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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
They don't need to play NES/SNES games. Nobody actually needs to play any games.

I missed out on those consoles but I took the path of saving for/waiting for ports. There's still some games I'd like to get but that's the same thing for modern games. Pirating because it's the easy way to get something just comes across as greedy to me.
Riiiiight, greed.

Well, let me bring up a hypothetical scenario.
Do you think it's plagiarism to copy and distribute books from people long dead?
Should whatever that is in those books be left to rot because it was done without the original creator's will in an official format?
Should people not be able to experience the contents of said book even if no one that rightfully owns it could feasibly profit from it?

Because if so, damn I guess we don't really need whatever's in those books anyways.


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Technically anything can be pirated/emulated but some are significantly harder than others. It depends on how modern it is and what the original hardware was. (Saturn games are notoriously difficult to emulate due to the funky dual-CPU hardware.)

Personally, I'm anti-pirating/emulating. I'm a small business owner and I'm friends with multiple local game store owners. I don't want to start a debate that will take over the thread, but pirating isn't a crime with no victims. I buy my ****, and when I can't afford what I want, I save up or I decide not to buy it. The idea that "I want to play this game, therefore I should be able to play it even though I can't pay for it" isn't something I can be convinced to agree with.
Out of curiosity, what’s your stance on the piracy of the games on the Wii Shop Channel that are about to disappear forever?

Deleted member

I honestly do not know why people defend pirating.
Pirating / Emulating is literally stealing.

I understand you can not afford the game, but come on it is the exact same thing as stealing games from a gaming store.
It is disrespectful to the creators that worked hard on the game as well.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
And like I said, I don't agree. Yes, Resident Evil 4 is more action heavy, but I never felt like it lost the horror aspect. I felt like the environments played a big role in this. To me, being stuck in the middle of the woods when's it dark and foggy while being chased by hordes of crazy cult people that also shoot weird eye tentacle...things out of their heads when you shoot them can be scary if done right, and I feel like RE4 handled it right. Not to mention all the mutated giants, Mendez, and the ****ing Regenradors certainly scared the crap out of me, and still kinda freak me out.

I can see where you're coming from, but I still think Resident Evil 4 is scary. I think what seperates 4 from 5 and 6 is that the latter two just felt like they stopped trying to be horror games all together and tried to be something like "House of The Dead: Military Edition". There are many moments in Resident Evil 4, to me, that I still felt like it putting in the effort to scare the crap out of you.

But hey, at least we can agree Resident Evil's finally getting back on track, right?
We're arguing different things. I don't disagree with you-- I haven't once said RE4 failed to scare-- but I'm saying it's not a survival horror game. It's a horror aesthetic draped over an action game that then led the industry down the wrong track-- Capcom included-- in producing survival horror.

You can scare in a lot of ways. But the core component of survival horror that keeps people like me coming back to it isn't being scared-- that really only works on the first playthrough before you know everything that's coming. It's the gameplay. It's having a simultaneously claustrophobic and open-ended map that requires exploration, double-backing and heavy risk-reward for every collectible, weapon, healing item or ammo. It's finding an important item then having to plan a route (or even remember where the hell you need to go next) to get to your goal. Or even figuring out what the next goal is. It requires and rewards thinking and planning your actions, and every wasted shot or taken damage is exponentially more significant than your typical game.

RE4/5/6 are not that. They are games in which you start at point A, end at point B, kill a bunch of **** in between then move on to a new point A. RE4 had some doubling back, but it was mostly a superficial way to extend playtime rather than an intentional game design requiring the player to strategize and explore. It's always extremely clear where you need to go and the only thing stopping you from going there is a shooting gallery of villagers and monsters all conveniently carrying ammo. RE4 has more in common with Mario games in primary function than RE1-3, which more closely resembles Metroid. This is why I personally like RE5 more than RE4. It stopped pretending to be something it's not and became a better action game because of it.

But! All that aside, RE2make is ****ing fantastic, absolutely. It's funny to me how it clearly demonstrates how the RE4/RE5 style of gameplay should have been implemented all along to create a survival horror experience. I could write essays about every good decision this game makes. I want more.

Deleted member

We're arguing different things. I don't disagree with you-- I haven't once said RE4 failed to scare-- but I'm saying it's not a survival horror game. It's a horror aesthetic draped over an action game that then led the industry down the wrong track-- Capcom included-- in producing survival horror.

You can scare in a lot of ways. But the core component of survival horror that keeps people like me coming back to it isn't being scared-- that really only works on the first playthrough before you know everything that's coming. It's the gameplay. It's having a simultaneously claustrophobic and open-ended map that requires exploration, double-backing and heavy risk-reward for every collectible, weapon, healing item or ammo. It's finding an important item then having to plan a route (or even remember where the hell you need to go next) to get to your goal. Or even figuring out what the next goal is. It requires and rewards thinking and planning your actions, and every wasted shot or taken damage is exponentially more significant than your typical game.

