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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread


True Blood
Feb 19, 2014

You have good taste in Ace Attorney characters. Funnily enough, I had that exact sprite as my avatar for ages a while ago. At least I didn't have to wheel it out every time a Sonic OC was posted :p (which happens a LOT here)
Thank you very much! I remember seeing someone with that Edgeworth sprite as their avatar, turns out it was you! Now I have a sudden urge to make a few Edgeworth avatars. Though, I never knew that the Sonic OC thing was a "thing" here. Nevertheless, I came prepared. :awesome:

THAT PICTURE THOUGH. "NO, ROBIN, NO!" I seriously can't stop laughing at this entire thread, damn.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
So... I was replaying RD just for giggles, and then I did something stupid: I let Rafiel in Oliver's range. I was prepared to use my last save state reset, when...it...happened.

(used a vid from youtube because I didn't record mine)

No, get out of my army!
(He doesn't.)
Even funnier yet, is getting Ike to talk to him after he has invited himself into your army.
Not even Ike can get him out of the army:cry:

...Why I'm not surprised that the Sonic OC's are back?
Well, since it's back...

Oh yes Oliver has one of the best recruits ever, hopefully recruits are more dynamic in FE14 as well.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2014
Let's change the topic, shall we?
I was browsing Reddit/r/fireemblem, when I read up on something called a Fire Emblem draft. In it, four to six people draft characters to use throughout the game. All six people take Chrom and Robin. The remaining characters in the parental generation are placed into a pool. Person one selects a unit,(say Henry). Then that unit is removed from the pool and no longer can be used by anyone else.
The Children Characters go with whoever has their mother, so that means that everyone gets Lucina and Morgan, but otherwise, its the luck of the draw.
Is anyone interested in trying it out with me?


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
Seriously? more sonic OC? I can only handle so much sonic OC.
Worry not, we can only use them so many times...
I mean i know everyone has gripes with Sonic OC's, but at least some have effort, but then you have THIS:






Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2014
Ontario Canada
Let's change the topic, shall we?
I was browsing Reddit/r/fireemblem, when I read up on something called a Fire Emblem draft. In it, four to six people draft characters to use throughout the game. All six people take Chrom and Robin. The remaining characters in the parental generation are placed into a pool. Person one selects a unit,(say Henry). Then that unit is removed from the pool and no longer can be used by anyone else.
The Children Characters go with whoever has their mother, so that means that everyone gets Lucina and Morgan, but otherwise, its the luck of the draw.
Is anyone interested in trying it out with me?
FE drafting, unless I am mistaken is basically a competition where a group of people compete to see who can finish chapters in the least amount of turns (so no arena grinding) while only using certain characters right?.
Worry not, we can only use them so many times...
I mean i know everyone has gripes with Sonic OC's, but at least some have effort, but then you have THIS:
I was so tempted to make a "we can only use this so many times, that why I carry my..." joke.
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
@ Weeman Weeman
I hear the Shadow Realm is kind of cold this time of year. Maybe you'd like a trip there to help keep them warm.

You will stop this immediately, or face purification.:4falcon:
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Ultimate Momma :v
Jan 10, 2015
@ Weeman Weeman
I hear the Shadow Realm is kind of cold this time of year. Maybe you'd like a trip there to help keep them warm.

You will stop this immediately, or face purification.:4falcon:
Let's give him to Oliver.
I'm sure he would be pleased in having such an...exotic specimen.
Maybe then he would leave my army and give Rafiel a break.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
I haven't stalked these boards in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time, but I think I'll start again.

For those of you that don't know me; hi, I'm Pacack. I've been around since SSB4 was first announced at E3 and have been around ever since. During speculation, I was a huge early supporter of Robin, and many people that frequent this thread are users that I consider my friends from the old speculation days (@False Sense, @ Pazzo. Pazzo. ,@ LIQUID12A LIQUID12A , @Drakonis, and @shrooby are a few that I saw last page).

I'm a huge Pac-Man fan and main (Marth's a secondary main who I bring out a lot too, but my real main is Pac), and my thing on the boards is basically being "that Pac-Man guy".

I'm also a big fan of most Nintendo games, and I really enjoy speculation and friendly debate on the upcoming titles. Expect me to chime in on a lot of Fire Emblem If discussion. (I'm really excited that the main character is a Manakete, but hope they don't shaft character development of Kamui just because he/she is an avatar character. I'm not sure what to think of the choices, but hope all characters are available regardless of what path is taken save maybe one or two.)

