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tucson melee weeklies


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2007
ok so i had no idea this thread even existed...and its been at my house for awhile now.
sv seriously needs to come up on friday.
im an idiot.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Brian, would you mind giving me some Spacies training? I asked Sean for some advice a few days ago, and I'd like to further expand on what I learned.

Also; I'm probably going to pick up Zelda, expanding my characters to Fox/Falco/Jigglypuff/Zelda.

I'm debating on dropping Jigglypuff for Zelda. In reality it's a bad idea, but I mean; Who the **** mains Zelda in AZ? :D

I think it would be good for me, since I need to learn to play more patiently, but I want to avoid hopping on the Marth/Shiek train, and I've developed too much of a certain mindset with Jigglypuff that prevents me from improving with her.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Brian, would you mind giving me some Spacies training? I asked Sean for some advice a few days ago, and I'd like to further expand on what I learned.

Also; I'm probably going to pick up Zelda, expanding my characters to Fox/Falco/Jigglypuff/Zelda.

I'm debating on dropping Jigglypuff for Zelda. In reality it's a bad idea, but I mean; Who the **** mains Zelda in AZ? :D

I think it would be good for me, since I need to learn to play more patiently, but I want to avoid hopping on the Marth/Shiek train, and I've developed too much of a certain mindset with Jigglypuff that prevents me from improving with her.

Priest Revan mains zelda he's from sv.. if you want help... he's the one.. he's beaten me and axe both... he's the guy to learn zelda from


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2007
Sierra Vista
Brian, would you mind giving me some Spacies training? I asked Sean for some advice a few days ago, and I'd like to further expand on what I learned.

Also; I'm probably going to pick up Zelda, expanding my characters to Fox/Falco/Jigglypuff/Zelda.

I'm debating on dropping Jigglypuff for Zelda. In reality it's a bad idea, but I mean; Who the **** mains Zelda in AZ? :D

I think it would be good for me, since I need to learn to play more patiently, but I want to avoid hopping on the Marth/Shiek train, and I've developed too much of a certain mindset with Jigglypuff that prevents me from improving with her.
most defenetly man,i am always down and up for training others with what i know. the better you get the better we all get and the better we become as a state. soon arizona will be up on the same level as the east coast and socal area.i can also give you jpuff training aswell she is actually one of my 2ndaries :]


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2006
Tucson, AZ
i can help you with puff xander we play very similar, but like i was saying with jiggs its more mindgames, rather than tech skill,

depressing news about this thred. . . we have maybe 2 more of these before we have to take a break, but in a month or 2 were gonna pick it up again in my new house!

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
most defenetly man,i am always down and up for training others with what i know. the better you get the better we all get and the better we become as a state. soon arizona will be up on the same level as the east coast and socal area.i can also give you jpuff training aswell she is actually one of my 2ndaries :]
That's never going to happen. SoCal's Melee community right now is stronger than AZ's community before Brawl.

Also, AZ is on par with all the other areas on the basis of their top players, but it is vastly lacking in the middle area. The level that's below pros, but above regular players.


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2007
Sierra Vista
well i dont agree at all.
are top 10 players are great and could def hold there own.
im not saying az is ready yet because its defenetly not but it will be.
jeff is def pro by now that kid is amazing and im right on his tail to catch up


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
i can help you with puff xander we play very similar, but like i was saying with jiggs its more mindgames, rather than tech skill,

depressing news about this thred. . . we have maybe 2 more of these before we have to take a break, but in a month or 2 were gonna pick it up again in my new house!
Which is also why I want to pick up Zelda. My problem with Jigglypuff is that I've fell into a sort of set pattern due to how freaking often I play against Rusty, Forrest, and Alex. I've developed a load of bad habits due to them falling for the same tricks. (Approaching with uair ftw, or getting ballzy with rests.)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Learning Zelda is fine as long as you're just doing it for fun. Don't even bother wasting your time if your goal is to win tournaments or even place well. Basics: bair/fair of course. Her dsmash comes out the fastest in the game I believe. Dair is a decent spike against spacies, not much else. You just have to be creative from opponent to opponent, really. She is one of the worst comboers so she's pretty pokey.

