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Toonami Mafia - Game Over - Daytime Programing wins!


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Quick read.

Vinyl.: Why do you think BSP is better than Badwolf? Put those two out of the running for a moment. Who would you lynch besides those two?
BSP scummy because he flawed after a few posts, which I do not have to quote for examples whatsoever. I decline badwolf as scum and I do decline my vote after the argument both of you had.

As I already said, eiher bsp or gangsta have to go.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Strong town read early on a slot that’s null at best =/= suspicious
Already had wonderful conversations about this.

Saying a player can die without explaining why =/= scummy
Calling a player scum without explaining why =/= scummy
Changing your mind to another player without explaining why =/= scummy
Actually giving reasoning on why he didn't come out with a scum read =/= scummy
Basically what I'm pretty sure what happened:

Soup starts to go down, he sees this and tells others to not say anything, BSP ignores and tries to defend. RF sees that BSP is doing that (a little bit of a thin part here but whatever) and goes for him instead.
I love when people leave out quotes where I actually explain, it's like they try to make me look like an idiot. :bee:


Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
you phrase this as though you know i'm town, is that intentional?
I phrase it like I want you to do **** instead of coasting through the day. I want to see active, townkary from the wall, not a coasting do-nothing kary.
also, you act as though me asking a slot to claim isn't scumhunting. pretty sure if i wanted to do nothing at all this dayphase i could coast through posting //////, so i don't see what the big deal is.
The big deal is you doing nothing all day while claim-fishing and quietly making digs at radfic.

you'll notice that i'm a doublevoter, and as such i'm more or less cleared as town. so there's no need to worry about my slot, nor is it worth trying to mislynch me. Right now i'm happy to watch the Day play out without pushing things particularly, if i come to regret that later i'll let you know.

Doublevoter doesn't clear you. In ff6 mafia, Terra was a mafia doublevoter.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
My question on what you well emancipated individuals will do in case BW flips town was not rhetorical. I want you all to elaborate on your extremely sophisticated thought process - partly to confirm to myself what extraordinary intellectuals you are and partly to see if this town can be saved in the first place [and whether attempting to do so will be worth it or not].
We re-evaluate our reads, look at the NK, get any disconnections from the flips, and move on from there


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Badwolf, I'm going to make a nicer response to that, but you just so you know, all of my allegations @ you are true at some point. I don't say something I can't back up.

You did say Soup could die and didn't explain why until MUCH later (#203 - your statement ; explanation - #527)

You did call Soup scum in your #404; again, your explanation didn't come until #527 (why you didn't inform us of it earlier, I have no idea)

When you said that you thought I was scummy in your #511, you did not give reasoning along with it, and you even hesitated to give it out in the same post (your second line in that post). Yes, you do give your reasoning soon after that, but it is a problem when people have to drag your scum-pick reasoning out of you.

And for the last point, you did say that you didn't comment on me because you didn't want to seem like a sheep, which is reasoning for not wanting to come out with a scum read.

You know what's even more strange though? You were afraid of coming out with your read on me because you thought you'd be seen as "sheeping", even though the reasoning you had was completely different from the reasoning of my wagon at the time. I'm not buying this.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Let me go ahead and claim. I don't think scum will be shooting me after toDay, and I don't want town to waste night actions on me.

I am Goku from Dragon Ball Z, and I am immune to all night actions. They will all fail on me.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Quick read.

BSP scummy because he flawed after a few posts, which I do not have to quote for examples whatsoever. I decline badwolf as scum and I do decline my vote after the argument both of you had.

As I already said, eiher bsp or gangsta have to go.
I don't know what's going on with you, but who do you think you are?

Since when has saying "X person can die, and I don't have to show why" been acceptable? You're going to have to back your opinions up.

Actually, I've been seeing a lot of statements with no backing whatsoever toDay from you, Vinyl. I know you’re aware that your reasoning is important. You keep placing your votes between Gangsta and myself, but you have yet to explain why for either of them, and you’re claiming that we’re the best picks.

