Skyward Sword got the gameplay down great.
Characters and writing, too.
Dungeons were mostly fantastic, although I would've liked to see more water-oriented enemies in...well, the water dungeon. And I could've gone without two fire dungeons when the rest were far more different from each other.
My only issue with the game is how damn linear the overworld is. And because "lol your loftwing is never awake at night."we can't even visit it at night, which in itself is simply boring, but also removed the possibility of exploring some other potential overworld mechanics: if you could've visited the surface at night, you could've encountered different enemies, different NPCs to find out different information, maybe get different quests and items from them, and find treasures and bugs that may only show up at night. To top it all off, even the sky itself is pitifully empty, not making full use of the loftwing's flight mechanics whatsoever.
SS's overworld is really ridiculous, honestly.