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UCLA VII: AVALANCHE - was too good, does no one do shout-outs anymore? WOW


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
i like the part where louryuu thinks he has an opinion/people care about what he has to say.
Agreed. I wanted to say this in a much meaner fashion, but couldn't pull it off, so I just said nothing.

Random Peach, Mike IS good at this game. And the thing is, when you get good at the game, you learn a lot about the game, so it just pisses you off that much more when some ignorant player keeps spouting off his ignorance. Please stop. It's not even a "OMG IF YOU'RE NOT GOOD I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR OPINION" thing, it's just a "If you're not knowledgable I don't want to hear your opinion" thing. In Melee, the latter often goes with the former.

Yes HK, he's the short Peach dude.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
It's true, I never beat anyone "good" in a tourney match. Simply because I don't know my match-ups as well as I should. But then again, I came into the smash scene at best of '07. A few months is nearly not enough and seeing as how my character is all about match-ups, it's not a surprise.

I haven't been playing half the time as you Haze and I still **** your ****. Yesterdays MM only proved me right.

@Hydro Kirby
Yeah, that's me.

I'm not as ignorant as you make me out to be. Seriously, I may not know the game as much as you but that doesn't mean I can't say what I want to say. Holy ****ing ****, your annoying.


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
It's true, I never beat anyone "good" in a tourney match. Simply because I don't know my match-ups as well as I should. But then again, I came into the smash scene at best of '07. A few months is nearly not enough and seeing as how my character is all about match-ups, it's not a surprise.

I haven't been playing half the time as you Haze and I still **** your ****. Yesterdays MM only proved me right.

@Hydro Kirby
Yeah, that's me. How did you know?

lets dissect this..

Simply because I don't know my match-ups as well as I should.
Then don't state you're good, a part of being good is knowing your matchups.

But then again, I came into the smash scene at best of '07
You were at UCLA 3.

I haven't been playing half the time as you Haze and I still **** your ****. Yesterdays MM only proved me right.
"******" a single person doesn't mean you're good, i think that's what you fail to realize.

Just because you can beat me doesn't mean you're better than me, i'm sure you've lost to multiple people that i've beat.

Kouryuu, i don't understand why you make stupid one sided arguments, i mean, it's fine that you're making those arguments but learn how to use supporting detail, in every one of your posts all i see is some random guy thinking he has an opinion posting about something he has no idea about. I rarely seriously dislike people in the community, but when some random dip comes in thinking he has a voice, i guess i get a little angry.

so please attempt to use some sort of logic rather than a "stfu i'm better" type of thing, it'll really help people at least think you're relatively smart...

But then again maybe ****ty arguments is what you're going for, maybe you want everybody to know you're ignorant.

Actually I agree with that. I don't think anybody can actually stupid enough to make posts like you, you're a master manipulator.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
All characters are about matchups. Dude, if you don't even know basic matchups, how can anyone take you seriously, especially when everything is "omg Melee is teh sux!" anyway? Just imagine: Some guy who's not good at this game who harshly bashes Melee and whatever compared to Brawl. Dude, you're not even good enough to know what you're missing, know what I mean?

I mean, I know why I'm annoying and ****, and I don't have a problem with it. Just letting you know why you're annoying.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
Then don't state you're good, a part of being good is knowing your matchups.
What I meant was, I don't know my match-ups as well as I should in order to beat "good" players.

You were at UCLA 3.
I took the game seriously after 07. That's when Futile (my rival, i guess) did exceptionally well and was recognized. I felt compelled to keep up and that is when I really started to appreciate the game. Sure, he beat you at UCLA 4 but then again, we didn't even know who you were back then so I didn't think he accomplished much. If you don't believe me go ahead and ask Futile.

"******" a single person doesn't mean you're good, i think that's what you fail to realize.

Just because you can beat me doesn't mean you're better than me, i'm sure you've lost to multiple people that i've beat.
I know that, I don't need you to tell me this. I was just messing with you but I guess you didn't realize it. I am well aware that there are many components that contribute to a victory in a match: character match-ups, match-up knowledge, luck etc. W/e that's not the point. Also, I'm sure you've beaten better players than me and players whom I have lost too. But when you look at it from a logical standpoint, I never had the opportunity to play as much players as you simply because I haven't entered nearly as much tourney's as you. And yet in these few months of taking Smash seriously, I am able to place fairly high in comparison to other "new" smashers in the scene. We even placed the same at UCLA V.

I hope that cleared some things up for you. Also, Haze do you earnestly believe that I'm am just a random who is not good at all? I'm curious to hear your answer and be honest.

Also P.
I don't bash on Melee. I love Melee. So don't act like you know what I like and don't like. It also depresses me knowing that Brawl is around the corner and that I never had a chance to grow as much as I would have liked to.

But w/e. That is my fault for taking the game seriously much later than I should have. I'm hoping Brawl goes competitive like Melee so I can at least show my potential in that game.


