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Toad Discussion

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Toad is a horrible idea. I'd rather him make Peach be a Wobbafett. The only Toad on SSBB should be Slippy.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
In your kitchen, drinking your kool-aid
Toad's power is 4/5?! He is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too small and light for that.
Ah, but not soon enough! Peach fans, myself included, have been waiting patiently--er, not-so-patiently--for some sign of our princess since Brawl was announced back at E3 '05. Last Friday's video brought us hope that she would get an update soon, but apparently "soon" is relative.
And all you'd be getting is a profile screenshot and some text. Just knowing she's confirmed should be good enough for you to rest easy.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Toad's power is 4/5?! He is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too small and light for that.

And all you'd be getting is a profile screenshot and some text. Just knowing she's confirmed should be good enough for you to rest easy.
Yeah, I'd love to see the moveset with Toad in it, I wonder what he'll do for Peach next.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Toad is a horrible idea. I'd rather him make Peach be a Wobbafett. The only Toad on SSBB should be Slippy.
You honestly think Slippy deserves a spot in Brawl over Toad?

I'm sorry, but if there's one opinion you're not entitled to, that's it.

Also, the "I'd rather him make Peach be a Wobbafett," line confuses me.

Toad as Peach's B move is terrible. I've said it before, but I'll say it again: It's not just unfair to Toad; it's an insult to Peach's character. Hiding behind one of her servants? Pretty cowardly if you ask me. And since when has Toad expelled spores? Random, gross, totally wrong. Not only does Toad deserve better treatment, but Peach deserves a better B move. Make it happen, Sakurai.

Toad for Brawl.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
Toad's power is 4/5?! He is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too small and light for that.

And all you'd be getting is a profile screenshot and some text. Just knowing she's confirmed should be good enough for you to rest easy.
well in super mario2 he was the strongest and the fastest character. it was the jump that got him which is what balances him out. fast, strong, and no jumping skills

Iggy K

Smash Ace
May 18, 2006
There is really no reasn for Toadette to be in over Toad, given that Toad is more iconic, popular, major, has more options for moves and since Toadette was only created so Toad could have a partner anyway. And yes, he is on Sakurai's poll.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
Toadette? Screw that. She's a generic clone of Toad in Party/Mario Sport games.

And in all the other games he's weak and speedy.
and all of his other games were mario party, mario kart, any mario sports game, and 1 puzzle game in which he was actually quite powerful, and a cameo in melee as a stage person and a human meatsheild.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
You honestly think Slippy deserves a spot in Brawl over Toad?

I'm sorry, but if there's one opinion you're not entitled to, that's it.

Also, the "I'd rather him make Peach be a Wobbafett," line confuses me.

Toad as Peach's B move is terrible. I've said it before, but I'll say it again: It's not just unfair to Toad; it's an insult to Peach's character. Hiding behind one of her servants? Pretty cowardly if you ask me. And since when has Toad expelled spores? Random, gross, totally wrong. Not only does Toad deserve better treatment, but Peach deserves a better B move. Make it happen, Sakurai. Toad is not a Finite resource. What's so bad about using him as a counter?
Toad for Brawl.
I love to use peach for that reason, the Japanese FE chracter's counters piss me off because they get it over Mario/Luigi/Bowser. Wobbafett is a...it's going to be a long story so forget a said that. Slippy is a cool character once you know him. He's the mechanic for the StarFox Team and he produced the Arwings.

well in super mario2 he was the strongest and the fastest character. it was the jump that got him which is what balances him out. fast, strong, and no jumping skills
Well in super mario 2 he was NOT the strongest. Mario was. The jump is why I never use him, and I run into trouble too fast if I use him. IMO peach or Luigi are great characters to solo the game.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
yep and here is the proof as told by wikipedia

* Mario - Mario is the balanced character, and is thus the most user friendly of the four characters. All three stats (jump, speed and power) are at four stars.
* Luigi - Luigi has the best jump of the lot, with a five in that category, while his speed and power are only a three. The movement control of Luigi is also very touchy.
* Toad - Both Toad's speed and power are higher than anyone's, with a five in both categories. However, he is the worst jumper of the four, with only a two in that category.
* Princess Peach - The Princess does not excel in speed or power, with a two for both, while her jump is only a three. However, she has the ability to float in the air for a couple of seconds, making her jumping skills superior for horizontal jumps. In "Super Mario Advance," she is named Peach in the character selection screen, when she was referred to as "Princess" on the Contributor Screen and in the Credits in the NES standalone and in Super Mario All-Stars.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The sm2 toad would be THE toad, not the generic speedy/weak toad guards. Sure he's one of them, but he's different from them.

