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TOASTY TOOOAST (SoVa) Presents: Brawl Singles (Results) @ Hi Score Gaming 12/27


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
Found out I was able to host this tourney like 8 or 9 days ago so it ended up being pretty small, and we only had enough time for singles [though we finished the tourney in 3 hours!]

Tourney Thread (LOL)

Video Thread

18 Entrants

Bracket Image

2: Black G--Metaknight ($40.50)
3: DragonCharlz--R.O.B./Snake ($13.50)
4: toasty--R.O.B.
5: Famous--Mario/Luigi
5: D0N--Donkey Kong/Fox
7: Whodat--Olimar
7: Pitzer--Pit
9: SenkoZero--Marth
9: Null--Yoshi
9: dobee--ZSS/Kirby
9: MaSHi--Metaknight/DDD
13: Mister E--Pikachu
13: Hwappo--?
13: iice--?
13: ttocs--G&W/Sheik?
17: connor--?
17: Urvine--?

Correct me if I'm wrong about any of the characters, I don't remember/know with 100% certainty...

Thanks for coming through on such short notice :)
Fun night!

Sooo much time for friendlies afterward!

Thanks to everyone who helped out with setting things up and/or brought setups.
Thanks to everyone who made sure the tourney matches were played in a timely fashion ^_^

I hope to throw another one in a few weeks if people want one.

How did people feel about the price of the tourney? Is that something people want to see again at the next one?

Feedback would be lovely =D


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Kadaj is that good? Go Kadaj!

I want to see vids of this DragonCharlz' guy. We need more ROBs >_<


Smash Apprentice
Nov 11, 2005
Toasty- I also played Lucario and Don also played Ice climbers.

Stingers135- I think the only matches of DragonCharlz that were recorded was the two that he lost. I got a couple of his other ones on camera, but I couldn't get that stupid black bar out of the way so I doubt they will get posted.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
shoulda been me in that spot...but I BLOW A.SS at ROB dittos...I have no idea how to space against him and what things outprioritize ROB's other moves ;___; so i lost to DragonCharlz in winners semis...

And then the same MK that I sent to losers [BlackG] came back and got me in Losers Semis

major squanders on my part XD

I coulda been the one to take a SET off of Kadaj sonnnn =D!!!

Whodat: to what degree though? like did you use Lucario against not-so-great people and win? for instance, D0N beat you 1 match with ICs...right? Did he use them any other times? If not, it's not necessarily worth mentioning [though in this case it might be since you're pretty good and he won with ICs]

but for the sake of records that noting it will affect, I'm going to leave it as is unless there were more matches played as those characters than maybe...one match early in the tourney...


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I coulda been the one to take a SET off of Kadaj sonnnn =D!!!

whodat, if he lost to Kadaj, upload them anyway. Any and all ROB v Marth vids are appreciated :p I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Dr. PPs marth >_<


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2006
don't you talk about squanders toasty! rofl. (til you see me of course)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 11, 2005
I feel what you're saying toasty. I used Lucario against Don after he picked the climbers and won. I only used Diddy once as well as R.O.B. If you're just going to put a character up for me then I'd rather it just say Olimar


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
I must say that Kadaj is the best in Sova.

:) congratz dude, I wish I could come to this... sigh Sova is too far sometimes... lol

TOASTY, make Sova tourney again! ^__^ w/ doubles this time, and Originals will come down again.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
Norfolk, VA
man f that, $15 is too much just for singles. Im not really complaining about the tourney entry, but about the venue. Next time were gonna throw it at black g's apartment. Cheaper venue fee + More time for tourney. He said we could. OH and I used zss and kirby... zss the most.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Pitzer how much did you use Marth?

Also, Whodat: I see....what I've seen other TOs do is only list another character that was used once if it was later in the tourney or in a finals match [or if, say, you switched to Lucario and took a match off the guy who won the tourney].

I didn't realize you only used Diddy once, prolly because you and Famous kept playing friendlies after the set so when I glanced over I wasn't thinking about it and thought you used him more in tourney...

