We can talk politics as long as we behave.
Ignore the fact that I called you wusses.
In fact I'll try to create a nuanced argument right here and now.
Border control is good. We should have borders and they should be patrolled. People should need to go through the official channels to move to another country. It helps keep everyone safe. Illegal immigration is a problem for a large number of reasons.
However, our current border patrol is kind of a mess and for the most part, I don't blame the border patrol guys. They're horribly understaffed and underfunded for what they have to do. Moreover, the whole system is a mess. Just look at a space where families are trying to enter the country legally. ****'s dangerous cause there's too many people cramped up in a small room. Innocent people trying to enter the country are hurt. The space should be significantly bigger and better staffed with at least some comforts to ease the long wait. More agents too. Just... make it better in general. The current state is just sad. And yes, this should be applied to the Canadian border too.
That said... the wall is stupid... It won't work and the only benefit is that it'll make potential jobs. If people aren't gonna let an ocean stop them, they won't let a simple wall stop them. It's more of a middle finger to the idea of immigration then anything actually intended to solve the problem or make the situation better. It's a political ploy. Not something Trump thinks is an actual solution. It's why he hasn't actually started it yet.
I do think that mass deportation at this point is worthless. Sure, deporting a convicted criminal (ya know, like a murderer) is probably the best idea, but at this point, this late into the game, its impossible to actually deport every illegal immigrant. It's barely enforced now as it is. Moreover, even if you somehow do manage to kick out all illegal immigrants, you've shattered millions of families and wrecked the economy. It's not worth it.
I do dislike sanctuary cities on principle though. The idea of a city essentially denying state and federal law is a big no no to me. Regardless of the intent. Sets a dangerous precedent. I'd rather the law be changed instead of a city just saying "nah."
At this point, I'd redo border control entirely and improve the system. Make it more efficient both in letting people in legally and preventing illegal entry. Then, give every illegal immigrant a chance to become a legal one at like a DMV or something. They're here and contributing, might as well make them official at this point. It isn't a perfect idea by any means, but its something.