You are completely ingoring the message, mr. activity buff!
some things have more importance than others, and therefore should be put into more detail, therefore, the things not as important can be to your words 'deliberately small.'
what is that to say about anyone else? what about swiss? his reads are 'deliberately small' are you going to attack him for it?
what about anyone that doesn't touch enough on something, are you going to attack them?
there's alot of those people.
But i'm not going to try and blackmail and point the finger, i'm just making a point, and that point is that from your logic everything must have a reason, if it doesn't, it's nothing of use.
but why? why mr. reyth? if you were so curious of our reads, you could have asked us, have you not thought that perhaps we are so less content with giving things out is so it isn't as easy to give scum things to lean on?
we want to generate questions, we want to answer them, but so far you haven't solely stepped up to the plate and took us on, in fact, when we voted you, you completely ignored it.
why are you so afraid to confront us? you say all of these comments about us, but refuse to get in our face, we literally have to drag you out of here, and all you do is say "yeah well you're scum."
and on top of the t-block thing, it's the same thing, it wasn't YOUR read that t-block was being scummy, but because we have a different one, it's bad.
That's not to say you didn't explain why, but you still had the mindset "its not my logic, ITS CRAP."
if all you're going to do this game is eat and grovel whatever people throw at you and be so dead-set in yourself to not see the bigger picture, then we are generally wasting our time on you.