Also, don't be alarmed by how much I like stuff. It's one of my things. (At the same time, don't be worried if I don't like something. My reasons can be that I didn't see it, actively did not like it/disagreed with it, felt it was too aggressive, felt you devalued yourself in the post, or attacked another person. If your post isn't any of the negative things, then I probably just missed it.)
Yay! Pacack is here now too!:4pacman:
Just found this beauty on the 3DS theme shop

I tried to resist, but I failed
still waiting on that Ace Attorney theme though
Well, now I know what I'm buying next time I have an eShop card. Sorry, Pokemon B/W theme.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014

descarga (18).jpg

images (2).jpg



Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
You're on my "don't trust" list already!

Though, thank you very much for the warm welcome! Also, your signature is pure gold.
Thank you, made it myself.

I'm actually rather trustworthy most of the time, I merely like to stir up the occasional bit of mostly lighthearted mischief.

Just finished watching Treasure Planet for the first time in 13 years.

On another note entirely, I've finally watched all of the Saw flicks, and my god, the quality of those movies deteriorates rapidly after the third one. Tobin Bell made those movies, man.
I remember that coming out and feel ancient now.

Also, I read that as "Taco Bell made those movies" and was going to point out that was probably the heart of the issue before I re-read your statement. I haven't seen any of the Saw films, but I've wiki'd them up some because Jigsaw is conceptually an interesting villain, and I think your assessment is almost certainly correct.

And for the record Wondersexual is an awesome word.

No, get out of my army!
He just wants to give Rafiel some of his loving protection.
For the record, I don't think "come to daddy" ever works as a pickup line, at least not without accompaniment of a rain of small-denomination bills.

Let's change the topic, shall we?
I was browsing Reddit/r/fireemblem, when I read up on something called a Fire Emblem draft. In it, four to six people draft characters to use throughout the game. All six people take Chrom and Robin. The remaining characters in the parental generation are placed into a pool. Person one selects a unit,(say Henry). Then that unit is removed from the pool and no longer can be used by anyone else.
The Children Characters go with whoever has their mother, so that means that everyone gets Lucina and Morgan, but otherwise, its the luck of the draw.
Is anyone interested in trying it out with me?

Ooo. Yes, quite so.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2014
Alright, then I'll create a Thread in the Fire Emblem Social Group.
The order of the draft will be in the order of who posts first. I'll wait an hour after setting up the thread and take my spot then.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
@ Weeman Weeman ...

WEEMAN! :4falcon:



I am coming for you!:4falcon:

You FOOL! Time and time again, I show you mercy. Time and time again, I give you another chance. I gave you love. I gave you a home. I loved you, Weeman. Yet you choose to betray me. Somehow, despite all we've been through, you harbour darkness in your heart. You taint others with this darkness. We have made so many new friends. I wanted them to show that Robin social is a place of peace. A place of order.

But it seems you will not have this. But it is fine. It is my fault. Clearly... if you have held corruption in your soul for so long, even under my watch... under my sanctuary, then I have failed you. I am sorry, Weeman, but it is time for me to bring peace to your soul.

There is no more hope for you.:4falcon:

You are finished.:4falcon:

It is time for your purification.:4falcon:




Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
@ Weeman Weeman ...

WEEMAN! :4falcon:



I am coming for you!:4falcon:

You FOOL! Time and time again, I show you mercy. Time and time again, I give you another chance. I gave you love. I gave you a home. I loved you, Weeman. Yet you choose to betray me. Somehow, despite all we've been through, you harbour darkness in your heart. You taint others with this darkness. We have made so many new friends. I wanted them to show that Robin social is a place of peace. A place of order.

But it seems you will not have this. But it is fine. It is my fault. Clearly... if you have held corruption in your soul for so long, even under my watch... under my sanctuary, then I have failed you. I am sorry, Weeman, but it is time for me to bring peace to your soul.

There is no more hope for you.:4falcon:

You are finished.:4falcon:

It is time for your purification.:4falcon:


You cannot keep your peace forever, chaos will come back, even if it's not in the name...

...Of Weeman


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2014
Ontario Canada

You're gonna need it if you ever end up here
The moment I saw that page I just nope'd out of there.
Alright, then I'll create a Thread in the Fire Emblem Social Group.
The order of the draft will be in the order of who posts first. I'll wait an hour after setting up the thread and take my spot then.
What ruleset do you plan on using?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2014
Will be posted in the FE Social group. Be patient, I'm working on it. Everyone interested has access to the social group right?

