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Two Steps From Hell Results Thread | UW, CAN


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005

1: Unknown522 -- $84.00
2: KirbyKaze -- $42.00
3: I.B -- $14.00
4: RaynEX
5: Leek
5: The?
7: sauc3
7: Sanuzi
9: SD
9: Flan
9: Omni
9: Sylar
13: jpobs
13: Wayne
13: SummonedFish
13: Keasta

-----Pools Cutoff-----
TheOneTrueGod (Jeremy)
*No Particular Order

Bracket Image:


1: RaynFord -- $66.00
2: David and I.B -- $33.00
3: Team BoJacK (Sanuzi and Summonedfish) -- $11.00
4: Peter and Omni
5: Brian and Flan
5: wayne and hao
7: jpobs and sauc3
7: SD and Hi
9: Xiom and F=MA
9: Leeking Jems
9: Eric and Keasta
9: Quenk and Adam
13: Combat Frogs (Victor and Ian)
13: Run and Boba

Bracket Image:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
that $11 should have been our Josh and Jack :p Next time!


1: Unknown522 - Good job! I got ***** in our pool set. Did you like my Corneria CP?

2: KirbyKaze - KK, your hilarious. We talked, but I have still yet to play you. **** me with Sheik.

3: I.B - Watching you play Marth makes it look like you are moonwalking with him. Seriously, your movement is amazing. **** me next time! I wanna play you.

4: RaynEX - Tough break. I heard you were have controller issues. **** happens, just bring it back next time. I didn't play you either ;_;

5: Leek - Leek!!! 5th place is great. Josh kinda called it earlier on. You deserved it, you played very well. Loved the johning friendlies, too good.

5: The? - Very nice. You finally beat Josh in tournament. I don't think he was too happy about that xD

7: sauc3 - Pwn Sauce to be correct. Chill guy. All your characters are quite good. The set was so cool. We gotta friendly more next time! My Peach wants revenge!

7: Sanuzi - Josh. You did good, don't be upset. I didn't play you except in doubles. Figures. Until we meet again.

9: SD - Nice job beating Jack. Your a beast. I wish I had time for more friendlies.

9: Flan - Phailure.

9: Omni - ****ing Omni! You the man. Steping up in that doubles set at the end, beating Jack, good ****! I still don't feel legit about that JJ win.

9: Sylar - We met again in brackets, seems to happen alot. One of these days, I will beat you.

13: jpobs - Fun friendlies. Your pretty good. Did I play any Peach against you?

13: Wayne - Tough luck landing Peach in 1st round losers. We need moar Peach players around for practice.

13: SummonedFish - Lol SummonedFish. Who put that in?! You choked in brackets but step it up in doubles. We need a 3rd set some time to determine who is truely the best :p (I doubt I will win)

13: Keasta - You make it into brackets! That alone was impressive. Keep coming out on Tuesdays, you are improving alot.

-----Pools Cutoff-----

Adam - You almost made it into Bracket, GJ.

Boba - Hilarious guy! You, me and Run have to do commentary sometime! "I hear Jack's Pichu is being compared to Mango's Puff" Best comment ever. Seriously, it was KirbyKaze approved.

Eric - See you on Tuesday. I don't think we talked at all.

F=MA - Did I play you? I know we talked though. Keep coming out!

Hao - Hao 2 ****! Nice job in doubles. You and Wayne are really good.

Hi - Oh Hi. Nice job in doubles as well.

Ian - Choke. I know you can do better than that! I just gotta train you better.

Quenk - You should made brackets. Too bad you were in the stacked pool. Sorry about the gay Peach playing, I was playing so wack at that time.

Run - RUN! First tournament! lol at the Rollout kill. See you on Tuesday, you will get better. Moar commentary!

TheOneTrueGod (Jeremy) - Texture hackz in Melee tv was awesome. Who's was that? Anyways, we didn't play enough. Next time drag Clarence here for teamz.