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
yes i think you're some random, and in all honesty? i think you're bad, but not because you're a bad player, i just think you're overly cocky for no reason (being cocky makes you look like you're better than you are, and when someone plays you according to your attitude, they think you're going to be good and are dissapointed.) you're nothing special, and you butt into arguments with ******** posts that have no logical sense in them.

Either way, i don't understand why anyone would brag about beating me/consider it an accomplishment. I'm seriously just another terrible fox player.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I think people should stop basing their standings off their placement in UCLA V.

To be honest, I barely placed in top half (3 wins 2 losses), but I can beat most people who placed higher than I did. Do I sound arrogant? Probably. But when a 150+ man tournament is run solely off a double elimination bracket, the placements are going to be skewed.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Looking at it from a "logical" stand point, you will never in your life beat Alex or take Larry to 5 games or get third place at a tournament behind some of So Cal's best.

The fact that you're even talking about your "place" at a tournament is irrelevant. Did you get t3? T5? No? Then your place doesn't matter. Did you beat one of SoCal's top 15 at said tournament you got T3/T5 at? No? Then stop referring to any "place" you got.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
Like I said, I was just joking about beating you and just wanted to rub it in for the fun of it. I figured you would realize that. And I act cocky for the fun of it.

I know my place and I never brag about being able to beat everyone. W/e not much more to say.

But if you think I'm some random, then w/e. I guess I am some random.
At least I know, that is not how it's going to be in Brawl. Speaking of which, I'm gonna go pick my copy up now. I'll check back later... much.

Edit: Kage makes a really good point.

Also P, I get it.
I am just a random with no potential. Your right and can't say much about that. I don't care anymore. Also, congrats on getting ranked in the NorCal rankings.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
Ok, so to get back on a decent topic, i got:

1: Hugs
2: Ka Master
3: Zhu
4: SilentSpectre
5: Mango
7: DSF
7: Falcomist
9: BoA
9: Lee Puff
9: St. Patrick
9: Gimpy
13: Edreese
13: Lucky
13: Tang
13: Rickety
17: Eggz
17: Mr. PBody
17: Emerican
17: Fabian
25: JTB
25: Romeo?
25: ROFL?
25. What is Fear
25. Aesis

We need to fill about 4 more spots for singles.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
How can you expect anyone to "realize" that about you when you are basically totally new to the community? No one's going to automatically give you credit on something like that, dude...


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
How can you expect anyone to "realize" that about you when you are basically totally new to the community? No one's going to automatically give you credit on something like that, dude...
That was directed at Haze since he is one of the few who knows me better than the rest in the community :/

That is why I didn't think he would take my posts that seriously. But I will post more discreetly from now on.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006

Lmao, don't take what I say online personally. As far as I'm concerned they're separate entities. So as far as I'm concerned you're the same guy I've briefly talked to IRL before this than you are now. Just saying.

+1 enemies

(LOL I PUT IN A ROLE PLAYING PUN IN MY POST... Isn't that what the 1337core nerd kids do?)


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006

Lmao, don't take what I say online personally. As far as I'm concerned they're separate entities. So as far as I'm concerned you're the same guy I've briefly talked to IRL before this than you are now. Just saying.

+1 enemies

(LOL I PUT IN A ROLE PLAYING PUN IN MY POST... Isn't that what the 1337core nerd kids do?)
Seriously. P is so much more fun to talk to IRL than on the boards. Same thing with me, I'm a different person IRL than how I write here. Don't make judgements on people based on what they type is what I'm trying to say.


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2006
San Diego (mission valley)
DUUUDE...i lost mine in the finals... heres how it went:

They AUTOpicked characters FOR us...and the made us play for 3 minutes...i got stuck with being a pikachu...and i won 4 matches in a row..and then im in finals with a dude who got to be captain olimar...and he took a life off me and got ahead...then i built him up to 160% and i got a smash ball and just as he was flying off of the screen ..TIME RAN OUT!!!! i almost riggin won my tourney...i could almost taste that golden wrestler trophy before it was taken....lol..all good..my first brawl tourney and i got 2nd..im ok with that


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007

Lmao, don't take what I say online personally. As far as I'm concerned they're separate entities. So as far as I'm concerned you're the same guy I've briefly talked to IRL before this than you are now. Just saying.

+1 enemies

(LOL I PUT IN A ROLE PLAYING PUN IN MY POST... Isn't that what the 1337core nerd kids do?)
LOL a lot of people say I'm very arrogant and cocky online as opposed to my humble demeanor IRL (well I can be kinda cocky IRL but I'm only like that around people I know). I guess I am too casual with my posts lol.


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
people........go watch anime

and lol@ peach guy *i cant spell your name right lol sorry* saying mike sucks haha good stuff

and when did the peach guy say he was good? i mean he seems to talk a lot of unnecessary ****,but everyone does that lol


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2006
San Diego (mission valley)


except the music *****
i agree...i like melee better...

but this music DOES indeed ****...it ***** already with just the theme song...but i love all of the tunes you can unlock....i already used my 3 hammers on the glass board thingy. it wont let me crack some of the hard ones either with the hammer.
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