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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Could Robin be considered a curveball character, though?
He's more of other side of the coin, with one side being Chrom. To me, he inherently isn't a curveball character. I was thinking more like the Chorus Men, characters that have no real reasons to be considered a plausible candidate outside of that leak.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
If Robin is revealed alongside Shulk, I wonder if unfamiliar fans are going to confuse them for siblings...

Considering that they both have white hair (Well, it's default for Robin).

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
If Robin is revealed alongside Shulk, I wonder if unfamiliar fans are going to confuse them for siblings...

Considering that they both have white hair (Well, it's default for Robin).
I'm pretty sure Shulk has blonde hair...


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2013
When you're not looking, I'm there.
If Robin is revealed alongside Shulk, I wonder if unfamiliar fans are going to confuse them for siblings...

Considering that they both have white hair (Well, it's default for Robin).
This makes me worried it may happen
Then again the 2 have completely different arsenals from completely different series.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I'm pretty sure Shulk has blonde hair...
It looks pretty white to me. But I won't argue with you on what.

It wouldn't really surprise me if that happened, considering that people once confused Ness and Lucas for Pokemon characters.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Could it be that Robin could end up like Anna and become a recurring character in FE?
Technically, the avatar concept is already recurring.

And even more technically, it's speculated in a DLC mission that Robin is the same Tactician from Lyn's game.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2014
I am new to both smash boards and this discussion but I just want to state that I am a Robin supporter.

I feel Chrom is what most people expect, but Robin is what most people don't know they want similarly to Tom Nook vs. Villager. My hope for Robin (assuming they get in) is that they are primarily magic based with some of their standard attacks/tilts/aerials using the sword (to represent they are not a master of the sword) while smashes and specials tend to lean towards tomes/magic.

As for the whole Idea of a 'duo' Robin/Chrom - Chrom/Lucina - Robin/Morgan setup while it would give us more Fire Emblem characters without pushing the likely 3 rep limit I think they are a lot better represented as their own character.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2013
When you're not looking, I'm there.
I am new to both smash boards and this discussion but I just want to state that I am a Robin supporter.

I feel Chrom is what most people expect, but Robin is what most people don't know they want similarly to Tom Nook vs. Villager. My hope for Robin (assuming they get in) is that they are primarily magic based with some of their standard attacks/tilts/aerials using the sword (to represent they are not a master of the sword) while smashes and specials tend to lean towards tomes/magic.

As for the whole Idea of a 'duo' Robin/Chrom - Chrom/Lucina - Robin/Morgan setup while it would give us more Fire Emblem characters without pushing the likely 3 rep limit I think they are a lot better represented as their own character.
Welcome to the boards! Don't worry, we don't bite. Unless you say something stupid in which case we crunch your head off into oblivion.
Magic is going to be one of Robin's stronger points. Magic is a good thing to use in various situations, which is why I say thunder be a part of Robin's move set. The standards using the sword seems fine, but use the Levin Sword, as that is fitting for his magic weaponry.
Also, ChromCina is the only viable duo. Don't worry.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I am new to both smash boards and this discussion but I just want to state that I am a Robin supporter.

I feel Chrom is what most people expect, but Robin is what most people don't know they want similarly to Tom Nook vs. Villager. My hope for Robin (assuming they get in) is that they are primarily magic based with some of their standard attacks/tilts/aerials using the sword (to represent they are not a master of the sword) while smashes and specials tend to lean towards tomes/magic.

As for the whole Idea of a 'duo' Robin/Chrom - Chrom/Lucina - Robin/Morgan setup while it would give us more Fire Emblem characters without pushing the likely 3 rep limit I think they are a lot better represented as their own character.
Welcome to Smashboards! Thanks for showing your support for Robin!

...Though I noticed you have a Chrom avatar...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2014
Welcome to Smashboards! Thanks for showing your support for Robin!

...Though I noticed you have a Chrom avatar...
I have used the Chrom avatar for just about everything since I played Awakening... I've jsut sort of got used to using him as a part of my identity at this point. xD

That and I can't exactly use my custom version of Robin for an icon unless you know of a program to do so.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2013
When you're not looking, I'm there.
I have used the Chrom avatar for just about everything since I played Awakening... I've jsut sort of got used to using him as a part of my identity at this point. xD

That and I can't exactly use my custom version of Robin for an icon unless you know of a program to do so.
Can I just call you Chrom 2.0 then?