You gave us a reads list in #425, with absolutely zero explanation along with them. I'm going to look into that harder, but for now, do you have reasoning you would like to add? Has anything changed for you?

Add then you make posts like this:

The only people you should be voting is either gangsta or bsp.

V/LA tomorrow for school and vga awards.

And I'll leave this vote down. Vote: Gangsta
Vote: BSP

Instead of this ****storm, we'll pass this lynch through and get something out of it.
And THEN, I don't want BW talking crap yet again, or I'll just lynch him myself, unvote, then Hammer the lynch.

Consider that as a warning, bw.
I always have a hard time figuring out what you’re doing, and you never make it easier.

Again, you’re telling people that there are only two reasonable choices toDay, but you have yet to explain why for either of them.

You also just charge in a try to stop all discussion and just push my lynch (because?), while still having failed to explain why I’m scum.

Reasoning for your actions would be nice.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Badwolf, I'm going to make a nicer response to that, but you just so you know, all of my allegations @ you are true at some point. I don't say something I can't back up.

You did say Soup could die and didn't explain why until MUCH later (#203 - your statement ; explanation - #527)

You did call Soup scum in your #404; again, your explanation didn't come until #527 (why you didn't inform us of it earlier, I have no idea)

When you said that you thought I was scummy in your #511, you did not give reasoning along with it, and you even hesitated to give it out in the same post (your second line in that post). Yes, you do give your reasoning soon after that, but it is a problem when people have to drag your scum-pick reasoning out of you.

And for the last point, you did say that you didn't comment on me because you didn't want to seem like a sheep, which is reasoning for not wanting to come out with a scum read.

You know what's even more strange though? You were afraid of coming out with your read on me because you thought you'd be seen as "sheeping", even though the reasoning you had was completely different from the reasoning of my wagon at the time. I'm not buying this.
What was the point of the post if all the things were true at some[\i] point? I mean I'd already explained, I did what I needed to but still the post... What did you want?



#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
MOD note: Deadline in 39 hours

1. BSP - [4] - KevinM, Inglorious *******, Gangstalicious, Vinyl,
2. Soup - [1] - Badwolf
3. Vinyl. - [0]
4. Kary - [0]
5. BadWolf - [4] - Make it Rain!, PrivateJoker, Wots All This Then?, Jeoy,
6. KevinM - [0]
7. Wots All This Then? (Orboknown/JDietz hydra) - [0]
8. PrivateJoker-Brown - [0]
9. Rajam - [0]
10. Inglorious ******* (Gheb_01/JTB hydra) - [0]
11. Radical Fiction (Ryker/Swiss hydra) - [1] - Kary
12. Make it Rain! (Xonar/WashedLaundry) - [1] - Radical Fiction,
13. Gangstalicious (Inferno3044/J) - [0]
14. Jeoy - [0]

Not Voting [3] BSP, Rajam, Soup,

With 14 alive it takes 8 to lynch. Deadline is at December 10th 11:59 CST.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
MOD note: Deadline in 39 hours

1. BSP - [4] - KevinM, Inglorious *******, Gangstalicious, Vinyl,
2. Soup - [1] - Badwolf
3. Vinyl. - [0]
4. Kary - [0]
5. BadWolf - [4] - Make it Rain!, PrivateJoker, Wots All This Then?, Jeoy,
6. KevinM - [0]
7. Wots All This Then? (Orboknown/JDietz hydra) - [0]
8. PrivateJoker-Brown - [0]
9. Rajam - [0]
10. Inglorious ******* (Gheb_01/JTB hydra) - [0]
11. Radical Fiction (Ryker/Swiss hydra) - [1] - Kary
12. Make it Rain! (Xonar/WashedLaundry) - [1] - Radical Fiction,
13. Gangstalicious (Inferno3044/J) - [0]
14. Jeoy - [0]

Not Voting [3] BSP, Rajam, Soup,

With 14 alive it takes 8 to lynch. Deadline is at December 10th 11:59 CST.


