Smash Journeyman
and here is the rules for Crew battle
₪ Event will be single elimination
₪ Twenty (20) stock
₪ # number of crew members can be 4-5 with no alternates
₪ Forty (40) minute time limit
₪ Random Seeds
₪For the beginning of the match, crews will write down on a separate piece of paper the name of the first player and the character the player will uses. Then both crews will present the player that will start the match. Order can be decided play by play after the first man.
₪ Player selection between matches is 1 minuet only. After time has been called crew must select a player or be disqualified from the match.
₪ Random Stages for Crews: Final Destination, Battlefield, Fountain of Dreams, Dreamland 64, Pokemon Stadium and, Yoshi's Story
₪ Stage selection will always be random.
₪ Percent returns to 0 after you finish off an opponent
₪ Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the match or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned. Using them will result in the immediate forfeit of the match and loss of stocks.
₪ Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. Judges will be on the tournament floor and can be called in at any time to enforce this rule during a match.
Also we have decided to start crews first then low-tier after crews
₪ Event will be single elimination
₪ Twenty (20) stock
₪ # number of crew members can be 4-5 with no alternates
₪ Forty (40) minute time limit
₪ Random Seeds
₪For the beginning of the match, crews will write down on a separate piece of paper the name of the first player and the character the player will uses. Then both crews will present the player that will start the match. Order can be decided play by play after the first man.
₪ Player selection between matches is 1 minuet only. After time has been called crew must select a player or be disqualified from the match.
₪ Random Stages for Crews: Final Destination, Battlefield, Fountain of Dreams, Dreamland 64, Pokemon Stadium and, Yoshi's Story
₪ Stage selection will always be random.
₪ Percent returns to 0 after you finish off an opponent
₪ Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the match or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned. Using them will result in the immediate forfeit of the match and loss of stocks.
₪ Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. Judges will be on the tournament floor and can be called in at any time to enforce this rule during a match.
Also we have decided to start crews first then low-tier after crews