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
I am new to both smash boards and this discussion but I just want to state that I am a Robin supporter.

I feel Chrom is what most people expect, but Robin is what most people don't know they want similarly to Tom Nook vs. Villager. My hope for Robin (assuming they get in) is that they are primarily magic based with some of their standard attacks/tilts/aerials using the sword (to represent they are not a master of the sword) while smashes and specials tend to lean towards tomes/magic.

As for the whole Idea of a 'duo' Robin/Chrom - Chrom/Lucina - Robin/Morgan setup while it would give us more Fire Emblem characters without pushing the likely 3 rep limit I think they are a lot better represented as their own character.
One of us, one of us, one of us! ;)

Welcome to the boards!

Welcome to the boards! Don't worry, we don't bite. Unless you say something stupid in which case we crunch your head off into oblivion.
I'd rather not. I had enough traumatic head-crushing with GoT this week.

Deleted member

I am new to both smash boards and this discussion but I just want to state that I am a Robin supporter.

I feel Chrom is what most people expect, but Robin is what most people don't know they want similarly to Tom Nook vs. Villager. My hope for Robin (assuming they get in) is that they are primarily magic based with some of their standard attacks/tilts/aerials using the sword (to represent they are not a master of the sword) while smashes and specials tend to lean towards tomes/magic.

As for the whole Idea of a 'duo' Robin/Chrom - Chrom/Lucina - Robin/Morgan setup while it would give us more Fire Emblem characters without pushing the likely 3 rep limit I think they are a lot better represented as their own character.
HEY, I've seen you both on Youtube and in the IGN PotD comments. Welcome to the Boards! :colorful:

At any rate, I agree with your idea of Robin leaning more heavily towards the magic side with regards to her moveset. As you said, I also don't see Robin as a "master of the sword" (for me, it has to do partially that her jacket just makes her look closer to a mage than a mercenary or swordmaster). Also, from a completely irrelevant standpoint, I think that Robin should incorporate magic more since magic is often seen as a weapon of the "intellectuals" since its mastery comes moreso from taking the time to study and experiment with the arcane arts as opposed to pure practice and combat experience like sword combat. Since magic typically is used by "intellectual" individuals, I feel it would be a strong representation of Robin as it would exemplify her intelligence and support the fact that, as a tactician, she must have a great intellect in order to prevent losses in combat for the Shepherds.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
I just realized that there's actually a few good reasons why Robin wouldn't bring a Levin Sword, aside from it being the ugliest of the Awakening blades.
As a tactician, Robin would try to fan out his array of tools. As some discussed earlier in an awesome possible reveal trailer, he/she'd probably read up on his opponents. The Levin Sword clearly deals magical and electric damage - he/she already has tomes for that. No, there'd actually be a number of downsides to using it: Ness could heal himself with it, the franklin badges are MADE to reflect electricity, Fox could reflect it, the Villager pocket it, Charizard would become resistant to it with it's X Megaevolution...
No, Robin is too smart for that. He/She would bring a proper sword to have a physical option.

Meanwhile, in the Real World, the developers will probably just take what they think looks cool.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2014
HEY, I've seen you both on Youtube and in the IGN PotD comments. Welcome to the Boards! :colorful:

At any rate, I agree with your idea of Robin leaning more heavily towards the magic side with regards to her moveset. As you said, I also don't see Robin as a "master of the sword" (for me, it has to do partially that her jacket just makes her look closer to a mage than a mercenary or swordmaster). Also, from a completely irrelevant standpoint, I think that Robin should incorporate magic more since magic is often seen as a weapon of the "intellectuals" since its mastery comes moreso from taking the time to study and experiment with the arcane arts as opposed to pure practice and combat experience like sword combat. Since magic typically is used by "intellectual" individuals, I feel it would be a strong representation of Robin as it would exemplify her intelligence and support the fact that, as a tactician, she must have a great intellect in order to prevent losses in combat for the Shepherds.
I think of the sword being more of a tool than a true weapon for Robin, something usable given the proper situation but nothing to be relied on. Every tactician needs a plan B.

