Hey guys, glad you're liking it so far. This week took a huge toll on my time, and though i'm happy for it, it was a little overwhelming. I'd really appreciate your feedback and criticism because I'd like to make things even nicer, and I think some gfx turned out better than others. Let me explain the different decisions and tasks I had to do so you can help me with advice.
First of all, I knew I wanted to redo a lot of her magical gfx because they seem a little... just not special enough. But just deciding on what exactly to do was really a challenge that took a lot of time this week. My ideas were: 1) keep everything a similar effect but somehow better 2) do a crazy element/spellcaster build where every attack has a strong spell like feel to it (ice jab, electric up air, that sort of thing) 3) do a magic themed build where her magical normals are more similar and seem to have their own element
I honestly couldn't decide what would be best, so I just had to pick something and go with it. Then everything became trying to execute the idea accurately, which I'm still unsure of. ftilt could be better, upsmash could be better, really unsure about the start up of teleport.. ect..
I like this project, but I don't think if pmdt were to include new gfx overhalled for zelda, that this build is perfect for that, rather, I think its a work in progress, which is why I need you guys' advice! What can be better? Why do you like what you like? Suggestions? What do you think of a holy elemental themed gfx build compared to other possible design concepts?
I examined everything closely in training and will breakdown each normal, even if you didn't alter it.
Jab: I prefer the original sound effect.
Dash attack: Good.
Pummel: Good; visually fits with Dash attack.
U-throw: Good; visually fits with Dash attack.
F-throw, B-throw: No golden sparkles on release like U-throw perhaps because they're too fast or you were exhausted from the efforts you'd already undergone with other moves.
D-throw: I tested against DK and couldn't really see the attack. The final modification to this attack should be visible on characters of all sizes.
F-smash: Good; visually fits with Dash attack.
U-smash: Good; visually fits with Dash attack.
D-smash: Fine since it's not a magical attack.
U-tilt: I like it, but if you want her normals to satisfy one major theme, then it's out of place.
F-tilt: I like that the graphics match the hitboxes. I agree that it could be better, but I wouldn't mind it staying the way it is if it had a better sound effect. The old sound effect just doesn't fit with the current graphics in my opinion.
D-tilt: D-tilt sort of has a magical effect since it has meteor hitboxes. It'd be cool if there were sparkles visually denoting the location and activity of the meteor hitboxes.
U-air: Fine, but if you want to follow a theme, then you could make or find a golden "firework" animation for the attack that would fit nicely with moves like the current Dash attack, Jab, U-smash, etc.
F-air, B-air: The originals are fine. These are the last normal attacks I'd worry about changing. They could be adjusted to fit the theme you decide on later.
D-air: The lightning graphic should be removed since it goes through the stage and activates on the sourspot. Plus you had issues rotating that graphic for the lightning kicks. Also, a better lightning effect for her aerial kicks would be animated like an actual lightning strike. I liked the idea though.
N-air: Good; visually fits with Dash attack.
Overall, I'm impressed and admire the innovation. I could be content with the current holy priestess; it's better than the Brawl animations, and those were satisfying enough.