EDIT @ biggie smalls-He was the strongest and could pick the turnips/etc. the fastest from the ground with little lag.
That sounds like bull****. He's unbelievable. If he was that powerful, how in hell does Peach gte kidnapped all the time?
yep and here is the proof as told by wikipedia

* Mario - Mario is the balanced character, and is thus the most user friendly of the four characters. All three stats (jump, speed and power) are at four stars.
* Luigi - Luigi has the best jump of the lot, with a five in that category, while his speed and power are only a three. The movement control of Luigi is also very touchy.
* Toad - Both Toad's speed and power are higher than anyone's, with a five in both categories. However, he is the worst jumper of the four, with only a two in that category.
* Princess Peach - The Princess does not excel in speed or power, with a two for both, while her jump is only a three. However, she has the ability to float in the air for a couple of seconds, making her jumping skills superior for horizontal jumps. In "Super Mario Advance," she is named Peach in the character selection screen, when she was referred to as "Princess" on the Contributor Screen and in the Credits in the NES standalone and in Super Mario All-Stars.
You wasted your time, look at the answer above your quote.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
well you had wario woods which was his only other real adventure game and then a crapload of party, kart, and sports games. and i would not count party, sport, or kart games for anything regarding a players strength.

and the reason he lets peach get kidnapped is he is a bit of a coward. plus how fun would a mario game be if the princess was rescued by toad 5 minutes in?

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
well you had wario woods which was his only other real adventure game and then a crapload of party, kart, and sports games. and i would not count party, sport, or kart games for anything regarding a players strength.

and the reason he lets peach get kidnapped is he is a bit of a coward. plus how fun would a mario game be if the princess was rescued by toad 5 minutes in?
So what you're saying is this: Toad is UBER STRONG but is a coward, and if he weren't, he'd save Peach in 5 minutes, even though you don't want to control in doing that.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
You quoted yourself and said "QFT."? >_<

What proof do you have that Toad won't be in the game, since you're making such an assumption and calling it a fact, you better have some.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
well you had wario woods which was his only other real adventure game and then a crapload of party, kart, and sports games. and i would not count party, sport, or kart games for anything regarding a players strength.

and the reason he lets peach get kidnapped is he is a bit of a coward. plus how fun would a mario game be if the princess was rescued by toad 5 minutes in?

Instead of a pointless argument orbiting his stats, shouldn't we be having a flame war about his chances(which are zero)?
1-flame war = bad
2-chances for toad = decent/high

So what you're saying is this: Toad is UBER STRONG but is a coward, and if he weren't, he'd save Peach in 5 minutes, even though you don't want to control in doing that.
I don't exactly get the bold part.
Toad is strong (or at least THE toad), like someone said before (I forgot your name), toad is a coward most of the time, but when he is willful, he doesn't stop what he is doing unless he dies/gets killed. He is very loyal.

EDIT-unless you work at nintendo or are sakurai, your opinion isn't fact.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007

1-flame war = bad
2-chances for toad = decent/high

I don't exactly get the bold part.
Toad is strong (or at least THE toad), like someone said before (I forgot your name), toad is a coward most of the time, but when he is willful, he doesn't stop what he is doing unless he dies/gets killed. He is very loyal.

EDIT-unless you work at nintendo or are sakurai, your opinion isn't fact.
I meant if you play as him, just a typo.