Victor - ummm.....hi. Less Zelda, More Sheik. Seriously, you needz some edumacating.

Worldjem7 - Odd how in pools I was able to beat you but in friendlies, you kept beating me. Pressure much? Sorry you didn't make the bracket, you are pretty good.

Xiom - Circus tricks take more tech skill that Melee. You should go pro with those stuff! Nice to meet cya, keep playing Melee!

Best tournament yet! We gotta host more there since its in a decent location and it is free! Everyone who missed it, you ****ed up.

Flan: "Hey Boba, you should stand next to David and Imadh. Maybe if your lucky enough, their sweat will cover you and you will become an amazing Melee player!"

Boba: "Better yet, maybe they should stand next to me and if my sweat drips on them, they will become amazing Volleyball players!"

<3 Boba.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
You're an idiot Brian, I want my shoutout :( retype them up.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Shoutouts: Actually, before I start, it was fun chilling with everyone, and see you all again!!
1: Unknown522: Undefeated in tourney. Didn't lose a game. Good work.

2: KirbyKaze: GGs in bracket. I'm sure you could've done better if you wanted to. I know you hate playing me and all, but you still got second.

3: I.B: GGs in friendlies. You were pissed off, so I didn't give attention to it, because I didn't know what to say, but yeah, spacies are mad gay!! It's good that you pulled through later. Good work placing 3rd. You got money!! :laugh:. You also did really well vs david. I enjoyed watching the set.

4: RaynEX: Bracket matches were sloppy. You'll do better next time. Teams, double ganon and falco / ganon all dai!!! Kage who?

5: Leek: GGs in bracket. Good work placing fifth after losing first round to me. You have to tell me about it sometime. Also, if you twin goes to york on wednesday, I'll go too.

5: The?: GGs in the bracket, and friendly matches. You've improved a lot since I last saw you. We'll play more next time.

7: sauc3: We didn't play at all. Next time for sure.

7: Sanuzi: Thanks for hosting!! Great time chilling out as usual. We didn't play at all, but when you're not busy, you can practice with us in toronto.

9: SD: We didn't play at all. Next time.

9: Flan:
1: Unknown522 - Good job! I got ***** in our pool set. Did you like my Corneria CP?
GGs in the pool. The matches weren't **** at all. I need to stop missing L-cancels randomly. Also coneria is a bad CP for peach apparently.

9: Omni: GGs in the pool and friendlies. Your samus is becoming more solid. Keep it up and see you soon!

9: Sylar: The man!! Haven't seen you in a long *** time. Gotta chill more next time.

13: jpobs: I had a good time talking to you and playing. Your spacies are pretty good and you'll only get better. Keep it up!

13: Wayne: It's been a while. Good to see you again and lol @ double ganon combos.

13: SummonedFish: Lol, GGs in pools. Doc v falco is impossible. You had the match man. Your tech skill has improved, you need more player experience though. Try to get out there and always a pleasure to see you!

13: Keasta: GGs in our matches. You guys were the first victim to our double ganon team!!

Adam: not sure who you are.

Boba: same as above comment.

Eric: GGs in our matches and friendlies. Same comment as to keasta.

F=MA: LOL wang's cousin. Too good. You're not bad for your first tourney. Keep practicing.

Hao: not sure who you are.

Hi: same comment as above

Ian: same comment as above

Quenk: GGs in pools. keep practicing

Run: not sure who you are, but I think we played in pools.

TheOneTrueGod (Jeremy): I am the one true GOD!!!

Victor: not sure who you are

Worldjem7: GGs in pools. Thanks for the ride, housing and everything. Good to see you again!! And lol at pokemon rumble and Ice hockey. Addicting games.

Xiom: Not sure who you are.


1: RaynFord: Team double ganon all dai!! Kage who?!?

to anyone I missed, nice see you and hope to see you guys around soon.