Have you actually posted much on Youtube/IGN discussions because I don't recall your name. I would assume the Youtube comments come from GameXplain's channel though.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
HEY, I've seen you both on Youtube and in the IGN PotD comments. Welcome to the Boards! :colorful:

At any rate, I agree with your idea of Robin leaning more heavily towards the magic side with regards to her moveset. As you said, I also don't see Robin as a "master of the sword" (for me, it has to do partially that her jacket just makes her look closer to a mage than a mercenary or swordmaster). Also, from a completely irrelevant standpoint, I think that Robin should incorporate magic more since magic is often seen as a weapon of the "intellectuals" since its mastery comes moreso from taking the time to study and experiment with the arcane arts as opposed to pure practice and combat experience like sword combat. Since magic typically is used by "intellectual" individuals, I feel it would be a strong representation of Robin as it would exemplify her intelligence and support the fact that, as a tactician, she must have a great intellect in order to prevent losses in combat for the Shepherds.
Agreed. Honestly, I think the sword should barely play any role, if at all. Make it a relatively light sword so it doesn't cause much of a problem, and only use it for a few attacks, but otherwise have a tome out at all times. Robin can still be a tactical character even when 90% of the moveset is magic.

Deleted member

I think of the sword being more of a tool than a true weapon for Robin, something usable given the proper situation but nothing to be relied on. Every tactician needs a plan B.

Have you actually posted much on Youtube/IGN discussions because I don't recall your name. I would assume the Youtube comments come from GameXplain's channel though.
No, long before I even starting visiting Smashboards (I lurked here for about a month as a guest right after the Direct) I would lurk on the IGN PotD page and just scroll through the comments to read what comments people were making on the pictures, I also used the IGN page because sometimes the descriptions would explain part of the pictures I might not have understood. I do the same with Youtube, and you'd be correct with the GameXplain remark, they're one of the channels I watch for Smash Bros. discussion when I get the time.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2014
I just realized that there's actually a few good reasons why Robin wouldn't bring a Levin Sword, aside from it being the ugliest of the Awakening blades.
As a tactician, Robin would try to fan out his array of tools. As some discussed earlier in an awesome possible reveal trailer, he/she'd probably read up on his opponents. The Levin Sword clearly deals magical and electric damage - he/she already has tomes for that. No, there'd actually be a number of downsides to using it: Ness could heal himself with it, the franklin badges are MADE to reflect electricity, Fox could reflect it, the Villager pocket it, Charizard would become resistant to it with it's X Megaevolution...
No, Robin is too smart for that. He/She would bring a proper sword to have a physical option.

Meanwhile, in the Real World, the developers will probably just take what they think looks cool.
Tomes make the Levin Sword basically obsolete outside of something such as Tomebreaker which is a lot more situational than simply having a physical option for something resistant to magic. That being said I always imagined Robin using the brave sword if they went for the Grandmaster appearance and the bronze sword if they went for the Tactician's look. But maybe that's just me.

No, long before I even starting visiting Smashboards (I lurked here for about a month as a guest right after the Direct) I would lurk on the IGN PotD page and just scroll through the comments to read what comments people were making on the pictures, I also used the IGN page because sometimes the descriptions would explain part of the pictures I might not have understood. I do the same with Youtube, and you'd be correct with the GameXplain remark, they're one of the channels I watch for Smash Bros. discussion when I get the time.
Well its nice to know I at least stand out a little (unlike Kellam..) but every time I heard of a "Smash board" I never thought it was LITERALLY smashboards(.)com until I heard about it on Japan Time smashbros podcast. I read a few things here the past few weeks but this was the first thread that interested me enough to get me to start discussing things with everyone.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
Whatever happens, if Robin gets in he better be in his grandmaster armour. I don't see the point of doing another Ike where he needs to wait a game for his visual buff.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Whatever happens, if Robin gets in he better be in his grandmaster armour. I don't see the point of doing another Ike where he needs to wait a game for his visual buff.
I think the original Tactician design would be better. It's more iconic and would be easier to make, I think. Ike's Radiant Dawn update isn't really a comparable situation.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Whatever happens, if Robin gets in he better be in his grandmaster armour. I don't see the point of doing another Ike where he needs to wait a game for his visual buff.
Completely different situation. Ike has always been in his starter outfit. Ike was updated to look like his appearance in the next game, but its still his starter outfit. Same thing with Roy. If Robin is added, it'd be the same thing.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
I can see a Grandmaster skin. But it shouldn't be the default


