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What are you most excited about for E3?

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intern-kun: "mr sakurai sir, how do we hide the identity of the mementos stage?"
sakurai: "eh just change a few letters around or spell it like a five year old would lmao"

based intern-kun
Not before the movie, but after Bucky gets killed the audience can tell what’s gonna happen to Peter. Iirc. Part of the impact of the scene is the audience knowing what’s going through their head as Peter is about to die
i mean, after strange and all the guardians (minus rocket) are dusted and peter says "i don't feel so good" that's when the audience is supposed to be like "**** **** **** not him too" yeah

but definitely not right after bucky gets dusted, peter was the last one dusted while bucky was the first lol


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
20,000 feet under the sea
Switch FC
Because some fans, like me, tend to react negatively to surprises. I’d rather set my expectations and get excited for who we’re actually getting, then get angry because we’re not getting who I wanted in my head.

Like, no joke. That happened with Joker because it wasn’t Banjo or Crash.
There’s never been a time where you were surprised and got super hyped for a character?


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
20,000 feet under the sea
Switch FC
based intern-kun

i mean, after strange and all the guardians (minus rocket) are dusted and peter says "i don't feel so good" that's when the audience is supposed to be like "**** **** **** not him too" yeah

but definitely not right after bucky gets dusted, peter was the last one dusted while bucky was the first lol
Oof I forgot about Strange and Guardians lol


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
you still lose that shock value when the value of that character is lost

for example if you knew peter was gonna die from the beginning the whole "i don't feel so good" scene becomes a lot less shocking and tearjerking when you knew he was gonna die the whole time

and besides it's not like all the scenes of tony being super protective of him become any less meaningful because you didn't know peter was gonna die

if anything scenes like the "if you die i feel like that's on me" one were just flashing through my head while he was dying and i was like "oh **** oh **** oh ****"

it's that rush of emotions that hits you like a truck rather then that steady drip of them y'know
Shock value is partly why the paradox exists. People think they like it but humans are psychologically conditioned to want to explain and predict things.

It's also completely ruined some deaths for me, because by the time I come to the realisation of what's happened, any chance for emotional investment is gone.

Conversely, when I've known about someone's death, it's made all the events leading up to it sadder and when the death actually occurs, I've gone from crying to crying even more.

Also, I don't really follow the MCU so you spoiled stuff for me there. I know memes but I never actuall learnt who dies. At least if I go watch the movie now I'll be more likely to enjoy it. :p
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Because some fans, like me, tend to react negatively to surprises. I’d rather set my expectations and get excited for who we’re actually getting, then get angry because we’re not getting who I wanted in my head.

Like, no joke. That happened with Joker because it wasn’t Banjo or Crash.

But if I know ahead of time I can get that anger out of the way early and spend time learning about and getting excited for the actual characters we’re getting.
That sounds like your own problem, you should be able to tamper your own expectations.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
There’s never been a time where you were surprised and got super hyped for a character?
One time. But it wasn’t with Smash. It was the TMNT reveal for Injustice 2. If anything the fact that I was expecting someone else made that one better because I’m such a huge Turtles fan.

But as far as Smash goes.... I don’t think they really can. I mean let’s be real, Banjo getting in at this point would be a surprise to no one. Neither would any of the characters I really want in Smash.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
Because some fans, like me, tend to react negatively to surprises. I’d rather set my expectations and get excited for who we’re actually getting, then get angry because we’re not getting who I wanted in my head.

Like, no joke. That happened with Joker because it wasn’t Banjo or Crash.

But if I know ahead of time I can get that anger out of the way early and spend time learning about and getting excited for the actual characters we’re getting.
Real talk, if you don't like surprises Smash Bros. is not the right game for you.
Roll with the punches and if you don't get what you wanted, tough ****, better luck next time. That's not just how Smash speculation works, that's how life works.

Deleted member

speaking of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games why the **** isn't this song in Smash


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
I know there was a study going around that said something like that, but I still really find that...iffy. Like, it still probably depends a lot on the story and what the big twist that gets spoiled was.

It clashes with my personal experience really hard. Time and time again, for instance, have I felt little far a character reveal that was leaked beforehand I didn't feel much from the official confirmation, but when it doesn't get spoiled for me (K.Rool) I find it far more exciting.
For something like the movie about Hachiko, because I knew what was going to happen, I cried throughout the entire movie.

