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Try Hard 4: Live Free or Try Hard (December 1st) AZ (Last one)


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I never have a teams partner that isn't last minute XD
I might do a lvl 9 Ganon... or do 8 stocks and ask the other people to kill themselves 4 times at the start :D


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
Laveen, Arizona
Is brawl $10 entry fee like normal or is it $5 this time?

Would you guys like me to take care of the brawl section of the tourney or are you guys good?


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Actually if Spencer shows up ill probably team with him. I've been wanting to do that team for years.

If not, double falco



Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2009
I am gonna **** all of you up. This is going to be a cakewalk, yo. 4 stocks down the drain for everyone!

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
i'll put down any realistic amount on kyle and rubyiris against glich

i'm pretty sure glich was just trollin'

but if he seriously wants to throw down, i've got like $50 each assuming nobody self-sabotages

kid tipper

Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
i think you guys are both pretty above me. jackie you can definitely get on outta here I ain't given cash away

kid tipper

Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
if you guys think theres a semblance of fairness/he's not absurdly better then me I'm down. TOURNY TODA YA BOI


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
Singles Melee

1: Tai ($93.00)
2: Silly Kyle ($46.00) (2nd and 3rd may be off by a dollar or something)
3: Falcoty ($16.00)
4: Okami
5: Angel
5: Rubyiris
7: Frosty
7: Eef
9: Balls Deep
9: Agent Iron
9: Girku
9: SA-X
13: Chess
13: Nicknyte
13: Kamen
13: L-AZ
17: Trypt
17: piropka
17: K9
21: 9001
21: Razeputin
21: Jane
21: KiraFlax
25: MAU5
25: Apple Apple
25: Ray
25: :)
29: Book
29: Paul
29: ...

Doubles Melee
1: おっぱい (SK and BW) ($28.00)
2: Beauty and the Beast (jet4 and Coty) ($16.00)
3: VILOPLUMES WITH SUBSTITUTES (Dylan and Shiv) ($4.00)
4: Robot Rock (SA-X and Ruby)
5: Straight Jank (Eef and Girku)
6: The Polar Icecaps (TBK and Frosty)
7: TR4Q (Angel and Lazy)
8: Lethal Interjection Crew (Ben and Chris) ()
9: ConTroll (OKSAS and Book)
10: Double Misfire Sunday (Nyte and Chess)
11: S&M (Apple Apple and Trypt)
12: Nothin' (Ray and Mau5)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2009
On top
Double Misfire Sundae was definitely the best team, regardless of win-loss record.

1: Tai- The only reason people think youre any good is because you play a low tier. But seriously congrats on the win and hurry and upload those vidoes
2: Silly Kyle- Peach is gay. Good seeing you again, I'll play some seriouslies with you next time, haven't fingered that peach in a long time
3: Falcoty- <3 TRC- Tuscon ***** coty. Good luck finding your bag
4: Okami- You are so cool and nice, it was pretty fun getting ***** and thanks for all the help. Hopefully I can make it to the next one
5: Rubyiris- You seemed pretty cool. I was all falco'd out by the time you were playing friendlies, but I'll play you next time. and I'll be the one aiming misfires
7: Frosty- Thanks for the ride, and don't worry, at least one person witnessed your game against Jackie.
7: Eef- You're pretty good dude, great playing you
9: Balls Deep- That DK. lol thanks for the friendlies
9: Girku- Dude your falco. I rooted against you while you were playing frosty, but that dirty bird is pretty legit. Ill get my revenge next time
9: SA-X- Teach me how to beat samus please. Good seeing you hopefully we can force tempe to play more lol
13: Nicknyte- My favorite tournament ever thanks to you. LUIGI DITTOS **** YEAH! Ill team with dat weegee any day dude, get those videos up, people need to see our misfire combos.
17: piropka- Thanks for ****** in our pool after you lost to me, you got me into bracket <3 great playing you even though you were there for brawl /smh
21: Razeputin- Salty rematch next game. Great games
21: KiraFlax- **** brawl
25: Apple Apple- You're pretty good, keep workin at that Marth man
29: Book- Fun playing you


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2011
Tempe, AZ
1: Tai ($93.00) - Way to suck that d*ck.
2: Silly Kyle ($46.00) - Soon...
3: Falcoty ($16.00) - lol and you thought you were going to get *****
4: Okami - Sheik dittos are stressful. Also lol chaingrabs.
5: Angel - I'm a fanboy. Fox/Yoshi is now one of my favorite matchups.
5: Rubyiris - Push more buttons. Push them lots.
7: Frosty - Steppin on up!
7: Eef - I'll beat you with Yoshi someday.
9: Balls Deep - Oh Jackie. Teams were fun and ridiculous, grab to donkey punch ftw.
9: Agent Iron - Looks like someone's a little rusty :p Glad you came though.
9: Girku - Need moar friendlies.
9: SA-X - I'm glad your controller survived today.
13: Chess - double Luigi... /sigh
13: Nicknyte - double Luigi... /sigh

