I must be a glutton for punishment, because Mega Man 11 is unforgiving af.
I mean hey, i'm taking care of some backlog games, and getting caught up with my "played at least one game in each series" challenge. I've played Mega Man 2 but never beat it. I got to Wily's Castle but it just got away from me and I never finished it. I'll just play this one and finish it!
I have to say though, now that I've played two games of Castlevania, I kinda want to play another. I DO have the NES Classic, so I could jam out some Castlevania on there.
Then again, I'm cutting it close to Resident Evil 2. I never played that, which is why this remake is of interest to me. I've heard it's only a few hours long if you blast through. Hopefully it's good though, the demo seemed to be.
Is anybody interested in Anthem? EA bothers me, but the game itself looks cool. I just don't want to get burned again like I did with Destiny, and I like Bungie. Thoughts?