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Toon Link Inquiry Thread (Ask a question, get an answer)


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Y iz Tink's Down Air so CHEAP!?!? :confused::urg::urg::ohwell::mad::mad::mad:

My serious reason for coming here:

Does charging spin attack make it any more inescapable?
Or is it just for damage?


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
If you can control TL movement well and with quick execution, Nair would be your fastest distance covering combat attack. It is second in damage only to a hyphen-smash. Faster, stronger, and safer than a QDA. If you do it with a full jump (not using two jumps) instead of a short hop it is as safe as, if not safer than, the Zair because it gives you the distance with the second jump to think and react.

Brawl's "stun" properties are such crap. If you hit with the first swing of the Fsmash, the second swing can be DIed and jumped away from or shielded or dodge depending on the character, given the very small frames. If you ask me, TL's first swing of the Fsmash should of have the stun property of Snakes first hit of his Ftilt. Go ahead, ask me what I think of TL's Fsmash. :)

The thing that makes TL Dair bad is that diving property. It has it's uses, but I rather have execution of it and manually fast fall it myself. You would have so more mind games with the Dair if you had the option to hover it.

Charging the Spin Attack ONLY adds damage per hit. It doesn't make it longer or faster. It SHOULD of made it longer and faster for damage though. That's what it did in the LoZ games! :(


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Yea, I think its a useful attack, but I only use it when I know it'll hit, even on ground, since its very punishable D:


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
I use the Dair against the "I'll wait on the ground, shield right under you, and grab" tactic. But even then I didn't really need the dive.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
I want to post a thread.
However I don't know what percentage of our TL users visit this thread, on which my post hangs.
So what fraction of our users posts here?
And how fast are questions answered?
I don't come here often.

I wish TL had great spin attack!
I wish TL had a normal dair!


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
You want stats on the number of posters? That's such a silly question...

I'll humor you though.

You can't really determine an exact number of posters because it's not like we all know each other and collaborate with each other.

This is a very general way to look at it, mind you. If you look at the view count of any thread on the TL category and compare it to the number of posts, it "seems" like 10% of the people who view the thread would actually post. If you go into the thread and read it, you'll notice that certain users post multiple times.

So a very broad answer would be less then 10% of the people who visit the TL boards will post.

Want an answer?

You may get some jerk who will take the time to post a remark that tells you too look it up instead of answer your question directly. I like to point out to these people that on GameFAQ that the FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions." If you're one of them, I personally think you are idiots. :)

You may get someone who does not answer clearly or is broad with their answer and if you get lucky you'll get someone who knows what they are talking about and can explain well.

But all that isn't really relevant. The timeliness of questions answered really just varies because it depends on how busy the members are.

I hope that answered all your questions. Also, I read that you wanted a PM as an answer. I also think that is silly. This is one of the better thread on the boards and answering on here when a question is asked help keep this thread up top.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Dumb PMs not sending >_<

TLMarth said:
Do you use full jump for projectile spam often in your game?
I.e. Boomerang -> quickdraw arrow
When I full hog, It's usually something to get out of the way of certain projectiles. For example, I was playing Xyro yesterday, And I needed to full hop a lot to get out of the way of his charged beam and homing missiles. I usually throw a boomerang straight, down, and SOMETIMES backwards. Its this new thing I've been working on and it looks GREAT. You let the boomerang go behind you. and you approach the opponent and jump at the last second. The boomerang comes from under you, in like the most perfect fashion, and then you use an aerial move.

TLMarth said:
Also do you use SH bomb throw -> arrow?
If yes then do you ever throw the bomb up?
And what about bomb throw -> nair
As for the SH bomb throw -> arrow, I'm usually doing it if I'm in a "spam fight" with my opponent (but it has to be certain characters and situations). Also, As a substitute for running away, and JC throwing a bomb, I something run away, jump, throw a bomb backwards, and quickdraw arrow. I don't usually throw the bomb up unless I know they're approaching. But I don't quickdraw or Nair then. Too risky and easy to get around. I might bomb throw Nair if I think the situation calls for it(like as mindgames, or my opponent doesn't shield much).

sasukebowser said:
In 'mixing it up'
when you said that when you
have a bomb in your hand and
the opponent is shielding

Then you have to run away with zair and jc throw bomb?
But could you throw the bomb up (making sure you spaced yourself so as not to be grabbed yourself)
And then grab -> up throw?
The last part works, but the grab-> throw up part is too risky. And if you try it once, the conman smasher will pick up this particular tactic pretty fast. And if you miss the grab(high chance of doing so), they could throw you into your bomb.

Sorry about the confusion. xD


Smash Hero
Jul 12, 2008
I have a quick question about not getting killed with toon link. Wow.

How should my spacing go about? I try to play offensive and then defensive some but never does it ever work.

My basic strategy is to rack the damage and then go in for a fair or bair, then once I have 'em in the air try to kill 'em like that.

For some reason my strategy forces me to give up spacing I'm guessing. Is there any sort of guides that don't just tell me to zair for spacing? (I usually use zair offensively anyways, don't ask.. =/ )


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
If you don't want to die, learn to DI well. It might even save you until like ~180-200 if your lucky. And get your opponent to waste they're kill moves by playing sloppy at times (if you want to take risks like that >_>).

