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Toronto and Surrounding GTA Pokérankings

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Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
*Sigh* Well he's lost his last matches to everyone on the PR, and to most people on the up and coming list.
I've lost to you, and thats my only (up and coming) loss. Meanwhile I've beaten nearly everyone on the up and comers. (others I haven't even played in tourny like GK)

Meanwhile I've won matches against Imadh, David, Coolhat and Bernard from the PR.
And thats not even counting doubles.... in which case I've won against countless more against many more players.

Oh, not to mention I've also travelled to other places, ( Montreal and London) and beaten formidable players from those regions. (For example Zen.... who beat YOU at transcan.)

So seriously, stop the bull****. You've just been owned.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Didn't I beat you last time?

My record with you stands at like 4-1 and I have the most recent win. You have won a match with me. Not matches. A match.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Oh really? Cause if we want to go back in time and count our matches pre caketown, thats not so. Once again, not to mention doubles.

See, is this not tedious?

Edit becaue I dont like making another post:
They're not over a year old, and you were ICs.
But thats not even the point, I dont even know how I ended up discussing this with you, seeing as how I was just replying to Mike in the first place. And giving examples, its not like I was taking shots.

second ninja edit: At the following bi weekly me and jake beat you and marco twice iirc?


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Wait. Are you saying that you're counting matches that are over a year old for constructing an "updated" PR?

And iirc our only tourney match prior to Caketown was at that Sauga ranking battle where I was Kirby. :kirby:

My record vs you in doubles is meh. Me and Julian placed higher at T8 and knocked you/Daniel out. At the biweekly me and Julian knocked your team into losers but you knocked us out of the tourney so go with what you will.


Edit: On the ancient Sauga ranking battle thingy: I was Kirby vs Luigi followed by Pikachu vs Jiggs twice. Or are we counting friendlies or something...? I'm sorry the timeframe is wrong. It's at least half a year old, however, and I would never be Pikachu vs Jiggs or Kirby vs Luigi in a tournament ever again. Although if you insist, I'll add that to the tally. 4-2.

Me and Marco beat you in pools but you have a point with the bracket matches so whatever.

Finally, I realize you are giving examples but I'm arguing some of them to be faulty because you're opening remark was "STOP THE LIES" and I took offense to that given that you're citing me as an example as someone you beat when I tend to win the vast majority of our recent matches.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I'm sure you've won some ancient matches against them. But I believe in your most recent matches they've all beaten you. Whatever, I stand by my desire to be taken off the list.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Toronto, Canada
shouldnt some of the NNR pop in and say something againts mike and david right about now?
Good call.

If David and Mike wish to be taken off the PR, then that's fine. It will be done. However, this means that the PR should no longer be of any interest to either of you, so this arguing seems senseless. We've seen Nate hold his own against some of the best players in Canada, he's gone to several Montreal tournies and won matches neither of you have witnessed. Take our word for it, Nate belongs right where he is on the PR. If this were some big scheme on NNR's behalf to rule the PR, then you'd likely see Kio and Vexter Jezter on the PR as well.

Mike, I don't think you should give up on the PR. You're coming along well from what I've seen, and if you keep working at it you'll likely have a spot. These things don't just happen like that though, most of those who are on the PR have demonstrated their right to be on there time and time again, and when they fail to do so they move down in the ranks accordingly. As far as I'm concerned though, there is no one below Nate who could consitantly beat him, or has proven to be able to at this point. David claims to have done this, but that hardly seems relavant considering his wishes to be off the PR.

To sum things up, if you guys no longer care about your own position on this PR, then you should no longer care about anyone elses. However, if you two want to step up and claim a spot on the PR, then keep working your hardest and if the results are there they're sure to be noticed by all of us on the panel. At this point, I'm really not convinced that you deserve a spot just yet, Mike. Everyone else on the up and coming is taking this in stride and working their hardest to make it, not to mention they aren't complaining about the current list.

Sweet baby Jesus that was long.

Deleted member

I don't really want to do this, but here goes.

Mike, and I guess to a lesser extent David, why do you want off the UnC/PR? The justification Noah and I had for wanting to be off the MTLPR is a lot more feasible than yours. You've heard our reasoning already, and I don't need to post it again..just know that large region PRs are hard to keep accurate.

This PR is not a large region. We see each other every other week now, and every other week you have some **** to talk or some blind David supporting. There's nothing wrong with supporting your friend, but when you start saying things like, "David destroys Ryan" (when IIRC their set count is 1/1) and then fake laughing and saying "You made a funny" when I disagreed, what are we supposed to think? How can we take your opinion entirely seriously when you say so many things that just aren't true?

Like the time you told me that I carried Daniel (and you probably thought I carried Nate) to doubles victory. Are you not completely wrong now?

We've teamed, you and I. Did we win? Did I carry you to winners? I don't think so. We lost all of our sets, effectively coming in last place.

Now before you say that you were playing badly, let me ask you this. Are you really going to use the sick john? If you are, that's fine. I understand being sick. But you need to realize that if you aren't playing well, you aren't playing well. You need to stick to that john if you're going to pull it out.

