Considering I'm a teacher, yet I'm frequently on the internet and game sites regularly, political conversation seems to pop up quite a bit. It's a sign of the time for sure. I find myself moderate on certain issues, and when it comes to social issues I'm rather progressive. Growing up with a gay brother, and having plenty of issues regarding my medical history, I find that I'm quite compassionate and sympathetic toward the unfortunate stories of others.
What I see on social media, and other places though is a cesspool of people who are unaccepting of others, and it goes both ways. I have family members who certainly have shown themselves to be rude and/or disgusting at some point or another, but they grew up differently. They don't know the same things I know, nor do they have the education I have. I'm the only member of my family to hold a Masters degree, so I have a pretty decent understanding of the inequalities in society. I live it everyday when I work at school and teach students in a high population of people of color, which also happens to have a nearly 100% poverty level. I'm one of the only white, male teachers. I have let them know that I am aware of my privilege a couple of times. They see that from me. I care, and I want to know their stories. Above all else, I listen.
Back to social media...nobody is actually listening to what the other side of the argument is saying. The tweets people make go out there, are eaten up by like-minded people, and then they gang up on people of other opinions, some of which aren't even that bad. For example, the more recent thing I have seen is with Three Houses, and how a twitter account instantly assumed Claude was trans because "he" was never used. A few users asked the account why they believed that, and were met with, "If you even have to ask that, you're transphobic. It's not my job to teach you." No offense intended, but I find it ironic that the idea of "assuming someones gender" is not applicable here. According to that logic, feminine traits on a male must allude to them being trans, and not just a man with feminine traits. Y I K E S from me dawg. Y I K E S.
See, here's the thing. I still don't know everything there is to know when it comes to LGBTQ folks. I support them, and feel that discrimination against them is tragic, and at this point annoying. Things will change, but there still has to be a discussion. If you have a conversation with somebody who has never met a transgender person, and has only heard that it's "weird", then that's exactly what they're going to think. Now, imagine they encounter people who "support" LGBTQ rights, yet instantly berate someone who asks a question and mislabels them as "homophobic, transphobic, etc..." What is that going to enforce or make them think? Is shaming them going to convince them to change? How about telling them their lived experiences are invalid because they aren't the same as yours?
By no means am I defending bigotry in its largest forms. Think about when you've been yelled at before. Think about how it made you feel. Probably not very good. Now, think about how some people do that, and expect others to actively listen and change their thoughts and actions.
I realize this is a Smash website, and some people don't want to talk about it. That's neither here nor there. I usually come here for Smash talk, but some times politics comes up. All I will say is, is that a little understanding and patience, and a willingness to teach others or bring them under your umbrella or love and understanding, can go a long way.
Splitting ourselves into groups based on gender, race, religion, economic class, or ideology will not do that. Treat people with respect until they give you a reason not to treat them with respect on an individual level.