The thing with Little Mac is that his match-ups are either get recked or be recked; there is rarely an in-between.
Little Mac can be scary under the use of a professional who knows how to utilize his super armor effectively. He also gives some characters an extremely hard time... (I fear Mac as Luigi).
Still, Little Mac can be fun to play as. I fought a Mr. Game & Watch today as Little Mac and I was at high percent, he was at low at 22%. I got my KO Punch ready, he was retreating with Chef, he was next to the ledge spamming the move, and BOOYAH! I KO Punched him. He was so stunned that he didn't so as well for the rest of the match.
I did fight a Little Mac as Robin and I did fairly well... but my opponent was being a jerk by constantly ducking and taunting me. I lost the match, but it was very close. I left immediately after and I blocked him because I don't respect players like that.
On the topic of Little Mac and For Glory, Mac wasn't killed for me. I still love playing as him. However, I had a lot of trouble against him with Luigi and, as a result, I developed a hatred for fighting against Little Mac...
Now, I love any single video that mocks Little Mac. I hate to see a character that I do like be degraded as a joke... but at the same time, I find his mockery to be hilarious.