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Whatever happens, if Robin gets in he better be in his grandmaster armour. I don't see the point of doing another Ike where he needs to wait a game for his visual buff.
In all promotional art for the game, the Tactician's outfit is used, and it's more Iconic, as it's what the avatar is always in during the cut-scenes.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Gosh. Way too much stuff to respond to.

Welcome @ DarkChaosGames DarkChaosGames . No shame in having a Chrom avatar. He's a pretty handsome guy and an all around cool character.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
It's eerily quite here... it's been more than 3 hours since the last post :D

So let's change that.
How would you feel if Robin makes it, but you wouldn't particularly like his/her playstyle?
As in, there's nothing wrong with the representation, you just don't like how they played, at least at first?
Would you try getting into it more? I know it's hard to explain if you haven't had that feeling with a character before.

I had this with Nightmare in Soul Calibur 2. I just preferred how Siegfried handled in Soul Blade, but he wasn't in the game and I just couldn't get into his "replacement". I also had something similiar with Link, Snake and Sonic in Brawl, but after playing a while with them, Snake became one of my mains and I really enjoyed playing Sonic. I never really got into Link, but that might have been a balance issue.

I think I would probably try to force myself to get used to Robin's playstyle, like I did with the others. If it just doesn't work out, that'd be a shame, but in Smash I do tend to play even characters I don't really like every now and again just to mix things up.

EDIT: And Hong just mercilessly ninja'd me while I was clicking on post message :D Well, my question still stands.
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
It's eerily quite here... it's been more than 3 hours since the last post :D

So let's change that.
How would you feel if Robin makes it, but you wouldn't particularly like his/her playstyle?
As in, there's nothing wrong with the representation, you just don't really like how they played, at least at first?
Would you try getting into it more? I know it's hard to explain if you haven't had that feeling with a character before.

I had this with Nightmare in Soul Calibur 2. I just preferred how Siegfried handled in Soul Blade, but he wasn't in the game and I just couldn't get into his "replacement". I also had something similiar with Link, Snake and Sonic in Brawl, but after playing a while with them, Snake became one of my mains and I really enjoyed playing Sonic. I never really got into Link, but that might have been a balance issue.

I think I would probably try to force myself to get used to Robin's playstyle, like I did with the others. If it just doesn't work out, that'd be a shame, but in Smash I do tend to play even characters I don't really like every now and again just to mix things up.

EDIT: And Hong just mercilessly ninja'd me while I was clicking on post message :D Well, my question still stands.
Well, I'd probably force myself to like Robin's play style regardless. As Robin is one of my most wanted characters, I'd just adapt to whatever he/she offers.

Deleted member

It's eerily quite here... it's been more than 3 hours since the last post :D

So let's change that.
How would you feel if Robin makes it, but you wouldn't particularly like his/her playstyle?
As in, there's nothing wrong with the representation, you just don't like how they played, at least at first?
Would you try getting into it more? I know it's hard to explain if you haven't had that feeling with a character before.

I had this with Nightmare in Soul Calibur 2. I just preferred how Siegfried handled in Soul Blade, but he wasn't in the game and I just couldn't get into his "replacement". I also had something similiar with Link, Snake and Sonic in Brawl, but after playing a while with them, Snake became one of my mains and I really enjoyed playing Sonic. I never really got into Link, but that might have been a balance issue.

I think I would probably try to force myself to get used to Robin's playstyle, like I did with the others. If it just doesn't work out, that'd be a shame, but in Smash I do tend to play even characters I don't really like every now and again just to mix things up.