Lanowen: It was awesome see you again and catching up again!! It sucks that you had to go early and all, but I'll see you again!!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
9: Flan:
GGs in the pool. The matches weren't **** at all. I need to stop missing L-cancels randomly. Also coneria is a bad CP for peach apparently.
I want a rematch next time! I felt like you weren't playing as good as you could have, at least in the first match. Yeah, the corneria CP with Peach is my mindgames tactic. I have beat The?, Peter, Josh, and Jack all on that stage in bracket sets (well, not The? but I have beat him there.) If you play campy that backside, its a good strat for Peach. But I really should give it up since I don't think it worked at all during the tournament.

I'm bad at CPing anyways, usually if I take a set, its just because some one CPs FD, which I play quite well on.

GGs anyways.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley

1: Unknown522 - thanks for the friendlies, really fun to sit and chat with you about smash and life in general. gatta chill and play some more next time for sure. congratz on winning.

2: KirbyKaze -learn2techskill. no j/k. fun friendliesl you kept ruining all my friendlies with other people lol j/k, hope to play u again soon

3: I.B - didnt get a chance to play you or chill much, but i saw u play a lot, your marth moves so sexy lol, def wanna play at the oakville tourny

4: RaynEX- thanks for all the friendlies and teaching me the isai drop thing and the other small things you pointed out. really fun playing and talking to you, see u at oakville hopefully

5: Leek- great games playing with you in singles and friendlies. sorry if i made u feel like u got cheated out of a win cuz i SD'd so much, but u won so u deserved it. dont quit man i wanna play u again in future for sure

5: The?- we played a lot of good games, fun times. next time!

7: sauc3- good job haha, find a main tho :/

7: Sanuzi- great tourny, thanks for housting. since london came to ur tourny u guys have to come to one of ours in the new year!!!!

9: SD- only got a chance to play you a bit in singles before everyone wanted to play doubles, got to play again in the future.

9: Flan- close doubles set we had, eally fun playing you, we should play moar friendlies tho nexttime

9: Omni- great samus. it was really fun playing someone other than spacies/marth/peach for one. good stuff

13: jpobs- stop sd'ing kthnxbi

13: SummonedFish- yo our friendlies were hella fun and close, more next time for sure.

-----Pools Cutoff-----

F=MA- haha doc dittos were fun. keep playing man, doc is the business.

to everyone else, sorry if we didnt get to play/meet, theres always next time.
great tourny.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario

1: Unknown522 - really wish I could have played you
2: KirbyKaze - that marth combo never actually happened, you know the one where you were like, slash slash and i was like wtf mate? noone saw it, ***** me in teams, ***** me in pools, ***** me in singles, i cannot seem to escape your furry, but i always seem to beat people i'm not supposed to, so eventually im gunna run outta people and beat you.
3: I.B - really wish I coulda got more friendlies in with you, such a sexy person, and your pretty good at melee too,
4: RaynEX - never got to play you either, im blaming the intimidation factor, what'd ya think of jpobs?
5: Leek - awesome fox n marth, knocked both of us london boys out, don't quite know how i beat you in pools,
5: The? -
7: sauc3 - scrub***
7: Sanuzi - thanks for hosting, you still gotta hold up your end of the bargain, we were thinking of havin a tourney a week before pound 4, call it no passport for pound 4 or some ****, would you be able to make it? as for this tourney, awesome beat dude, you shouldnt have switched to falco, i think i just got lucky the first game, some spikes, early tips, and that **** as dolphin slash combo, but all in all you were winning, i have way to much falco exp, but fun mathes for srs, really close.
9: SD - good doubles matches, marth is gay, fsmash is broken, all those johns,
9: Flan - counter picking corneria as peach mind gamed the **** outta me lol, but camping is a legit strat, WHEN YOUR WINNING, muahahahah, if you hadda got the lead early i woulda been ****ed. great games,
9: Omni - reppin the old high tiers, ics and samus need to move up by the way you play, effective samus you got goin, had no idea what to do most of the time, fun friendlies too
9: Sylar - played you in pools, only one other than KK that beat me, good ****, I don't really remember our games,
13: jpobs - surprise cok***s, hitbox of a snail is sweeping the nation, ..., slowly. ill work on my marth for teams, and ill pick a main eventually, but im pacing myself,
13: Wayne -
13: SummonedFish - i believe that you were jack, we had some awesome doubles matches at the beginning, fun friendlies, nice placing in teams,
13: Keasta

would anyone be down for a tourney in january before pound?


