In my head canon, Chrom hooks up with Lucina and dies from herpes. Then Robin gets mad when he finds out and kills Lucina. He than ***** Tiki, who then flees into the mountains and gives birth to and raises his child. Robin kills himself while that's going on. The child then turns into Grimamorganjr and tries to eat the world. Then, Chrom, Robin, and Lucina are all brought back to life by the tears of Morgan, Nah, and a single Pidgey.
And then they fuse into a single being known as Chrobina
. Chrobina then fuses with Goku, Vegeta, Shadow the mother****ing Hedgehog, Chuck Norris and Meta Knight to become a being of ultimate power.
This being, known only as Blastoise, then dons a bee bee gun, despite having two massive high-pressure water cannons on it's back, in an attempt to slay the evil Grimamorganjr. However, Grimamorganjr wins the first battle, and enters the planet to consume it from the inside. But then, just as all hope is seemingly lost, Dialga and Palkia show up and supermega evolve, then split the planet in two to uncover Grimamorganjr, who has taken the form of a five-headed, pepper spray breathing dragon sitting aloof in a black hole. The battle that ensues is epic. But after having been weakened by Blastoises bee bee gun, the Captain
descends from the heavens to deliver the final blow, Grimamorgajr's one weakness: a Falcon Punch with extra ranch dressing. unfortunately, after Grimamorganjr explodes like all video game final bosses do, the universe ends; everybody dies. Only to be reincarnated in the Sm4shverse. At the pleading of a pidgeot.