Just got back from vacation yesterday. I still plan on coming for SMYM and the couch is already mine. Also, I need you guys to train me when I get there because I haven't touched a video game in 3 weeks and ever since my exams last May have only been playing sporadically anyway so I'm really really rusty. My tech skill is pretty much gone and I'm relying pretty much all on my brain now, and I think we all know how well that works with me. Alex, come up with a training program.
Matt yeah I'm taking C in November but still have to put in a request with my company to get the manual. ASM is what you're using, I presume? And congrats with AON. You'll probably be making more than I am with it being consulting and all. Drinks are on you for SMYM weekend. When do you start? Did they still have that one blonde recruiting?