ok this guy is scum, and it should be clear after you re-read him and what he has done this Day. HE HAS AVOIDED TO GIVE POSTURES ALL GAME. I just did so, and his only post with some sort of postures would be his #566 which is clearly not good. Again, he has not given postures so far, and has avoided doing so by making others to give the reads. His questions aren't sharp nor agressive enough, he's just asking the political right questions; nothing that you could say "wow this guy is town!". Combine that with lack of postures and you have the classical scum that hides behind his "contributions" but avoids to give hard stances that can be tracked back later

vote: Wots All This Then?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Nah, that was just a statement to everyone. He's town and I grow cautious of the other players. I want MiR to do something worthwhile instead of sitting on his vote. I want Gangsta to respond to me. I want IR to get his head out of his ***. I want Badwolf to please answer me. So much want, so little to give.


Dec 2, 2012
Homies over hoes!!
Could've sworn I unvoted. Regardless unvote

Which statement?
The one stating that Badwolf's play is very similar to Joey's when he first started playing. Do you agree with that?

It doesn't make sense at all, it's not the fact of it being a bold move. I can tell you J would have no problem lynching either or just tagging along with it, but there's a devious intent and I recall Inferno being okay with both, just idly nodding his head about it. I don't understand the revelation and it brings up a ton of issues that J hasn't even bothered addressing, just for them to suddenly come up so boldly.

Ninja, shut up Gheb.
I was never okay with a badwolf Badwolf lynch. From what we've talked about, BSP has just been put in a bad situation and just handled it poorly. He doesn't think it's a scumtell and I'm putting my trust in him. His claim also makes us more inclined to believe that he's town.

We re-evaluate our reads, look at the NK, get any disconnections from the flips, and move on from there
This is the most vague statement I've ever seen. Say one person specifically you would look at if BW flips town and one person specifically you would look at if he flips scum. Give an explanation for both.

@IR - I would like you to also answer the same question I posed to WATT. You sound like you have little to no faith in the direction of some people here, yet don't state where your head would be at regarding the same circumstances. Shed some light on your thoughts.



Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Extracted from my notes.
#52 - RF I like this post.
#85 - RF Another good post. Towny. Like this.
#101 -RF Holy crap I love this man.
#103 - RF Impressed by this, again love this guy.
#122 - RF. Harsher reads. Still like him still town.
#132 - RF. Does this man ever have bad thoughts? He’s taking the words straight out of my mouth.
#140 - RF. Slightly more confusing however no less true. Town all the way.
#177 - RF I like this post. Little bit aggro but it is Swiss.

^Those are all the posts that I really do like from him.

Oh yeah I looked at your comment I just don't know why you dismissed it.
I don't care if these reads are now outdated, I'll still ask:

Can you go deeper on some of these? (I mean something more elaborated than "I like this"). Specially interested in your #132; seems out of place you thought the same as RF regarding what he said there.

Also it seems you're taking a lot of notes, you got almost every single post from RF at least here up to that point, nonetheless you left some posts out and idk why, because it would seem you would have a commentary for those given you had commentaries for similar posts in your notes. Here are the posts you left out:


Why did you leave out?:


Regarding your notes, are you taking notes for other players like you did here with RF? Can you explain a little how are/were you taking notes?

Ignore whatever question has already been directly answered earlier.

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
The one stating that Badwolf's play is very similar to Joey's when he first started playing. Do you agree with that?
No because I don't know what Jeoy played like when he started.

This is the most vague statement I've ever seen. Say one person specifically you would look at if BW flips town and one person specifically you would look at if he flips scum. Give an explanation for both.

@IR - I would like you to also answer the same question I posed to WATT. You sound like you have little to no faith in the direction of some people here, yet don't state where your head would be at regarding the same circumstances. Shed some light on your thoughts.
I want BSP to die toDay. I've stated that like a million times. Hard to say who's dying toMorrow. Depends on what happens toDay.

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
WATT is also one of the many players I'm not sure whether he's scum or just useless but just want to die sooner rather than later.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
I don't care if these reads are now outdated, I'll still ask:

Can you go deeper on some of these? (I mean something more elaborated than "I like this"). Specially interested in your #132; seems out of place you thought the same as RF regarding what he said there.

