You wake up one morning, blissfully unaware of the state of the land you call home.
As you put on your clothes, you start to feel a cold sweat down your back.
Out of nowhere, you hear heavy breathing... growing closer and closer...
Frantically looking for a hiding spot, you end up tripping over your own foot! Oh, how foolish, for it is upon you.
There, standing over your fallen self, stares The Reggie, a cryptid known only to those who have seen him. That is to say, nobody still living.
“Is, your, body... Reggie?”
Words stream from The Reggie’s lack of mouth as you start to tremble on the ground in fear.
But, just as he is about to unhinge his lack of jaw to consume your entire being, the door swings open!
“Pyra making a sad face!” says the mighty
@faygoshill, savior of the damned and shill of the Faygo.
“No, how could this be?!” whispered the Reggie.
“Mythra calling Rex a pervert!!!” shouted the shill.
“CURSES!! How did you manage to find me?!”
“Zeke asking for more praise in a suggestive way!!!!!!!”
Silence befalls the room. Suddenly, your vision is black. What is happening? Are you dying?
When your vision comes back, you are in a field. Standing next to you is The Mighty Shill.
The Reggie has killed both of you and returned you both to the lobby. The Faygoshill quits the server in a fit of rage.