For spacing, it just means get them to where you want them to be. Use any more to space. But Zair works best, as it is a low-risk move. I don't really have any other thought on that.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
After you rack up damage, you should use smash attacks for the kill, instead of fair or bair.Well, fair works, but I think you get my point. Bair really isnt something you shoukd be trying to kill with.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Its not exactly guaranteed up till getting the footstool.
Thats why people don't do it.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
sasukebowser is right, best way to not get killed is to DI correctly. Other than that you just need to try not to play in your opponent's KO "zone." If you're playing against a Pit, don't play around his sides. If you're playing against a Snake, don't play near his front or near above him. If you're playing against a DK...well you shouldn't play to close to DK too much. :)


Being able to switch from offensive to defensive is good and all, but you need to do it as the situation calls. If you have the offensive advantage then that's great. However, if your opponent has you on the run with his/her offense than you need to switch to defense and break his momentum. With TL you should poke and see how your opponent react and decide if you should attack or defend.

With Zair you need to practice aiming to hit with the end of the move. It is an odd move to get use to, but it's not that hard to understand.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
You want stats on the number of posters? That's such a silly question...

I'll humor you though.

You can't really determine an exact number of posters because it's not like we all know each other and collaborate with each other.

This is a very general way to look at it, mind you. If you look at the view count of any thread on the TL category and compare it to the number of posts, it "seems" like 10% of the people who view the thread would actually post. If you go into the thread and read it, you'll notice that certain users post multiple times.

So a very broad answer would be less then 10% of the people who visit the TL boards will post.

Want an answer?

You may get some jerk who will take the time to post a remark that tells you too look it up instead of answer your question directly. I like to point out to these people that on GameFAQ that the FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions." If you're one of them, I personally think you are idiots. :)

You may get someone who does not answer clearly or is broad with their answer and if you get lucky you'll get someone who knows what they are talking about and can explain well.

But all that isn't really relevant. The timeliness of questions answered really just varies because it depends on how busy the members are.

I hope that answered all your questions. Also, I read that you wanted a PM as an answer. I also think that is silly. This is one of the better thread on the boards and answering on here when a question is asked help keep this thread up top.
I thought that if posts were not answered here often then it would be the reason that people make new threads.
Or they're just stupid?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2008
So I have watched a couple combo vids and noticed some people do a Bair to Dair combo. I have been playing my friends and I can string Bairs but the Bair to Dair that I see in the vids just doesn't seem like it could happen without my friends air dodging, moving out of the way.

Is this an actual combo, or were these people playing against people who just didn't know to get out of the way.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Short answer: No, its not an actual combo.

Long answer: You might get lucky and land it. Its mostly mind games. For example, you can do the Bair, wait a second for them to air dodge, then Dair. Or, if you can manage a footstool before a Dair, thats a guaranteed combo.

Cloud Cleaver

Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2008
Central Virginia
IF you slam the dair the instant the footstool activates. You have to be within a fraction of a second or they'll fall off to one side and you'll SD.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Usually you do, because people dont do the footstool intentionally, there trying to jump higher for the spike.


Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
Bair to Dair isnt a combo. Ur better off gimping with nair, arrows and pissing them off with projectiles when theyre offstage. That doesnt mean that u shouldn't dair offstage. There are some chars that are very easy to hit when theyre recovering because their recovery is so predictable.

Cloud Cleaver

Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2008
Central Virginia
It's USUALLY best to wait and dair them when they activate their up-B move. Link, DK, Bowser, and the space animals are particularly easy to get once they're committed to the third jump.

Cloud Cleaver

Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2008
Central Virginia
Double post, but I don't really give a **** about that convention.

Has anyone else noticed that a short hop cancelled immediately into a dair will make you rapidly slide down slopes? Sometimes I use this as a mindgame or a locomotion technique, especially on Corneria. What do the competitors say? Useful? Meh? Or complete crap?


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
I'm sure people have notice TL's Dair on slopes make him slide down them. Only think this really does it make it safer for you to Dairs, IMO.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
I'm sure people have notice TL's Dair on slopes make him slide down them. Only think this really does it make it safer for you to Dairs, IMO.
Or could absolutely destroy you. If the opponent is smart enough he'll back down the slope (yoshis island melee for example) and punish you.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
Absolutely destroy? Sliding down the slope with a Dair will have as much landing lag as a Dair on a flat ground. So the punishing time is the same, but adding distance to it may give some safety in terms of reach. So if you slide down a slope with a lot of distance you may be able to create to much distance for your opponent to get to you before you can recover from the Dair.

Not to mention against a human a Dair should be used sparingly and when you do you it, if you're on a slope the sliding of it will throw your opponent off if he dodges it .


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
It was an exaggeration. I'm just saying dairing onstage is not the best option in any circumstance, unless you're 100% sure it'll hit =/

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
Why isn't this thread stickied?
I read a thread earlier written by a newcomer that could have been avoided had this been stickied.
(Is stickied a word?)
Hurry up and get this thread, stuck down, pinned, stappled, fastened, given a more permenant placment or even stickied.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Any suggestions on separating the ice climbers from each other?
Fully Charged Arrow when they're recovering (or anytime) =D Once hit they were too far away from each other to recover!

QUESTION: Which is TL's best throw and why?
Which one is best for Damage? Distance? Combo setup? anything else?

Yea I'm too lazy to go check it out myself.

EDIT: sticky NOW!
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