Also it seems you're taking a lot of notes, you got almost every single post from RF at least here up to that point, nonetheless you left some posts out and idk why, because it would seem you would have a commentary for those given you had commentaries for similar posts in your notes. Here are the posts you left out:


Why did you leave out?:


Regarding your notes, are you taking notes for other players like you did here with RF? Can you explain a little how are/were you taking notes?

Ignore whatever question has already been directly answered earlier.
I only really commented on the posts that were sticking out to me. If I had been doing that with each post my notes would have gotten way too long to read.

I stopped the notes, however, when I was doing them yes I was doing them for everyone as well as RF. I was using the notes as a system of "pluses" and "minuses" to a person's likability I used that to gauge them as a read.

Again I have stopped it because for some reason it wasn't helping and rather hindering.



TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I'll get to this tonight after work sorry busy evening.

I see Rajam still isn't voting BSP..

worst doublevoter NA holy ****.

I'm not lynching Badwolf,

Could lynch MiR if we're not killing off BSP

Yo Rykwiss MiR or BSP

Those are the only two wagons I'm gonna roll on and we don't have a lot of time.

Soup choose one of those as well baby girl

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I phrase it like I want you to do **** instead of coasting through the day. I want to see active, townkary from the wall, not a coasting do-nothing kary.
but i'm town either way. right now i don't have a lot to offer, i don't really see what the big deal is, especially after you mislynched me in the wall.

The big deal is you doing nothing all day while claim-fishing and quietly making digs at radfic.
no, i was much more fishing for reactions than i was claims, and i don't want to argue about the benefits of asking for claims. I also don't know how I was being 'quiet' in my push for RadFic, but whatever.

oh, and ruy publicly fixed the vote count, so you lied to try to clear yourself. wtf
i guess i did it just to fish reactions then. :cool:

Let me go ahead and claim. I don't think scum will be shooting me after toDay, and I don't want town to waste night actions on me.

I am Goku from Dragon Ball Z, and I am immune to all night actions. They will all fail on me.

What a pathetic, disgustingly wishy-washy answer. Be concrete.

You haven't got a clue.
blah blah blah blah blah

seriously considering putting you on ignore



well this is interesting. hmm.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island


ok this guy is scum, and it should be clear after you re-read him and what he has done this Day. HE HAS AVOIDED TO GIVE POSTURES ALL GAME. I just did so, and his only post with some sort of postures would be his #566 which is clearly not good. Again, he has not given postures so far, and has avoided doing so by making others to give the reads. His questions aren't sharp nor agressive enough, he's just asking the political right questions; nothing that you could say "wow this guy is town!". Combine that with lack of postures and you have the classical scum that hides behind his "contributions" but avoids to give hard stances that can be tracked back later

vote: Wots All This Then?
Rajam, are you serious? Afaik Orbo and I have been nothing but forthcoming this game.

My questions aren't sharp or aggressive enough? I got Swiss to say if I ever spoke to him like that again he'd run me out of mafia. And I'd love to hear how we haven't given postures while persuing a BW lynch and answering questions given to us. Don't hand-wave a post where I literally spill my 10 cents on every player as "not good" without explaining why you think so.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Right now we would go with Soup. His anger is very over the top and his pushes have been terrible. I've seen him angry but never like this and it feels feigned/forced to us.
See: Mass Effect

Town Soup + Aggro DietzScum = lol, but not SoupScum

I'm seeing a continuation of Soup irritation in this game, but if anything he's calmer. (aka: I read townSoup)

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
No, I *am* being like this. There has to be a way to get you guys to actually listen. You can't all be this worthless.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
No, I *am* being like this. There has to be a way to get you guys to actually listen. You can't all be this worthless.
You're literally throwing a temper tantrum because the thread isn't instantly going where you want it to and expecting it to help. Stop being anti-town or replace out, before we all decide it'd be easier to break the stalemate by getting rid of you instead, I'm dead serious.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Now: I want anyone who isn't on the Badwolf wagon to tell me why Badwolf's interaction with me and Soup from ~#590 to #616 is ok with them.