With Key's Air, because I had the ending spoiled, the last few episodes were very emotional. But Clannad, the main part people talk about being emotional was ruined for me because I didn't realise what happened until the next episode.

Weirdly, I also think KHIII's ending would have also been better if I had it spoiled because the only thing on my mind was


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
20,000 feet under the sea
Switch FC
Don't get too excited yet. The franchise went downhill after London, after all :p
Tbh I only ever find the games interesting when they’re Winter Olympics
I’m surprised they can even still do these game without Wii gimmicks and motion control. Every time you think the series is over, they come back when you least expect it. I know a lot of people didn’t think it would come back on the Wii U.


Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
I'll try to make this post as quick as I can so as not to derail the thread (though you lot do a fine enough job of that on your own). I'm back on page 1319 which was all the way back on February 19th. As anyone who's read my previous posts would know, I frequent this place by slowly but surely reading through most posts on my breaks at work. This means I get to see a lot of topic changes and get to see how they change and such. One such topic I see brought up a lot is...I believe the correct term would be gender politics or just LGBT stuff in general.

As a lurker, I don't bother to barge in with my opinions on posts I read from way back since they're 2 months old and surely way off topic but I think about what I read nonetheless. With the topic I just mentioned, I happen to have a controversial view on a portion of it, specifically the T in LGBT and I believe non-binary as well. From what I've seen of opinions here, my views would not only be controversial but outright since as wrong/incorrect and make me a worse person than I could be for having such views.

I bring this up as I would like to have my views challenged, to see if I can be convinced that my view on the matter is indeed wrong. However, I do not wish to flood this thread with more of this sort of discussion as many find it uncomfortable and leave and often times the mods have to come in and force the topic to be changed. In a PM though, only those who are interested would be in anyways so no derailment would occur. I'm willing to invite anyone who wishes to take part in the discussion into the PM. Anyone interested can just @ me or quote me or even PM me and if there's someone else who anyone thinks might be interested, I encourage them to inform me so I may invite them as well.

I've got a night shift tonight and have to sleep soon for it and I'm not going to bother having what could easily become a long winded discussion on mobile but I am free Friday, Saturday and Sunday so if anyone is interested then I shall start the discussion whenever I have energy on Friday. If no one is interested then we can all go back to our happy, merry ways. I won't be replying further on this matter here as I wish you all to enjoy whatever topic you're currently having without getting derailed into an uncomfortable topic. Anyone who is interested that @s me or quotes me, I shall like your post as soon as I see it to let you know I have read it and will invite you to the PM.

As one last side note, I believe there may be a thread for such discussion. The Debate Hall or something along those lines? I don't exactly check every subforum of this site to see what all there is but I'd prefer PMs anyways as they ensure only a single topic is discussed rather than potentially numerous at the same time. I'd also prefer Smashboards PMs over something like Discord as I can read site PMs at my leisure and simply reload the page when I wish to see more replies whereas with Discord and such, I'd potentially see a constant stream of messages appear as I try to read and type my own responses.

Anyways, that's all~ back to lurking for me.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
intern-kun: "mr sakurai sir, how do we hide the identity of the mementos stage?"
sakurai: "eh just change a few letters around or spell it like a five year old would lmao"

Sakurai keeping secrets real goodly

if anyone actually predicted that peter was gonna die in infinity war then they're a god because everyone thought he was safe going into this movie lol
Those who predicted the GOAT Spider-Man dying are evil
Not before the movie, but after Bucky gets killed the audience can tell what’s gonna happen to Peter. Iirc. Part of the impact of the scene is the audience knowing what’s going through their head as Peter is about to die
nobody before and during the snap (and especially not before Peter was next)
based intern-kun

i mean, after strange and all the guardians (minus rocket) are dusted and peter says "i don't feel so good" that's when the audience is supposed to be like "**** **** **** not him too" yeah

but definitely not right after bucky gets dusted, peter was the last one dusted while bucky was the first lol
And then Maria, Nick, and the Pym Family

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Tbh I only ever find the games interesting when they’re Winter Olympics
I’m surprised they can even still do these game without Wii gimmicks and motion control. Every time you think the series is over, they come back when you least expect it. I know a lot of people didn’t think it would come back on the Wii U.
Joy-Cons are capable of motion controls though.