You quoted yourself and said "QFT."? >_<

What proof do you have that Toad won't be in the game, since you're making such an assumption and calling it a fact, you better have some.
At most he's probably a support trophy or a counter for Peach. By the way, I don't think you said get angry at people for talking to themselves.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
At most he's probably a support trophy or a counter for Peach.
I see this stated all of the time, and it in no way proves anything. It most certainly doesn't prove anything that my post asked for.

By the way, I don't think you said get angry at people for talking to themselves.
I'm confused...


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2006
South Hill, Washinton
Alright, I'll go over why I believe Toad won't be in(I'm wasting my 1111th post for this too...)

1: He's generic. No generic character has been in Smash yet(don't use Pikachu, because that was THE pikachu, and there is no THE toad in the mario series).

2: He is small, was used as a background character/attack, and why would Sakurai waste character space with so many more deserving characters on the line?

3: Toad can't fight, all he's ever done is jump on enemies and throw radishes. Peach had floating going for her and she is a much more popular character.

I see no good evidence supporting Toad. His fanbase is not as large as you might believe.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
I meant if you play as him, just a typo.

At most he's probably a support trophy or a counter for Peach. By the way, I don't think you said get angry at people for talking to themselves.
If not playable he will probably be an AT. peach got a new game recently which might change some of her moves, including toad. which it is cowardly to hide behind your guards in a game in which you fight to show your potential.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
1: He's generic. No generic character has been in Smash yet(don't use Pikachu, because that was THE pikachu, and there is no THE toad in the mario series).
What about THE Toad in SMB2? Do you want us to believe that we're using a different Toad everytime?

2: He is small, was used as a background character/attack, and why would Sakurai waste character space with so many more deserving characters on the line?
Oh no... he's small! So is Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Kirby. Did that keep them from getting in? Nope.

Like who... Waluigi? If Mario gets another rep, of which it probably will, Toad is a great choice.

3: Toad can't fight, all he's ever done is jump on enemies and throw radishes. Peach had floating going for her and she is a much more popular character.
What the heck...

I think you're ignoring the fact that Toad was actually STRONGER then the other characters in SMB2. Mario, Luigi, and Peach threw radishes. :o And jumping on enemies? Is that not a TYPICAL thing in the Mario series? How else did Mario defeat the first Goomba in Super Mario Bros.?

Peach may or may not be more popular, but she's already in the game. It's not a competition! As I said if Sakurai sees another Mario character fit, Toad is a great choice.

I see no good evidence supporting Toad.
Actually quite the opposite, I see very little good evidence against Toad.


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2006
South Hill, Washinton
.... I think I just got mindgamzed.... Um... he is a main character in EVERY star fox game to date, so I guess that counts enough. Every character in Smash has been a main character on several occasions(except G&W, he was made-up)


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
Actually quite the opposite, I see very little good evidence against Toad.
I agree

Although I support waluigi, I have to admit I would want toad in more. He probably has more of a chance anyways.

EDIT @ falco&victory-toad actually had his own game, and he is just as important as falco (more or less)
falco-tekes part in many great fights
toad-protects the princess (however weakly), and supports (be it though items or holding off enemies werakly) the heros in almost every canon game


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
.... I think I just got mindgamzed.... Um... he is a main character in EVERY star fox game to date, so I guess that counts enough. Every character in Smash has been a main character on several occasions(except G&W, he was made-up)
Marth was only a main character in one of the FE games, isn't that correct? (same goes for Roy.)

BTW, if I'm wrong on that I apologize, it's just I heard that FE games all take place with different main characters and such.

Anyways, as many people have said, Toad is arguably the next most important character in the Mario series.

I'll give it to you, Toads can be generic characters. However so can Yoshi's! There were tons of Yoshi's in SMW: Yoshi's Island, as well as SMW had different kinds of Yoshi's.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
.... I think I just got mindgamzed.... Um... he is a main character in EVERY star fox game to date, so I guess that counts enough. Every character in Smash has been a main character on several occasions(except G&W, he was made-up)
Yes and I don't agree to GW. He was on the GW thing, it's a *****y version of the Gameboy Micro. He's an awesome powerful character.