I.e. how Badwolf says "I'll give reads tomorrow" to us, but refuses Soup because he "doesn't believe he'd care what he said". Note how he reads us as one of his top town picks once we ask him specifically to list the top two scum and town picks. Then later, when we ask for more, he goes back to "tomorrow" after he already gave out a reads list for everyone else anyways.

What's the justification for Badwolf to so transparently deny reads to people even when his town picks ask him nicely? Why did he bother sticking with "tomorrow" as an excuse to not elaborate on his top picks if he was still around long enough anyways to let us draw out a sentence on everyone else from him if he wasn't scum trying to get out of giving away information? Why change his reason between us and Soup if he wasn't still trying to rile Soup and deny contribution? Why isn't any of this shady? It doesn't add up to TownBadwolf and he's still not convincing either of us that he is based on other actions.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
3. Vinyl. - Kinda annoyingly useless. He pops in and posts about current events however he doesn't really want to get involved beyond that. I haven't seen him in the thick of it and I would like to see him there.
4. Kary - He just got in. I want to see more before I post certainty about him.
6. KevinM - I like him, he was actively working with town and by extent RF. He was putting questions to people and being understandable with them. I want more posts by him right now.
8. PrivateJoker-Brown - I would like to see more by him. His slot hasn't posted ever except to say that they were replacing out. He's alright-ish so far because I can see where he might have gotten pulled into my wagon.
9. Rajam - Less than active. Except he was somewhat more active during the first couple of days.
10. Inglorious ******* - Eh, he's weird. I feel as if Gheb is running the show on this and I'm not sure how exactly he plays. I might just be missing something but I'm not sure.
12. Make it Rain! (Xonar/WashedLaundry) - They are unpredictable. I feel as if they are on a track with Soup or BSP then they go off on me. :/ I like that they are looking in other places, but it makes it confusing because I'm really not sure what's going to happen next.
13. Gangstalicious (Inferno3044/J) - He popped in for a little while? He needs to post more.
14. Jeoy - See Gang.
I took out the people that I have as top scum or town.


EBWOP: Just checked, Badwolf never actually got to answering "tomorrow".

@Second post :Like, what's the point of this? Why didn't you just tell us how you felt about your top two scum and town reads at that point. We were willing to let you wait till "tomorrow" if that's really truly what it took, but it clearly wasn't important to you. You never came back going "ok guys, now that I have more time here's the important stuff right here".

Why neuter the usefulness of your own reads by intentionally cutting out your most important ones and then letting the fact they were asked for blow over? You were clearly begrudging enough to give us the other reads when we specifically asked for them, and we're listed as one of the two town reads, so I don't see any reason why it should be a problem for you if you're Town.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Nah, I'm still here for like 2 seconds. I like how you're getting pissed about this now tho... That was like 3 days ago? Why are you mentioning it now? And why all the salt?


Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Nah, I'm still here for like 2 seconds. I like how you're getting pissed about this now tho... That was like 3 days ago? Why are you mentioning it now? And why all the salt?

Because it's still important, and you still haven't addressed it. It's IMO blatant scum intent and I don't intend to let you get away with it just because we're a hydra.

So will you give us your reasoning for your top scum and town picks now? (and maybe an explanation for why you didn't want to before?)

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island

Weeeeelllllll, you let me know if you ever do decide to answer to what your reads are sometime. It's not a rush or anything... just a day or so till deadline and you're one of the major wagons who will or won't die based on your willingness to explain yourself as a townsperson, of which your current level (or lack) of town intent isn't at all suspicious or concerning. And you aren't up against someone who has actually bothered to attempt to answer questions recently and therefore don't look bad in comparison in any way... NBD really...

Can we get some more votes on this guy? Especially if he doesn't respond soon?

(RadFic, Kevmo, Kary, Rajam, Gangsta, IR?)
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