Sean is probably the only Tucsonan that would do well. The others might take a couple stocks off in each match, but overall we would be dominated.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Learning Zelda is fine as long as you're just doing it for fun. Don't even bother wasting your time if your goal is to win tournaments or even place well. Basics: bair/fair of course. Her dsmash comes out the fastest in the game I believe. Dair is a decent spike against spacies, not much else. You just have to be creative from opponent to opponent, really. She is one of the worst comboers so she's pretty pokey.

Sean is probably the only Tucsonan that would do well. The others might take a couple stocks off in each match, but overall we would be dominated.
I don't expect to win or place well even with my mains. I want to improve, but I really haven't improved at all for a long time, and I don't expect to at all, despite the effort I put into trying.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2006
Tucson, AZ
Is this happening tomorrow?
that is a good question, i work till 8ish and coop works till 10, idk if hell let us play there or not, or he might get off earlier. i want to play cuz in a few weeks we wont be able to 8/ at least not until i get a house which will maybe end of feb.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
In case you didn't get the text, it IS going down tonight at 8. Eastsiders that need a ride, call me or miss out. I guess you could post here but just call me and if you don't have my number, ask around.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
well i dont agree at all.
are top 10 players are great and could def hold there own.
im not saying az is ready yet because its defenetly not but it will be.
jeff is def pro by now that kid is amazing and im right on his tail to catch up
I feel like bringing this debate back:

I'll re-state my argument:

I believe Arizona's top 5 against Socal's... even all of California's top 5..... Arizona would stand a GOOD chance.

Arizona's team would have Forward, Taj, Wobbles, Axe, Light.

Socal's would be like... Mango, Zhu, HugS, Lucky, and some other person.

However, if, say....

Arizona's 6th - 10th players were to go against either SoCal's 6-10.... we would at least get 12-stocked.

Arizona is very strong in it's very top players (Forward, Taj, Wobbles, Axe, Light), but however, there exists a large skill gap after the 5th player. A skill gap that does not really exist in the California areas.

Trust me on this one: I've visited California's Melee scene like, five times. In December, I actually took a bus to California exclusively to play Smash. Our higher level (but not top) players don't stand a prayer of a chance. For example, Replicate/Joe, who is 15 on Norcal's Power Rankings is better than everyone in Arizona except for the aforementioned five players. He MIGHT (just might) not be as good as Vectorman, but don't forget that V-man is probably 6th place in Arizona's active players, while Replicate is only the LOWEST power-ranked player in Norcal.

Hell, I think that Socal's 11-15 OR Norcal's 11-15 would beat Arizona's 6-10. 16-20 and 21-25 probably also have good chances.

Like, here's how it works.

We're working with.... four different skill levels. A, B, and C, with A being highest, C being the lowest. These levels are very broad, and there's a lot of level for differences in skill in them.

Arizona has about 5 A-rank players. California has a few more A-rank players, but not enough to make a significant difference.

Arizona has like... ONE B-rank player. Socal's like.... 6-25 would all be B-rank players.

Arizona will have like... 5-6 players... that are on the borderline between B and C. That is our 7-13 or so.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
LOL hahaha I can't believe you used me as an example

the bigger amount of B rank players is just because of a bigger scene, really
all of our B-rank players were garbage like six months ago (well for socal at least I know)

AZ's top 5 would have to be on their game, too, because CA is almost never rusty and I think that P or someone would be able to beat a wobbles-calibur player if they both went in without any prior training


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
I don't think P would beat wobbles, Wobbles is really good. P, the sheik player right? I'm not hating on him, but as far as I know, he doesn't have the experience that Wobbles has (i.e. oos tourneys)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2006
Tucson, AZ
and we love you too so we should record in three hour increments because thats how long my capture card will record to my HDD, and i can just let it run while im sleeping


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2007
Sierra Vista
yay yay!!! im so down. after that last tourny i just wanna keep getting better and better!
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