I'm incredibly surprised and happy at the turnout. Not only was it a nice change from what we're used to (half the entrants leaving after teams), but so many of the newer people I saw were genuinely interested in improving. It was very encouraging to see a group of guys playing someone good, getting murdered by them, and saying "That's fine, we're here to learn". The smash community needs a thousand times more of that.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
1: Tai: Good **** on not getting second like you thought you were going to.
2: Silly Kyle: Keep working at that Peach vs Marth. You were doing better, but you just killed yourself a lot. I don't want to win like that :/
3: Falcoty: Good stuff and thanks for not making it to GFs LOOOOOOOOL
4: Okami: GGs
5: Angel: We never play :(
5: Rubyiris: We didn't play this time. That might be a good thing for me
7: Frosty: Good stuff beating Jackie. You shoulda raged after winning.
7: Eef: We didn't play :(
9: Balls Deep: GOOD JOB
9: Agent Iron: SPENCER WITH DAT STRENGTH LOOOLL. It was nice seeing you again :)
9: Girku: GGs. We always play in pools or super early bracket haha. Your Falco is pretty pretty. Not as pretty as mine, but it's mildly attractive. Keep at it.
9: SA-X: Keep going to tourneys
13: Chess: Keep going to tourneys
13: Nicknyte: Thanks for hosting and GGs
13: Kamen
13: L-AZ: Smash this week? :)
17: Trypt
17: piropka
17: OKSAS: I'll get those vids up soon enough
17: K9
21: 9001
21: Razeputin
21: Jane
21: KiraFlax
25: MAU5
25: Apple Apple: GGs in pools
25: Ray
29: Book
29: Paul
29: ...

I'm incredibly surprised and happy at the turnout. Not only was it a nice change from what we're used to (half the entrants leaving after teams), but so many of the newer people I saw were genuinely interested in improving. It was very encouraging to see a group of guys playing someone good, getting murdered by them, and saying "That's fine, we're here to learn". The smash community needs a thousand times more of that.
This x 100000

kid tipper

Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
thanks for the tourney guys I had a great time. and holy **** shiv/dylan well done with the teams I'm still thinking about our match ****


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Tai - I hate your Marth. Play me more during the time in between tournaments. Good **** winning this, keep it up.
Silly Kyle - SWeeeeEET! Oh, did I win? Thanks for supporting me, giving me medication, and giving me my only loss in pools. That **** was recorded and I'm going to study it like a test.
Falcoty - A tournament where I didn't play you O_O I wouldn't break this controller anyway... it's my last good one XD
Okami - I also didn't have to play you at this tourney, so a lot of ^ applies too. Thanks for helping in running this.
Angel - I wanna play you but I never get to V_V
Rubyiris - You did great babe. Stop beating yourself up and you'll have more time to beat in everyone else's face.
Frosty - UpB out of shield :awesome:
Eef - Out camped and out classed. Good stuff.
Agent Iron - Come out more, you seem like a cool dude!
Girku - I didn't get to play you this time, but nice placement.
Chess - Luigi has a tough time with Samus, don't beat yourself up over it. Keep at it and I'd definitely be willing to play you more.
Nicknyte - I beat you in a tournament match *squee* Sorry hun, I had to do it. You should have tried to misfire me more : D
L-AZ - Your falcon is soooo lazy. Good games though.
Book - Played you in teams a little bit. Keep that Samus up and maybe you'll get better than me. Sadly, I'd have to kill you then.
Jane - <3 Sorry <3 Didn't mean to **** you. EXTENDEEERRRRRRRRR

Balls Deep, Kamen, Trypt, piropka, OKSAS, K9, 9001, Razeputin, KiraFlax, MAU5, Apple Apple, Ray, Paul - I have a hard time remembering so many people @_@ Thanks for coming out and I hope to see you +more of your friends next time!


Smash Ace
May 22, 2011
Hyrule Honeymoon
1: Tai - Smash this week :smash:
2: Silly Kyle - GREAT matches during pools! I love that Link-Peach matchup. Next time I will kick your princess clear into the next castle. (Actually, I just wanted to make that joke. Don't hate me!)
3: Falcoty - Maybe I will look into picking up Sheik ... and chaingrabbing like a *****.
4: Okami - Nice post-tourney teams work.
5: Angel - Good ****, knocking me into Loser's first round.
5: Rubyiris - Someday, I will grow some balls and go straight Link in a tourney.
7: Frosty - Brinstar!
7: Eef - Brinstar!
9: Girku - Redeemed!
9: SA-X - I told you my Falcon was lazy. My Link actually has a work ethic. 8D
13: Chess - I missed my chance to test how well you know the Link matchup. Maybe next time.
13: L-AZ - Best Link in AZ. No joke. :awesome:
17: OKSAS - Forget Marth, your Ganon is so much better. (Sorry for CGing you to death in pools).
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