Sinnoh's soundtrack has a lot of really really good songs, even as someone who doesn't like the games I still go back and listen to some of the tracks from time to time, but the soundfont is so poor, especially compared to the Gen 5 music we'd get later. Worst example is probably the Hall of Fame theme, it sounds like an intentionally awful parody version of the regular theme. I guess the one thing I can take from the inevitable remakes of the games is that its soundtrack will at least be done justice.
On the topic of Pokémon Switch, I really hope they re-do the animations to have the same level of personality as Colosseum/BR. It's incredibly unlikely, but I'm tired of these stiff and lifeless animations, there was an excuse for the 3DS games at least, but looking at Let's Go you wouldn't think it was made by a company as successful as Game Freak are. I really don't think there's too much of an excuse for things to have moved backwards over the past decade in this regard when Pokémon is as big as it is.