View attachment 207097
are you saying The Rio game was bad?
Dude. That one was the worst lmao

Even Beijing was better, and that one is super barebones compared to London.
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Deleted member

Shock value is partly why the paradox exists. People think they like it but humans are psychologically conditioned to want to explain and predict things.

It's also completely ruined some deaths for me, because by the time I come to the realisation of what's happened, any chance for emotional investment is gone.

Conversely, when I've known about someone's death, it's made all the events leading up to it sadder and when the death actually occurs, I've gone from crying to crying even more.

Also, I don't really follow the MCU so you spoiled stuff for me there. I know memes but I never actuall learnt who dies. At least if I go watch the movie now I'll be more likely to enjoy it. :p
i feel like this might just be a difference in our experiences/opinion then

all the times that i've had a character death spoiled for me it just kinda made everything feel... flat

like nothing these characters do really matter when you know they're gonna die, and idk about how i'm psychologically conditioned or w/e but i sure as hell enjoy the shock value of things more, it makes the scene more memorable imo

also bro the movie came out like a year ago

pretty sure spoiler taboos expire when the movie's out of theaters, sometimes earlier for ultra popular movies

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
The only really good Mario & Sonic game, imo was the original Vancouver Winter Games

All the other ones were either kinda bland or a little bare bones

Smash is still the ideal game when it comes to Mario Vs Sonic
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Deleted member

That sounds like your own problem, you should be able to tamper your own expectations.
'Temper' my friend; like tempering steel.

So, we need something to pass the time now. Hopefully I can suggest a game that hasn't been done to death already. Like name your top 5 wants or whatever. Instead of doing a game about adding characters, how about one about re-doing the movesets of ones we already have?

Choose a character from each 1st party franchise already represented in Smash Bros. Remake their Moveset.
Ex. Mario: Character- Mario
Neutral B- Cappy Throw (can be held to keep it spinning in place a short while and keeping the hitbox active)
Down B- Tanuki Statue (Turns into the invulnerable Tanuki Statue a limited time; letting Projectiles pass through)
Up B- Feather Cape (Flies upward or in whatever direction held for a short distance when used)
Side B- Hammer (Mario quickly slams a large hammer down on the space in front of him dealing damage and causing the opponent to become buried)

**That was a quick example and may not be the best, but you get the idea now lol**


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
i feel like this might just be a difference in our experiences/opinion then

all the times that i've had a character death spoiled for me it just kinda made everything feel... flat

like nothing these characters do really matter when you know they're gonna die, and idk about how i'm psychologically conditioned or w/e but i sure as hell enjoy the shock value of things more, it makes the scene more memorable imo

also bro the movie came out like a year ago

pretty sure spoiler taboos expire when the movie's out of theaters, sometimes earlier for ultra popular movies
People here will regularly hide spoilers for games over a year old so I would have expected the same for movies.

Not that I really care tbh

So paradoxical, I try to avoid them even though they generally don't actually ruin things for me.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
The only really good Mario & Sonic game, imo was the original Vancouver Winter Games

All the other ones were either kinda bland or a little bare bones

Smash is still the ideal game when it comes to Mario Vs Sonic
London was pretty good too, imo, but yeah, Vancouver was without a doubt the best one.

Beijing was barebones as **** (though it still had some really good Dream Events), but it was the very first one, so it's not as much of a sin as Sochi and Rio.
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Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
20,000 feet under the sea
Switch FC
Hopefully they realize their error and fix that up in this one.
I really doubt it since they’re kinda-sorta doing a PS4 version and they probably don’t wanna add toooo much dev time.

I'm in this post and I don't like it.

Nice Chihiro icon btw though
thank u!!

Mario and Sonic had an online mode? Thats new to me
In Sochi they had one that only had like 5 games, none of which being dream iirc

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
London was pretty good too, imo, but yeah, Vancouver was without a doubt the best one.

Beijing was barebones as **** (though it still had some really good Dream Events), but it was the very first one, so it's not as much of a sin as Sochi and Rio.
I wouldnt go as far as call the rio game a sin tho..
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