Welcome back to Channel 11 News I am your brand new host ShotoStar and today we have some interesting news reports, Let's get into it Right Now!
We are saddened to report that a Mysterious Group have killed off every Best Buy chain and Some People have speculated that this is because of them leaking Joker from Persona 5's Model for Smash Ultimate and them leaking three new games for the Switch those being Persona 5, Metroid Prime Trilogy and LoZ; A Link to the Past!
It's crazy I know but let's get Reggie's opinion on this:
ShotoStar: So Reggie what is your take on this?
Reggie: *Laughs* I'm retiring so I have no Opinion on this Shoto, It's definitely strange and if this is true it would be a whole lot of trouble for Nintendo but you'll need to ask Mr. Bowser about this.
So that's all we have for Channel 11 tonight, We'll see you very soon with Mr. Doug Bowser's take on this. See you soon!