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2007
1: Unknown522 - Good **** on 1st place man. That Fox of yours is just too good lol. Sorry for getting all frustrated/quiet in friendlies and doubles. It's not like me to character-john, but it was just bugging me more than usual for some reason. Btw, THE SWAGGER IS IMMEASURABLE!

2: KirbyKaze - Thank you for taking 2nd place in doubles with me. We tried our best to take down the RaynFord beast, but they're just lethal :laugh:. As always, I enjoyed your insight about the game, and thanks again for the support. GG's.

3: I.B - IBizzle all day. Learn to stay calm and focused during your matches. Good **** placing 2nd with KK in doubles. Also, regardless of the unfair 2vs1 of IB+Raynex's controller vs. Raynex, be proud of placing higher than 4th. But don't let it get to your head. You still have a long road of improvements to make and obstacles to overcome.

4: RaynEX - Yoooo, it was too fun chilling with you as always. **** the book cover, it's the inside that counts man LOL. I would usually say GG's, but seriously...BG's considering that **** controller. Don't count me out though *****. The underdog is now barking :)

5: Leek - GG's man. I hear you're quitting...I hope not though. Come out to David's more often and practice with us!

5: The? - Since when did Mr. Byron go by "The?"? LOL. GG's in singles, it was fun playing you. Man if only you could come to GTA more often. Although you KWC guys are rough around the edges, I see potential that would mostly be unlocked if you came to practice with the gurus.:bee:

7: sauc3 - Saucey! Suuup? We never got around to playing, but maybe next time. Good **** recording matches though. Did you happen to get the latter half of singles brackets?

7: Sanuzi - Yaaaay Josh! **** man, good job on hosting, seriously. The region down there needed it and it was a great turnout. As ALWAYS, had a great time chilling with you. I also wanted to thank you for your support and literally sticking by me through my frustration/down-time. I appreciate it. GG's in doubles btw.

9: SD - I really enjoyed playing you Paul. It's funny because you remind me alot of myself from like a year back. Travel more and come out to more tourneys man, it'll benefit you alot, trust me! Remember: stay motivated and persistent, and you will improve.

9: Flan - After years of seeing you post on the Canada boards, I finally meet you lol. We didn't get to play at all though. I watched your doubles matches vs Josh/Jack, and you got a little something going there with your Peach. Keep working at it man.

9: Omni - Sup Andrew? GG's in singles. That Samus of yours is getting trickier everytime I see you lol. I know it sucks facing Marth/Sheik/Falcon with Samus, but those are just the kind of things you've got to overcome as a player. And I know you can. I'd like to see a Samus player up there, so keep it going!

9: Sylar - Return of the silent clock, *****essss! Oh how I've missed my buddy Peter. Step 1: Get that money up. Step 2: Take the Go/Buy a car and get your *** to GTA. Step 3: Ascension in this game we call Melee. Seriously though, fun time chilling with you, and GG's in our friendlies even though we didn't play much :(

13: jpobs - I've seen you post around the boards alot and I finally met you (even though you look familiar and I think I've seen you at another tournament). I watched some of your matches and I look forward to playing that Falco of yours.

13: Wayne - Lil wayne! GG's in pools. Your Marth is not bad, keep at it man.

13: SummonedFish - Wow Jack Nicholsen what happened to you in singles lol. GG's in doubles btw, you guys did well.

WorldJem7 - Regardless of navigational fail, thanks a bunch for taking us to this tourney. Fun times chilling/playing with you Eric.



Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
1: Unknown522 - Good **** on 1st place man. That Fox of yours is just too good lol. Sorry for getting all frustrated/quiet in friendlies and doubles. It's not like me to character-john, but it was just bugging me more than usual for some reason. Btw, THE SWAGGER IS UNMEASURABLE!
It's all good. With my immeasurable swagger =P.

2: KirbyKaze - that marth combo never actually happened, you know the one where you were like, slash slash and i was like wtf mate? noone saw it, ***** me in teams, ***** me in pools, ***** me in singles, i cannot seem to escape your furry, but i always seem to beat people i'm not supposed to, so eventually im gunna run outta people and beat you.
mispelled fury...

grammar nazi.

Byron 1337

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2007
Waterloo, Ontario, IGLOO-LAND Oh, and play Melee
1: Unknown522- Wow you really ***** this tourney. GG's in brackets, and fun friendlies as well.

2: KirbyKaze- Your Sheik is mad homo. Sweet friendlies.

3: I.B- Good job on winning money. I actually go by Byron or Psyos, but josh is really gay and puts my tag as the? every time he runs a bracket. I really need to play you more often.

4: RaynEX- Great friendlies, as always. Shame about your controller.

5: Leek- Good **** tieing me for fifth. We'll play this tuesday hopefully


7: sauc3- Good job on 7th, your jiggs is really good at gimps

7: Sanuzi- I FINALLY BEAT YOU, ***** <333. Oh, change my tag to PSYOS. See you tuesday.

9: SD- Fun matches, see you tuesday

9: Flan- We'll do better in teams next time.

9: Omni-

9: Sylar-

13: jpobs-

13: Wayne-

13: SummonedFish-

13: Keasta-

-----Pools Cutoff-----









TheOneTrueGod (Jeremy)-




I have to jet, but I'll finish these later.


Smash Cadet
Apr 11, 2007
1: Unknown522 -- I'm amazed how my first match in brackets is facing you. next time I deserve to get 3 extra handicap stocks to make things more even lol.

2: KirbyKaze -- thanks for not going sheik, i wasn't ready to get owned like old times. I'll probably show up at your house more often once school is over :)

3: I.B -- nice to finally play with you man. I always hear great things about your marth from other GTA smashers. Never knew it was possible for Marth to have that much tech skill

4: RaynEX -- I had to face Ryan in my first match then eventually you in losers... whyyyyyyy!! Had fun playing with your fox and.... uhh other characters. You had some controller failure but in my opinion it's
getting less frequent compared to when I last played with you. It's just a matter of time before you get past it to reach your peak again.

5: Leek -- Great job alan. yeah you heard me *****es.

5: The? -- Though I never got to play with you that much, it was pretty amusing to see how you and I both got Ryan to same amount of stocks... on same stages? O.o

7: sauc3 -- great characters man. Pool matches were legit, you and jpobs just gotta stop killing yourelves.

7: Sanuzi --thanks for hosting josh, things went pretty **** well considering the time we started. I never got to play with you in friendlies/tourney matches but I'll just see you again later haha. (Stop choking)

9: SD -- Great marth dude. you got so much better in such little time. You got so much potential. Just a matter of time before you're way up there.

9: Flan -- I was not Johning!! lol. Oily fingers and cold crusty pizza was legit reason not to play with you haha. At least we finally got to play after.... how many weeks? :p

9: Omni -- Good to see you again!!! We didn't get to play... at all actually, only in our doubles match but it was fun to see your samus kicking *** again. Hopefully we'll play more later on in the year, i'm considering have my first money match with you haha.

9: Sylar -- I just don't plain like you :D if you and the guys are interested in the PR again, let me know. I've realized it's a great time right now to increase the KWC scene and I do wanna take a more active role in it now :p

13: jpobs -- I had great time playing and chatting with you man. Next time we play, don't give me so many free kills. Next time you and sauc3 come down, let us know I'd definitely like to play with you again.