I'll let everyone know when I can run another one...

problems with running teams and singles at Hi Score:
Venue fee will be $10...granted it was $7.50 this time around, but you gotta make the cost of a tourney the same as or greater than venue since there will be those who only enter one tourney...which would mean that if venue is 10, singles will be 10 and so will doubles....so $30??? or we can say the venue is 10, make the tourneys less apiece?

I'll see what I can do about lowering the venue fees but it'll be hard to do that if we do teams AND singles.

Hopefully Caboose will still be able to hook me up with the common room at his dorm so I can has mai free venue ^_^

But see then we would need people to step it up with setups! [since I won't have Hi Score's supply to dip into...soooo that's 3 TVs gone and I think we used one of their Wiis and 2 copies of Brawl]

So the only way this could possibly work would be if we had more people who can bring setups...and those setups HAVE to be dedicated to Brawl until the tourneys are over [sorry O-NO]. If I was just running a singles tourney, then I wouldn't mind having side tourneys. But I can't continue to run 12 hours tourneys. I wanna be able to repeat yesterday's speed.

I think there were 34 SETS completed in 3 hours? Including all 3 finals rounds...

That's pretty d.amn good.

Basically I wanna run a teams tourney in 2-3 hours.
1 hour break for food [but if you leave and are playing singles, you MUST register before you leave so brackets can be made during the break]
then singles will be run in 3-4 hours if we have more people there.

There will be less and less friendlies during the tourney. You gotta remember: this is not a fest. It's a tournament. There have been way too many events where casual would-be competitive smashers show, it takes too long, they leave, and never come back again...

Not everyone out there is like us >_>

So yeah the only way for this to work [and I'm shooting for a couple weeks from now...maybe a week before Chu's?] is if I have people bring SETUPS. Don't be a lazya.ss and think "oh...well there are usually extra Wiis anyway, so they won't need mine" or "I just don't feel like bringing it".

I'm going to need at least 7 setups to make this work.

gah what am I doing...I should be posting this elsewhere...

EDITZ: About BlackG's place...I'm down, but I'm very concerned about having table space for setups and seats for each setup. That's the main drawback. I mean, the man doesn't even have a kitchen table in there yet! Trust me when I say we'd be lacking heavily in table space. I don't think everyone's too keen on TVs on the floor and sitting on the floor...not that we're some spoiled royalty bltches, I just know that not everyone can do that comfortably. Like me, for instance, I -can not- sit "indian style"...so how am I supposed to sit on the ground? lie down?

lastly: just want to point out that I completely agree about venue being so expensive. It's a business but goddammmn...

ACTUALLY the fact that we got the tourney done so quickly almost guarantees that we can get a cheaper venue fee if we have another singles tourney or something short like that...


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
Norfolk, VA
so what you're saying is that we need tables and chairs.... cuz i got like 10 chairs and 2 tables at my house that we could use... ima need those ****s back though... none of that "too lazy to go get 'em stuff" I'm gettin my stuff lol


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Dobee is the man......I'll post this question in the SoVa thread too:

Tourney January 10th?

Probably just singles because I don't think there's enough room for 6 setups...I'm thinking like...2 setups in the kitchen, maybe, but only enough sitting room for 4-6 people [ie 2 teams matches cannot be taking place there] and then 2 setups in the living room...

EDIT: wait...there may be a bit more room...hmmmmmm..........that'd be pushing it, esp if there was a lot of people there, but we could do it...I'll check with BlackG


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Wow PTZR tied with Whodat for 7th? Good ****e.

Kadaj is too good.

Wish I could have came.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Please please please please PLEASE pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease tell me some Marth's cut up some ****ing ROB's at this ****.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
I used DK for 6 matches, fox for 4, and zelda and IC for one a piece. It doesnt matter for me if you change who it says I used, it can just be DK or maybe DK/Fox.

GGs all around. It was fun. I was kinda hoping TvC would be there but i guess not...

O-No: If its possible you could throw a fest and our money match could be like a main event. It all depends on how busy you are though.


Smash Rookie
Oct 14, 2007
Toasty- I also played Lucario and Don also played Ice climbers.

Stingers135- I think the only matches of DragonCharlz that were recorded was the two that he lost. I got a couple of his other ones on camera, but I couldn't get that stupid black bar out of the way so I doubt they will get posted.
You ***** my Yoshi with Olimar. Horrible match IMO.
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