RE4/5/6 are not that. They are games in which you start at point A, end at point B, kill a bunch of **** in between then move on to a new point A. RE4 had some doubling back, but it was mostly a superficial way to extend playtime rather than an intentional game design requiring the player to strategize and explore. It's always extremely clear where you need to go and the only thing stopping you from going there is a shooting gallery of villagers and monsters all conveniently carrying ammo. RE4 has more in common with Mario games in primary function than RE1-3, which more closely resembles Metroid. This is why I personally like RE5 more than RE4. It stopped pretending to be something it's not and became a better action game because of it.

But! All that aside, RE2make is ****ing fantastic, absolutely. It's funny to me how it clearly demonstrates how the RE4/RE5 style of gameplay should have been implemented all along to create a survival horror experience. I could write essays about every good decision this game makes. I want more.
Well, I guess we agree to disagree on RE4 then.

I'm wondering how Capcom will handle the series going forward. Will it be more like RE7 or RE:RE2?


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
I honestly do not know why people defend pirating.
Pirating / Emulating is literally stealing.

I understand you can not afford the game, but come on it is the exact same thing as stealing games from a gaming store.
It is disrespectful to the creators that worked hard on the game as well.
If you are referring to modern games that are obtainable on current or recent hardware, then yes, it is wrong to take such a thing for free.

But let's say you don't. Let's say that you really wanna play Banjo Kazooie and it's not available on any console that has been released in the past 15 years. You can do two things, either emulate it, or buy it online from someone who is selling it. Either way, Nintendo or Rare get no money from it. How is emulating stealing in this regard?
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
This... feels like cannibalism.
Well octopuses are known to be cannibals. I wouldn't be surprised if that extended to other cephalopods.
Riiiiight, greed.

Well, let me bring up a hypothetical scenario.
Do you think it's plagiarism to copy and distribute books from people long dead?
Should whatever that is in those books be left to rot because it was done without the original creator's will in an official format?
Should people not be able to experience the contents of said book even if no one that rightfully owns it could feasibly profit from it?

Because if so, damn I guess we don't really need whatever's in those books anyways.
Assuming long dead, isn't that what public domain is for? If there's someone to give money to for their work, I'll do it. Once games start entering that domain, I guess that would be ok.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Ultimate's single player is better than any other single player in Smash.

Someone defend me here.
Nah, I think Subspace is leagues better than World of Light, Brawl had Target Test, Home Run Contest, Classic, Boss Battles, Allstar mode that wasn't exhausting to play (Not Ultimate's fault really, they did the right thing relegating it to a Stadium mode.), Coin Launcher was the stupidest minigame I ever sunk too much time into, and Brawl also had Trophies AND Sticker to collect across these modes while Ultimate just has the sticker like Spirits.

Ultimate is a close second but Brawl really hit strides that launched it into an awesome single player game. Smash For lost it's way and Ultimate is a good look at what could've been if Single player hadn't been pulled back during For.

This could change if we're getting DLC modes but as of now Brawl is still my favorite for single player content. Ultimate's is super super fun though I'll give you that.

Deleted member

If you are referring to modern games that are obtainable on current or recent hardware, then yes, it is wrong to take such a thing for free.

But let's say you don't. Let's say that you really wanna play Banjo Kazooie and it's not available on any console that has been released in the past 15 years. You can do two things, either emulate it, or buy it online from someone who is selling it. Either way, Nintendo or Rare get no money from it. How is emulating stealing in this regard?
Still, it just feels wrong to illegally download it.

Deleted member

Hello everybody. I noticed a social thread like the ones for the boards of previous games has been created. It's unfortunate that I've been mostly inactive since 2016 and have taken a step back during the pre-release hype of this game, but at least I'm still around. This year makes it five years since I joined, so perhaps there could be some chance in upping my activity a little bit at least for this occasion. Legend has it I may be the reincarnation of a guy who had a green-clad original character (don't steal) as an avatar who often posted about his boredom or what was up...

I made something for the thread, but I'd like to give it to Cyndane first.

Since you're discussing piracy, this is what I think about it. It may impact developers/publishers economically, but I think there are some things that benefit from it. There's word of mouth, dumping your own copies of games, trying out games before you give the publisher your money, or if the software is no longer available in services like the DSi Shop and Wii Shop Channel (by the end of the month). There's also emulation which I sometimes do, since I don't own the systems I tend to emulate on. These examples resonate with me well. Most of the games I own for my soft-modded 3DS and Wii are dumped. For Wii U and Switch I only go physical for the most part.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
If you are referring to modern games that are obtainable on current or recent hardware, then yes, it is wrong to take such a thing for free.