13: SummonedFish -- I had awesome time playing with you in friendly teams. You're an awesome guy to team with man and josh is too. No wonder you guys placed 3rd!

Eric -- Wish we played a lot more friendlies after pools cuz your fox is getting so much better. Sorry I didn't go marth, i just realized you were probably expecting it, I just wasn't using him well untiil later on (tourneys do that to me). See ya tuesday.

F=MA -- you got an awesome doc. we need more of those. You gotta teach me some of those yoyo tricks, that definitely requires more skill than in smash.

TheOneTrueGod (Jeremy) -- Great seeing you again Jeremy. It's always fun playing with you even in serious matches. we gotta do something unsmash related... play old sk3wl games again? :D

Worldjem7 -- Good to see you again Eric so many months. I'm not too upset with our team game, considering we only had a handful of matches to practice with. You gotta teach me some blazblue, that game looks really fun.
To everyone else, good game to all. Sorry if I forgot to mention you. I know the faces but not the names.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
good tourney guys, esp josh!

jokes on how the tourney was all set up when josh arrived at the same time as us, aka late lol.

full shoutouts later when i get home from school!


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
good **** everyone,

also imadh yeaaaa niggga thats how u do it son

also was anything recorded? i still need a combo from u bernard


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
There we definately some things recorded. I know Sauce had his laptop hooked up to my TV which is where Loser's Finals and Grand Finals of doubles were played.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
There we definately some things recorded. I know Sauce had his laptop hooked up to my TV which is where Loser's Finals and Grand Finals of doubles were played.
my lappy was hooked up and ready to record, but I didn't want to leave it running the whole time since the video screwed up at 4 stock comeback. So the only matches that were recorded we the ones I watched and prepared the setup for.

They are uploaded now,

IB and KK vs sauc3 and JPOBS

IB and KK vs Sanuzi and SummonedFist

For future I will put instructions on my lappy so people know to record their matches.
Sorry that's all there is.


Smash Rookie
Nov 3, 2009
My Bum hurts...

1: Unknown522 - Good job! We played a couple friendlies when you just arrived and your hands were really cold, and u hadn't even warmedup yet and I got *****...

2: KirbyKaze - Your a pretty funny guy, even whilst ****** me.

3: I.B - I'm not entirly sur who you are, but if we played I would probably get *****.

4: RaynEX - We played in pools, and I declare this the hardest ****** that happened.

5: Leek - Leek! We didnt play, but with a name like that, i bet i would be *****.

5: The? - HELP HELP IM BEING *****.

7: sauc3 - WE ARE ALL BEIN *****.

7: Sanuzi - Once again, I became *****.


9: Flan - FlanIStheMANsoooMUCHthatIcannotUSEtheSPACEBAR. Thanks for ****** me soo hard, but I'll be coming around on Tuesdays in order to become ***** a little less each time.

9: Omni - Freaking hell. Your Samus=God=God's Samus. Therefore, You=God. You also ***** me. And thanks a bunch for playing like 30 mins of playing Doubles friendlies wit Moi avec Boba!

9: Sylar - Complete

13: jpobs - ******

13: Wayne - Destruction.

13: SummonedFish - SummonedPoisson! I could feel the G-Town love between us... Especially when you ***** the crap out of my soul.

13: Keasta - I dont think i met you, but "something"* Happened!
-----Pools Cutoff-----

Adam - Im not sure I met you...Or even played... but i still got ***** by you.

Boba - YO! We totally ****ed **** up! I want to congradulate you on your 1 single's game win, and congradulate you on our 1 double's game win... All I'm gonna say is...
1/2 Dream Team + Pokefloats CP = 1 double's game win!
Also, Getting drunk was fun.


Quenk - I was ***** in Singles, but I must admit. There was a slight Rest spamming frenzy which resulted in a GAME!

Run - buy some Petrolium Jelly.

