), popular worldwide franchise (Resident Evil) and self-beneficial first party rep to double dip on sales. So for now, I'm sold on it.
I could swap B&K for Master Chief depending on the day, though.