You were not playing well Saturday, and only one person I talked to (I talked to a lot of people that day) considered placing you a little higher in a hypothetical ranking.

In short, the conclusions you draw in this game are extremely skewed. Asking to be taking off the PR because you disagree with your ranking is a little silly in this case, because you don't really have a leg to stand on. We play you often enough to rank you appropriately.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Me and Ryan played a friendly set on FD (which I ban vs Fox) at Marco's out of boredom and now that counts for a ton? Just to set the record straight, I found out we were having a set halfway through the first match. I assumed it was going to be not counted for rankings but whatever. I'm good with this because I Fox dittoed him yesterday and won. So by that reasoning I'd be up 2-1 because I consistently beat his Mario with my Sheik (he's not going to go Mario or Doc vs me).

But I don't count my friendlies and neither should you simply because in most friendlies I'm generally unmotivated or more interested in learning new things (which is the case with Ryan) unless I'm playing against you (Jake), Noah, Bernard or someone else who is ridiculously good and who usually beats me badly. Daniel is omitted from the list because I haven't played him in a while but I'd imagine I'd work very hard against him too.

Speaking of Daniel, if we do count friendlies, we'd have to accept that Daniel's lost to me with his Fox vs my ICs repeatedly and I definitely have an even record with him. But, once again, I see no point to counting my friendlies because Daniel would never be Fox against my ICs; he'd be Peach. He'd call a double blind and counterpick me. I realize this. Thus when I call a friendly set with him vs his Fox I don't count it or argue it towards my favour.

Friendlies and friendly sets are faulty. Forgive my cynicism but I see no wisdom in using friendlies as evidence. Money matches and tournament sets when things are on the line are far more concrete than friendlies. I don't argue Mike's friendlies. I've maintained his record should keep him off the PR for quite some time now until he steps it up. Don't suck me into that crap.

Also, completely unrelated, but Jeff I'm at 0-2 with you. The Ranking Battle I lost to your Falco iirc. I sucked so hard vs Falco then lol I should have been ICs I guess. Oh well. GGs.

Edit: I don't want on the PR because I plan to quit this game pretty soon for competitive singles and stick to doubles and low tier so I'd rather see my spot filled with someone who's actually going to use it rather than be a lawn ornament.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Huh. Up until now I haven't had a chance to actually look over this entire thread, and from what I can see, Mike, you're just going from one thing to ***** about to the next. You are soley responsible for MOST of the arguments on here, and because of this it's clear that no amount of arguing will do us any good. I motion to ignore Mike completely if he tries to start anything ever from now on, it's only going to start another endless debate. Mike, you're a good guy, and I have no problem with you other than this. I'm not trying to ban you from SWF or anything, but for god's sake it's just a bloody game! Have some fun, relax! Isn't there anything else that's taking priority over the power ranks of a video game in your life right now? Can't we all just get along?!

So ya, Jake, Nate, anyone else who is involved in this debate: STOP! It's over starting now.

Deleted member

I'm sick of the friendlies hearsay, Ryan said he beat you in a tournament match. Don't respond until Ryan reposts, because I could be wrong. :) <3


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada

I just played 2 sets with Ryan. I won the second, he won the first (**** SDs I threw away FoD).

So we go about even if we use friendlies as evidence. If we don't, I win. I'm comfortable either way.

Ryan hasn't beat me in a tourney. I just asked him.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
This is Ryan @ david's posting.

jake, nah I didn't beat him in a tourney match. But In most honesty, besides some of david's SD's, I got controller gayed several times which I think evens it out. No jonz I guess, still, I dun think that friendlies matter unless they are sets and both say they're going to try.

still, the fox ditto. I almost didn't WD the whole match but w/e no jonz I guess.

Btw, Put mike in the top of U/C lol (probably doesn't matter tho)


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Ryan, the Fox ditto was cited as an example to prove the faultiness of friendlies. The sets were also cited to point out how silly it is to use friendlies because of how silly the matches were (although in fairness we have a tendency to kill ourselves in our games for some reason... Nana goes emo and kills herself whenever I edgehog and you forget what the C-stick is).

Noah, I plan to drop off because I'm going to probably quit competitive singles shortly to begin a quest to revolutionize Sheik and make her even gayer. Moreover I'm not exactly a consistent come-out to tournaments these days so whatever. I don't see what the big deal is. That and my motivation to actually try is slipping greatly because I'm not really having fun too much anymore. When people come over, unless it's Ryan, I usually play the least (Ryan eats my food thus eliminating his ability to play until he's done gorging <3 Ryan :lick:).


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
lmao. I didn't know that.

I did know that Sodium and Zinc can combine to create one of the most ruthless regimes ever witnessed by mankind. Did you?


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
^ Mmmm because I disagree monstrously with the PR and *shrug* I stopped caring about the number; someone's number doesn't save them in a match.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
He's still gonna play. He's trying to keep me around for some reason but I keep telling him my presence will make him not win.

Also, would you still like me to bite you?
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