But let's say you don't. Let's say that you really wanna play Banjo Kazooie and it's not available on any console that has been released in the past 15 years. You can do two things, either emulate it, or buy it online from someone who is selling it. Either way, Nintendo or Rare get no money from it. How is emulating stealing in this regard?
There's still a big used game market where I live. In order to survive against the larger game retailers, smaller stores and chains rely on selling older hardware and older games with no modern console ports. Even if the developers aren't receiving money, there's other people that miss out should I decide to emulate.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I honestly do not know why people defend pirating.
Pirating / Emulating is literally stealing.

I understand you can not afford the game, but come on it is the exact same thing as stealing games from a gaming store.
It is disrespectful to the creators that worked hard on the game as well.
Absolutely, if it's a particularly modern game where people can actually profit from.

But tell me, which game store and which game developer is getting profit from me say...
trying to play Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance "legitimately"
For that I'd be buying a gamecube that still functions, a gamecube controller that still functions, wires for said gamecube, a television that still recognizes the gamecube and most expensive of all a copy of Path of Radiance.

Let me tell you, it won't be Nintendo nor your local game-store chain that's going to be getting your hundreds of dollars. But hey, if that still bothers you, let's go more extreme.

For a more extreme example of "unavailability" let's say... Mother 3 or Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.
You'd do all that as before, with the added costs of imports, on top of having to learn Japanese.
Don't know about you, but I really particularly agree with the notion that all English speaking Mother 3 and Binding Blade fans are some sort of criminals.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Well, I agree, buuuuuut
I don't think any store stocks copies of fan-translated titles of games or titles that are sufficiently "old."
Out of curiosity, what’s your stance on the piracy of the games on the Wii Shop Channel that are about to disappear forever?
Those are different, of course.

In the cases of companies willfully not providing you their product-- whether it's not translating the game to your language, not releasing it in your country or taking it off their digital storefront entirely to keep you from even being able to get it-- then in a way they forfeit their chance to selling it to you. In a situation where you can't get the game any other way (and it's not just that you can't pay for it), then piracy is your only option.

This is, of course, my opinion. But I don't pirate. The only time I did was when I homebrewed my Wii. My original Wii's fan died and I had to replace the console, only to find that Nintendo wouldn't allow me to redownload any of my VC games I'd already purchased. I felt I was justified in getting all those back. (But then I also downloaded a few more because I was mad with power.)

Deleted member

Before I go to bed, I am going to say why Spirits are so much better than Trophies.

I know Spirits do not have the description things, which stink for some.

It is just a lot of fun to go through a thousand different battles based on the character or thing. So much variety, I love it.

Also Spirits are so fun to collect. I am trying to get all of the spirits. ( I currently have 30 spirits left to go. I have all of the event ones. )
I view Legendary Spirits as trophies and I never let go of them ( Unless they are duplicate like two Mythras ).

They pulled Spirits really well. You have to constantly think of a strategy when you see an opposing spirit.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
But let's say you don't. Let's say that you really wanna play Banjo Kazooie and it's not available on any console that has been released in the past 15 years. You can do two things, either emulate it, or buy it online from someone who is selling it. Either way, Nintendo or Rare get no money from it. How is emulating stealing in this regard?
As PLATINUM7 PLATINUM7 said, just because the original publisher isn't making money on your used purchase doesn't mean no one is. You don't steal clothes from a used clothing store, or PC parts from a used computer store, or a 2008 Honda Civic off the used car lot. Piracy negatively affects the used game industry, and I choose not to do that.

That said, games publishers need to adapt better to the changing environment the way the music industry has. Things like Humble Bundle and Xbox Games Pass are forward thinking, and I'd like to see more games publishers take similar routes. Less standalone purchases, more availability of older games on current hardware without charging full price all over again.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Yeah spirits are cool. The fact they're pngs is probably why we got so many, got a lot of handheld game and obscure characters in there and allowed for representation of nearly all of Nintendo's console history rather than a snapshot of recent games.

But they don't have descriptions :/
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Yeah spirits are cool. The fact they're pngs is probably why we got so many, got a lot of handheld game and obscure characters in there and allowed for representation of nearly all of Nintendo's console history rather than a snapshot of recent games.

But they don't have descriptions :/
Gotta demand that lore dump DLC.

Deleted member

I honestly do not know why people defend pirating.
Pirating / Emulating is literally stealing.

I understand you can not afford the game, but come on it is the exact same thing as stealing games from a gaming store.
It is disrespectful to the creators that worked hard on the game as well.
I mean, I would kinda agree with you, say if it's stuff like with what happened with Kingdom Hearts 3 and Smash Ultimate getting leaked and pirated early.

It's a case-by-case basis, really. Cause at the same time, y'know, Mother 3.
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