Brawl Doubles: 21 Teams
1: TedXV (Ted + Zxv) - $126
2: We got this (Jesmo + Corpsecreate) - $63
3: Champions of the Sun (S.D + Puppy) - $21
4: Team Awesome (Nicks + Earl)
5: Buttsecks Parade (Jei + Dekar)
5: Toki's better than Shaya (Toki + Attila)
7: SA Johns (Nova + Apollo)
7: MaJiC (Matt + Jaice)
9: R4V3RY (Emery + R4VEN)
9: Queenslanders (JBirds + Hotdog)
9: Moe Ragers (Arrow + EA)
9: Plasia + Blade (Plasia + Blade)
13: Marvel of the Dukes (Gords + Vyse)
13: Sexy Gamers (Squid + Rocko)
13: Mints of Time (MTGod + Cal)
13: Five and a half thumbs (Testi + Foxy)
17: Ethan + Michael (Ethan + Michael)
17: Rock Lobsters (Voratat + John)
17: Who Cares (Pop + Zydro)
17: Windows XP (Uber + Gandalf)
17: Lightning Emblem (Aika + Tiahn)
Brawl Singles: 48 Entrants
(This is the top 24 from pools)
1: Earl - $193
2: Tedeth - $107.5
3: Attila - $64.5
4: Corpsecreate - $43
5: ZXV - $21.5
6: Jei
7: Apollo
7: Jaice
9: Dekar
9: Nova
9: Hotdog
9: Jesmo
13: J-Birds
13: R4VEN
13: S.D
13: MTGod
17: Testikils
17: Arrow
17: Rocko
17: AD3PT
17: Calibur
17: Toki
17: Foxy
17: EA
Melee Doubles: 17 Teams
1: Redact + Dekar (Redact + Dekar) - $102
2: Eastern Duo (Syke + Kas) - $51
3: SAO (SD + Cao) - $17
4: TedXV (Ted + Zxv)
5: Snake Pit (Jei + Attila)
5: Inseperable Chums (Josh + Ben)
7: Marvel of the Dukes (Gords + Vyse)
7: Ryan + Rob (Ryan + Rob)
9: Kings of Alcohol (MTGod + Corpsecreate)
9: Bylim + Smokey (Bylim + Smoking Puppy)
9: Queenslanders (JBirds + Hotdog)
9: Moe Ragers (Arrow + EA)
13: Pocket Women (Wook + DJ Cat)
13: Seyctor syeven mew (Dif + Hugh)
13: Team Awesome (Nicks + Earl)
13: Jamaican Bobsled Team (Uber + Gandalf)
17: Play-Asia (Cal + Plasia)
Melee Singles: 34 Entrants
(Top 24 advanced from pools)
1: Dekar - $135
2: S.D - $75
3: Zxv - $45
4: Cao - $30
5: Sirias - $10
5: Redact - $10
7: Rob
9: Tedeth
9: Attila
9: Syke
9: Scrubs
13: J-Birds
13: Nicks
13: King Kong
13: Corpsecreate
17: Bylim
17: Jei
17: Earl
17: Hotdog
17: Uber
17: Smoking Puppy
17: Gords
17: Calibur
*You'll note a discrepancy with how 5th place was handled between Brawl and Melee. I made the mistake of thinking Rob was Redact because of how the loser's bracket was changed to seperate regions. As a result it was too late to make Sirias and Redact play for 5th, and both were simply awarded $10
Bracket Images:
Brawl Doubles
Brawl Singles
Melee Doubles
Melee Singles