Victor - keep on shredding the Zelda, man! It's like a double sided Knee of Justice. It more like a Toe of Justice... Zelda is the Push-Me-Pull-You of Toe of Justices. Oh. You ***** me in a friendly? Possibly.


Anyweh. I'm going to get better and reduce the strain put on my Petrolium Jelly budget...
I'll be seeing some of you on Up and Coming Tuesdays!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
^ lol I was on in that set. We will play again tomorrow if your up for it >_<

Also, Sauce. I started recording stuff starting with the last match of Byron & Flan vs Jack & Sanuzi. We named it with random letters. Just look for one with a Flan tag.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
1: Unknown522 -- lol good job with first. good friendlies too. hopefully i'll get up there and improve sometime soon! thanks a lot on tips too. sorry for not winning the game vs your doc:laugh: i had it but i guess i didn't lol

2: KirbyKaze -- didn't play you in tourney, but great friendlies nonetheless. you make marth's nair look broken, and those friendlies with your samus were hilarious. should've turned it into an mm:laugh: your marth is **** tho, and you didn't play your sheik... but we know the outcome of that...

3: I.B -- you still owe me friendlies! lol, why don't we ever play? i think i've played you three games my whole life

4: RaynEX -- dang you kept overkilling me in friendlies lol, good stuff as always tho, and get a new controller! hopefully i'll be able to sneak around more often and get more practise in lol

5: Leek -- teaming with you in 2v2 friendlies was so fun! we had such a streak going, and the first game we lost was when you SD'd 3 times :laugh: that's great man. gotta play you more friendlies next time!

5: The? -- good stuff man, didn't think you'd get so far with your recklessness lol. but good stuff nonetheless. we gotta play more soon!

7: sauc3 -- didn't get to play enough singles with you, but doubles friendlies was fun! gotta play you more and more and more lol

7: Sanuzi --thanks again for hosting josh, and for teaming up with a scrub like me! we gotta team more often and maybe we'll take 2nd next time =D we were so close vs. imadh and david! fun friendlies too, but we need more! stop being so busy all the time lol

9: SD -- good job man lol, your marth gets more and more patient every time i play you. good spacing too. good set, but next time no SD for you lol

9: Flan -- ahahahaha, we'll settle it soon... soon... on worries LOL... but ya just to avoid any gayness i instantly banned corneria ahaha. we'll play again soon :)

9: Omni -- good job taking that set man. your IC's and sheik are really solid. keep it up man, you'll get far

9: Sylar -- I think i played you once that day you scrub. get at me more. come over and we will train again!lol

13: jpobs -- great friendlies man, i had so much fun going at you with like 8 different characters lol, hope you enjoyed the practise. you seem to do a lot better vs. falco ditto than the other matchups... get on it! lol

13: wayne -- i'm pretty sure you were the marth we played in doubles, solid stuff! we gotta play some friendlies next time

13: SummonedFisHHH -- what a scrub.. last place in bracket? dang man step it up lol no wonder your fist turned into a grounded fish lol proud of you in doubles tho!

13: keasta -- good stuff man gotta play some more, pretty sure you're the puff player right?

F=MA -- keep up the doc and you'll make your name in guelph :) gotta teach me some yo-yo skills too lol

TheOneTrueGod (Jeremy) -- didn't play you at all man, maybe during those tuesdays gettogethers!

Worldjem7 -- good job with the SDI timing man, and good job in our pool set lol, too bad you didn't make it out tho =\ next time!