Has Falco ever had HIS own game?
Falco is one of the team of Main characters that own the game.
Wait, wait, wait. Has Toad ever had his own game? Like, ever?
He hasn't.
What about THE Toad in SMB2? Do you want us to believe that we're using a different Toad everytime?

Oh no... he's small! So is Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Kirby. Did that keep them from getting in? Nope.

Like who... Waluigi? If Mario gets another rep, of which it probably will, Toad is a great choice.

What the heck...

I think you're ignoring the fact that Toad was actually STRONGER then the other characters in SMB2. Mario, Luigi, and Peach threw radishes. :o And jumping on enemies? Is that not a TYPICAL thing in the Mario series? How else did Mario defeat the first Goomba in Super Mario Bros.?

Peach may or may not be more popular, but she's already in the game. It's not a competition! As I said if Sakurai sees another Mario character fit, Toad is a great choice.

Actually quite the opposite, I see very little good evidence against Toad.
Peach is more popular. Toad's Not great. Waluigi has no storyline. He's saying Small is just a disadvantage. Kirby rocks. Pikachu is THE Pikachu from the series as well as the singing Jigglypuff, that's why there's no Wigglytuff or Igglytuff. I feel we ARE using random Toads.


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2006
South Hill, Washinton
Marth was unique in being a main character in several FE's. Roy is a main in one I believe, and you play as his dad in Path Of Radiance I think it is.

Bowser Jr
Toad <- Generic

Iggy K

Smash Ace
May 18, 2006
Wait, wait, wait. Has Toad ever had his own game? Like, ever?

Toad was a main character in SMB2 and was the main character of Wario's Woods.

And quoting yourself is lame.

Marth was unique in being a main character in several FE's. Roy is a main in one I believe, and you play as his dad in Path Of Radiance I think it is.
Actually, I'm not even going to argue with you, since it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Bowser Jr
Toad <- Generic
Bowser Jr. is more important then Toad? He's just another mini Bowser! Toad has been in more games then Bowser Jr. has. He's a much more important character to the Mario series.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Marth was only a main character in one of the FE games, isn't that correct? (same goes for Roy.)

BTW, if I'm wrong on that I apologize, it's just I heard that FE games all take place with different main characters and such.

Anyways, as many people have said, Toad is arguably the next most important character in the Mario series.

I'll give it to you, Toads can be generic characters. However so can Yoshi's! There were tons of Yoshi's in SMW: Yoshi's Island, as well as SMW had different kinds of Yoshi's.
I don't thinka nyone cares that Yoshis are Generic. It's true about Fe games, and you should get some. They rule. Toad is indefinetly not important for the series. Waluigi COULD be, if Nintendo gave him an alibi and background.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I don't thinka nyone cares that Yoshis are Generic. It's true about Fe games, and you should get some. They rule. Toad is indefinetly not important for the series. Waluigi COULD be, if Nintendo gave him an alibi and background.
Why are Toads NOT important to the Mario series? Toad was in the original Super Mario Bros. game! He was around before Yoshi, and around LONG before Waluigi.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Toad was a main character in SMB2 and was the main character of Wario's Woods.

And quoting yourself is lame.

QFT to second, and first, who gives a ****? His name's not even in the title.

Actually, I'm not even going to argue with you, since it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.
QFT(Not me, the Falco guy)
Marth was unique in being a main character in several FE's. Roy is a main in one I believe, and you play as his dad in Path Of Radiance I think it is.

Bowser Jr
Toad <- Generic
EHHH WRONG. You have no idea about FE, buy a game or two, there's gamecube one and the GBA one.

Bowser Jr. is more important then Toad? He's just another mini Bowser! Toad has been in more games then Bowser Jr. has. He's a much more important character to the Mario series.
BowserJR would probably be a Support Trophy at most.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
I don't thinka nyone cares that Yoshis are Generic. It's true about Fe games, and you should get some. They rule. Toad is indefinetly not important for the series. Waluigi COULD be, if Nintendo gave him an alibi and background.
ok if no one cares that yoshis are generic then why do you care so much that toads are generic
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