The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
They're saying that each game will have a similar amount of content to Awakening though, so depending on how different the three paths are, it could be almost like getting three games for the price of two. We'll just have to wait and see how that works out.

Also (not commenting on you @ The Merc The Merc , just in general), Pokémon has been doing this stuff for aeons. I wonder how many people will ***** about FE doing this, and then go out and buy both versions of the next Pokémon games, which will be exactly the same as each other in terms of plot?
I am just annoyed because they say this game is about making decision yet I can't just restart the game to see if a certain decision I made had a good or bad outcome because as far as we know, half the decision have already been made for you. I want to make those decision on my run through, not force to play them and tehn want to change it.

Also, don't be ridiculous, why would anyone do that?

*goes and buys OR and AS*


Besides, we don't know this yet. Maybe "your family" kicked you out, and he took you in? Anything is possible at this stage.
I don't know. I have a feel that that scene where you see the Hoshido swordmaster guy been shoot with 50 arrows then the next sense where the King is stretching his hand at the screen might be the Kohir attack the Hoshido (reason unknown) and for some reason decide that it would be a good idea to steal
There are quite a few possible ways to write in a scenario where that's explainbable.

A. The Hoshido royalty intended for the player character to be raised in Nohr as a sign of good faith with the country.

B. The player character was, through some circumstances, separated from his/her original family and raised as Nohr royalty, unbeknownst to his lineage.

C. Thee player character was safe-kept at Nohr, which is undoubtedly the more militarily strong country, for his own safety due to threats from outside forces.

D. The countries formed an 'exchange' of sorts in order to keep peace, and there's a member of Nohr royalty hanging out in Hoshido (it would make a nice twist).

Granted, he doesn't look like an 'honest king', but maybe the game will invert the trope for a change.
Those are some actually really good theories there. I would mind if one of these ones were true instead.

But that doesn't men I don't think the King is evil. I mean just look at his face!

No, he saved Kamui's life! Completely different. Allow to me to list some facts on why Nohr King Garon is a saint,

1: He visits Nohr Hospitals daily to bless newborn children.
2: He rescued puppies from a waterfall.
3: He issued a law making college 151% free so everyone could get an education.
4: He personally constructs new homes for families that are less fortunate.
5: He donates more blood than what is recommended for his age.
6: An orphan asked Father Garon for some change, the sweet old man gave the child a bucket of royal treasure.
7: He figured out a way to make it so men could ride pegasi.
8: He personally dresses himself up as Santa Claus, rides a pegasus, and goes around delivering presents to all of the people of Nohr (including people deemed naughty).

I hope you've realized the error of your way for thinking the Nohr King is evil.


this is just priceless


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
You're gonna need it if you ever end up here
The moment I saw that page I just nope'd out of there.
I didn't go any further than hovering over the link. I know better.

It is time for your purification.:4falcon:


You cannot keep your peace forever, chaos will come back, even if it's not in the name...

...Of Weeman
View attachment 46134

This...is so beautiful.
Weeman I would carry on your work but my face is too pretty to be punched. I'll send a postcard though.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Just finished watching Treasure Planet for the first time in 13 years.

Gotta say, it still holds up today. Makes me appreciate just how far Disney has come since the old days in terms of thematic content and quality of animation. It's a bit hit 'n' miss in parts, and while the action and tension remains consistent, there are moments when it feels like it's resting on its laurels. Still a superb animation and my favourite Disney movie.

I'd argue it's on par with Atlantis: The Lost Empire (which I maintain is a flawed masterpiece and easily among Disney's best) and beats out similar flicks like Big Hero 6 (very flawed, but highly enjoyable) and Hercules (which I honestly find difficult to fault; but it doesn't have SPACE PIRATES, so I'm biased).

On another note entirely, I've finally watched all of the Saw flicks, and my god, the quality of those movies deteriorates rapidly after the third one. Tobin Bell made those movies, man.

Also Wonder Red is the best thing ever and nobody can tell me otherwise.

I am proudly Wondersexual, yo~
I remember when both Atlantis AND Treasure Planet released...

Am I that old now...?

Seriously? more sonic OC? I can only handle so much sonic OC.
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Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
I know what I will be calling my :4ganondorf: amiibo if I can him that is.
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