Well, I went into some detail earlier, although I don't know if you caught that post. I'll be happy to go into some of his safe options, but first let me reiterate some of the points I made earlier.
1) He has an unusually easy time planking, while still avoiding breaking any edge grab limits. He is also at an advantage on the ledge whereas most characters are at a disadvantage.
As mentioned, planking as a stalling manuever is banned. So this is kind of like saying "ice climbers are broken in melee because they can freeze glitch you".
Stalling has always been banned and tournaments that don't completely ban planking are run by stupid TO's and as such, they're rule set should not be considered when discussing MK bans.
2) He breaks edgehogging on stages where he can glide under the bottom and grab the other edge if he misses.
Pit and Rob can do this just as easily.
3) His recovery is phenomenal. He has five midair jumps, 2 glides, and all 4 special moves that have excellent recovery potential.
Ok, he's a good character. We know this already. Dedede's grab is phenomenal. Snake's tilts are phenomenal. Wario's shield pressuring is phenomenal.
4) He has no bad matchups and no bad stages. Counterpicking is part of brawl whether you'll admit it or not. It's there to balance the set in case one person feels they could do better with a different matchup if they lost the first round. Counterpicking has been part of smash tournaments since the first game. Although precedent in other games may be different than this, we should rely on precedent from our own series first. When a MK goes into a set, that player has a guarantee that they will have at worst an even matchup and will not play on any unfavorable stages. No other character in the game has that luxury.
Counterpicking is IN smash. But its baseless to say that it's what holds the game together. That's just something pro-ban people made up to have another thing to say in their argument, it has no foundation to it. It's the same as saying up-b's were made for recovery so using momentum canceling breaks the game. Again. 64 Pikachu. No counterpicks. No bad matchups. Same series.
Now then, the reason I say Metaknight has lots of safe options is because he has tons of virtually lagless high priority moves. He can cancel the lag from his shuttle loop, tornado, and drill rush, which all have lots of priority and lots of knockback where shuttle loop is concerned. He has a super fast and long range down smash. 4 of his aerials are lagless and high priority, where nair has some lag. His down and forward tilt are fast with priority and range for the ftilt. He has glide attacks from the glide and shuttle loop that will knock you back too far to shield grab AND can be comboed into down smash. My point is that MK has an abnormal amount of safe moves that aren't punishable except when the player screws up.
All of those moves can be punished. You can block d-smash, as well as all of his aerials and punish them with pretty much any quick move (at least one of which every character in the game has) you want. You can shield grab glide attack. You can punish tornado as well. Drill rush is a bad move to use as attack BECAUSE of how easily its punished. apparently you can cancel it on platforms or something but I've never seen any one use that. Last hit of f-tilt is extremely punishable. D-tilt is a frame trap but several characters have frame traps.
Learn the game.
The question isn't whether Metaknight is beatable. Metaknight is obviously beatable as displayed by great players like Ally. The question is whether MK ruins certain aspects of the game enough to ban him. Think about everything in the game that we ban. We ban items. We don't ban items because you can't win with items turned on. We ban items because they detract from what the majority of players believe should be the focus of the game. We ban stages. Just like items, stages can take away from what we believe to be important in the game. We ban stalling. We ban stalling because it takes away from the fighting, which is what we perceive to be the most important aspect of brawl. It takes skill to use items effectively, do well on banned stages, and it even takes skill to stall. It takes skill to use Metaknight at mid and high level of play, but he decreases the quality of the game because he detracts from other aspects we deem important: mindgames, spacing, tech skill, etc. He decreases the importance of these aspects just as items or a funky stage would.
Since this argument isn't supported by any facts, I could respond similarly, No he doesn't.
It's actually completely ******** to say that MK detracts from mindgames/spacing/tech skill. It's probably the most ridiculous of all the pro ban arguments.