Quenk - good stuff in pools man. really great to have fun while you're at it! more falco dittos on japes next time! lol

good stuff everyone, hope to see you all again!

edit: added some ppl the template i copied was missing lol


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
1: Unknown522 -- $84.00 - Good job ****** me again. You deserve 1st.
2: KirbyKaze -- $42.00 - Thank you so much for letting me use your controller for the last couple of months. Tell it I said **** YOU! <3 I 'll come visit sometime soon.
3: I.B -- $14.00 - You finally beat me. Why did I have to be the first of the big three to fall? I know you've done it before but it feels different now. Remember our new resolve, work on camping son.
4: RaynEX - Don't get emo when you lose, kay?
5: Leek - I forget which brother you are. Fun matches!
7: sauc3 - We didn't play. Lame. :(
7: Sanuzi - Really fun weekend. Pita factory, chocolate milk, bubble tea, ride home were all intense. Can't wait to chill again.
9: SD - You've gotten alot better. I see great things in your future, young one.
9: Flan - I can't believe I STILL haven't met or played you yet. We really need to step it up.
9: Omni - Too bad we only got that one friendly in. I'll be sure to play you more next time we meet. I need the Samus practice. -_-
9: Sylar - Sylar you better start coming out to **** again. tick tock silent clock motha****a
13: jpobs - You got alot better. I'll see yo *** in oakville for more spacie match-ups son!
13: Wayne - Did I play you?
13: SummonedFish - Its like you keep running away from friendlies or something. lol

Boba - I love Star Wars. Huge junkie right here.

Worldjem7 - Thanks for the ride and everything Eric.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
3: I.B -- $14.00 - You finally beat me. Why did I have to be the first of the big three to fall? I know you've done it before but it feels different now. Remember our new resolve, work on camping son.
He beat me a while ago >__>

A bunch of times, actually.

Eh shoutouts

Unknown522 - Good stuff. I despise playing you immensely but that's not a good reason for being dumb and emo about a tournament. I have to get over it, I think.

I.B - Looking sort of cute. Kind of. I lose 2v1s with Bernard's controller to Bernard all the time. I also regularly lose 2v1s with Ryan's controller vs Ryan. I'm pretty sure if you lost to Bernard I would have lost to him. We'll work on teams.

RaynEX - Beat Imadh and get 2nd like you should. No problem on the controller. I found what's wrong with the jump button. The padding is semi-torn. I might try to fix it at Ryan's house sometime.

Leek - You're so gay. Fox dittos are pretty lame.

The? - Nice friendlies.

sauc3 - I don't know how you do it. At first I was like "Jigglypuff" but then you used Marth so I'm confused. Maybe you're secretly really gay or something. I don't understand it, I really don't. The Marth combo was F-throw D-tilt Fair B Fair Dair, by the way. I was actually pretty sure I was going to lose the first game of our bracket set because of my awesome airdodging action heh.

Sanuzi - Awesome tournament ^.^ Really fun to hang out and stuff.

SD - Heh. I'm going to secondary Fox again. Peach is too much work.

Omni - We didn't play :(

Sylar - Mannnnn you should have told me you guys were going out. I totally would have come along lolz. Nice games, let's try not to play awful next time XD Great to see you again.

jpobs - Hehehe. I have no tech skill. But I do have Nair. Falco makes me so angry :angry:

Wayne - I didn't play you but it was cool seeing you. Finals and papers and term stuff is dumb. It makes me very unhappy.

SummonedFish - Marth's Nair is broken. I totally would have MMed you with Samus. And lost one dollar hahaha. But then I'd rematch with another random character. Kids don't know about my awful secondaries :laugh:

Keasta - Heh. Jigglypuff is silly.

Eric - Thanks for the funnest pools match I've done in a long time. Mushroom Kingdom Peach Sheik was too good. Yoshi is funny. If only Drillshine wasn't so good against him :(

Hao - If you were the Sheik, you were very fun in pools. If I'm confused, I apologize.

Hi - If you were the Falcon, I had fun playing you. If I'm confused, I apologize.

Worldjem7 - Mapquest mindgames are unappreciated. Thanks for the housing and stuff. Pokemon Rumble is way too good.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
9: Flan - I can't believe I STILL haven't met or played you yet. We really need to step it up.
we have actually met and played once before. Back at Prepare Yourself!, Peter introduced me to you and Ryan. Later we sat down and played a couple of matches where I got *****. Although, I was playing Fox that entire tournament and my Fox sucks balls.

Friendlies next time for sure!
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