I mean I'd say Phantom Blood is outright bad and I would argue Stardust Crusaders is a bit bad so don't play that card
I was half-joking because at least Jojo doesn't shoot down its own messages.
That’s honestly a piping hot take.
Capitalism encourages competition for a number of different industries, which is what drives the main pillars of our economy today. We have major advancements in technology and various other areas because of the fact that competition has fueled that.
UNCHECKED capitalism is where it goes South, which is where I believe we are. Unchecked socialism is just as bad though.
There’s also the fact that there are various racial, gender, and socioeconomic issues caused because of capitalism, but going purely socialist doesn’t solve that.
Equality should come in the form of everyone having a fair shake, and having the equal opportunity to succeed and achieve their dreams. Right now we don’t have that, and pure, unchecked capitalism won’t allow for it. Some movements toward socialism might, but a system of pure socialism isn’t the answer either, in my humble opinion.
I’m saying this as a progressively minded individual, mind you.
See what I mean? The only good thing you mention of capitalism is the competitiveness it causes and thus advancements in technology when that's not a necessarily good thing nor is it inherent to capitalism.
How do you think humanity advanced so far before capitalism? The majority of human history is without its presence, in fact, so it's clear we don't need it to continue living.
Humans don't need a system that puts everyone against each other, advancements come from necessity, if we need it, we'll make it, there's no need for a system to force us to advance when said competitiveness gives us products that aren't accessible anyways or ones that aren't as good as they could be if money wasn't the sole motivator for it.
Ethical capitalism is a myth and it cannot exist in a system that allows singular people to hold more wealth than the rest of the world population. It doesn't matter how hard you try because the wealth the system promises you is only attainable through exploitation of others.
And even assuming everyone had the exact same starting conditions and all that mattered was their own "merit", it won't work for future generations. The children that would be born would only have as much opportunities as their parents allow. Is it fair for a child to starve because of the circumstances they were born into?
How can you justify a system than only sustains itself through the exploitation of others? How can you justify a system that bases your worth on how much money you can produce? How can you justify a system that will refuse to give basic human necessities(food, water, clothes, houses) despite them being plenty available? How can you justify a system that will let you die just because it deemed you to be "unproductive"?