What is/are your biggest gaming faux pas(es?)?
One of mine.......I've never played Majora's Mask, yet I claim to be a huge Zelda fan.
XD I think I got plenty of those cases...
When I was little, I wanted to play Majora's Mask for some reason and never could due to the ROM being broken.
Years later, my older sibling was the one that suggested me to get Twilight Princess and I really did not want it...but they gave me no choice. And I ultimately played it and loved it, basically being the only Zelda game I have played and probably ever finished.
I got the ROMs of Majoras and Ocarina and dropped them out of frustration. (And yet I call myself a Zelda fan when the only one I like is TP)
My little cousin was the one that had played most of the 2D Metroid titles (SM,ZM,Fusion, etc) while I just watched him. I only have played and finished Prime 3 and the other previous titles like the first, I could not get that far, dropping it yet again out of frustration and did not get to Prime 2. I tried AM2R and got angry as **** with it. (And yet I kinda call myself a Metroid fan when overall my focus is not the protagonist and is just the charming villain that Ridley is)
I played Mario Bros 3 in my childhood and one of the oldest Sonic games with my older siblings and I died over and over. The 3D titles like Mario Galaxy made me feel dizzy and Sonic, the last thing I remember actually playing was ****ty flash games on Newgrounds when it was relevant eons ago.
(Just like the previous cases, I just focus on certain characters, them being Silver and Blaze and Rosalina)
Pokemon...I grew up with the original anime, not the games.
Rayman, I began with Rayman 2 on an emulator when I was little and I did not wanted to play it, and my older sibling again gave me no choice but I ended up liking it. I played Rayman 3...3 years late. Origins' reveal was the biggest disappointment and since they gave that **** for free, I played it and it was the most dragging and stressful experience I have ever had with a game, where I put myself through all of it until the end for some reason, but unlike the other two games, I never want to replay it ever again. I hate it. Both gameplay and non existant story.
I played Rayman 1 on my smartphone. Not a good idea.
Me liking AC came by sheer accident...after finding a pic of Rayman dressed as this "Ezio" guy. One of my classmates was a hardcore fan so he showed more about the games to me and I did some independent research. I got bored watching most of the stories on YT, I watched AC1, AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations and even AC3 and the DLC...I still wonder how. I skipped Black Flag and Unity. AC Rogue's CGI trailer was the only one that got me intrigued and left me wanting to know what happened to the protagonist. After I skipped Unity's story, I went straight to Rogue's and it got me to the point it was my first AC game and again, the only one I cared to finish. Shay is precious.
I got AC IV and III as free crap and I could not stand playing either games. Specially not the beginning of III. I am casually playing Syndicate on my sibling's XBOX and is...meh
I have only played the first Prince of Persia from Ubi (the one on the Nokia cellphone does not count).
xD You might get shocked...