I mean, you stand out in a way. If you didn't, we probably would have just ignored your issue with being a part of this thread. I know you said that one of your biggest issues is that you cause drama, which causes us to not like you. First off, everyone here creates drama, but here's the thing: this thread has a knack for chasing people off it if they keep starting the fire over and over. We haven't done so for you because you're a genuine part of this thread, you feel remose if you do start drama, and we tell you not to dwell on it. The remorse alone makes you likeable as we can tell you don't do this on purpose. On the subject on people not liking you; that's life. Not everyone will. But forget about them, just thinking about them would make you feel worse and worse. They won't do anything but try to drag you down, and if you truly feel that nobody, as in NOBODY likes you, then they have won. If people try to drag you in the dust, keep a smile on thier face, and let them know that they can't break you because you know that you're stronger than them. Don't comsume into the negativity.