Hi what the actual **** does this mean? You're raising your hopes because they didn't show off Erdrick yet? In the same Direct where they said "Hey Joker's done **** you we won't show gameplay"? This is like when Corocoro accidentally said 108 and people went "OMG YES THIS CLEARLY MEANA BOC THEORY IS FAKE"
It means that I still have hope that my most wanted may be one of the remaining three. I was under the impression that there were 5 DLC characters: Joker, 'Brave' (who's likely Erdrick), and three as-yet-unknowns. And every fake leak so far that fills in those unknowns is trying to latch onto Erdrick being revealed ASAP, so the later it takes him, the faker they all look.
I really don't know who Erdrick is. I don't own a PS, and I don't really play JRPGs, so Erdrick is a literal who in my mind. Just all the talk about "Brave = Erdrick" makes a lot of sense...and doesn't excite me in the slightest. There are still three slots, so my most wanted still has a chance of those. Not a big one at all. But a chance. And maybe I'll be surprised with someone like the Pokémon Trainer in Brawl - a character I didn't know I wanted until I saw them.
And considering that Joker got a teaser in December, it would have made sense if they had some minor amount of gameplay (as PP did in November for a Feb release)...and a teaser for the second character. They didn't. Mewtwo got teased months before release. As did Joker. It's not completely unexpected - lots of people were expecting a 'Brave' tease.
Or we can just assume that I'm a total idiot and blind fanboy of some character I don't even know so we can all go "LOOOOL LOOK AT THE LOOOOOOZER WHO DIDN'T GET WHAT HE WAAAANTS!!!! LOOOOOL" That works too.