EDIT: And Hong just mercilessly ninja'd me while I was clicking on post message :D Well, my question still stands.
Given my borderline obsessive devotion to the Fire Emblem Franchise as a whole, I can't even imagine myself not liking the playstyle of any FE character that was added, especially Robin, who is one of the FE characters who I feel would have an easy-to-create, and thus, easy-to-like, playstyle because of the many options for variability that she has.
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Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Ike wasnt good last game, but I still used him because my love for FE. So I will probably use Robin if the character's in the game. Or Ike or Marth.

I'm predicting a Fire Emblem character reveal for SSB4, with the Tactician as the character's name. I'm also hoping for an Awakening sequel along with the reveal.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Ike wasnt good last game, but I still used him because my love for FE. So I will probably use Robin if the character's in the game. Or Ike or Marth.

I'm predicting a Fire Emblem character reveal for SSB4, with the Tactician as the character's name. I'm also hoping for an Awakening sequel along with the reveal.
I think its more likely we'll get a remake of the Jugdral games, but we'll see. I do think they may go with the "Tactician" name, though.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I think its more likely we'll get a remake of the Jugdral games, but we'll see. I do think they may go with the "Tactician" name, though.
Maybe all the Game of Thrones hype will convince Nintendo that all the incest is cool in the game. I've never played them so I'd love a remake.

I think if we get Robin, it will be as the Tactician. I imagine the Tactician class and role as a recurring feature in the series, and my prediction for an Awakening sequel goes with that.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Maybe all the Game of Thrones hype will convince Nintendo that all the incest is cool in the game. I've never played them so I'd love a remake.

I think if we get Robin, it will be as the Tactician. I imagine the Tactician class and role as a recurring feature in the series, and my prediction for an Awakening sequel goes with that.
I'm definitely thinking the Tactician will be appearing again. In a remake of the Jugdral games I definitely see the Tactician coming back as well as a new addition. Probably not outright replacing the game's existing Tacticians, but perhaps working in conjunction with them.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2011
Haven't checked this thread since Friday, and just read all 14 pages to catch up....where's my life
Calm your **** guys, I can't keep up. :079:


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
It's eerily quite here... it's been more than 3 hours since the last post :D

So let's change that.
How would you feel if Robin makes it, but you wouldn't particularly like his/her playstyle?
As in, there's nothing wrong with the representation, you just don't like how they played, at least at first?
Would you try getting into it more? I know it's hard to explain if you haven't had that feeling with a character before.
No way. Within a month of playing the game, 90% of us will be playing the character who is most fun and fitting for us, myself included. Unless I specifically hate a character like I do Sonic, I'll go with who ever works.

Only thing I don't do are fragile speedsters, who are coincidentally generally the best character in the series. I play projectile users and power characters. I am the best Samus for quite some ways and where I live with good enough placements over the past decade so I would like to think I don't have to conform to fast characters to have success.

If I were to play my favourite character based on source material, I suppose I would be among the legions of Marths.
Haven't checked this thread since Friday, and just read all 14 pages to catch up....where's my life
Calm your **** guys, I can't keep up. :079:
Don't bother. I just accept that I'll have to miss things.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2014
It's eerily quite here... it's been more than 3 hours since the last post :D

So let's change that.
How would you feel if Robin makes it, but you wouldn't particularly like his/her playstyle?
As in, there's nothing wrong with the representation, you just don't like how they played, at least at first?
Would you try getting into it more? I know it's hard to explain if you haven't had that feeling with a character before.

I had this with Nightmare in Soul Calibur 2. I just preferred how Siegfried handled in Soul Blade, but he wasn't in the game and I just couldn't get into his "replacement". I also had something similiar with Link, Snake and Sonic in Brawl, but after playing a while with them, Snake became one of my mains and I really enjoyed playing Sonic. I never really got into Link, but that might have been a balance issue.

I think I would probably try to force myself to get used to Robin's playstyle, like I did with the others. If it just doesn't work out, that'd be a shame, but in Smash I do tend to play even characters I don't really like every now and again just to mix things up.

EDIT: And Hong just mercilessly ninja'd me while I was clicking on post message :D Well, my question still stands.
As for the 3 hours thing its not like we all sit here posting to this page all day... right? >.>

But honestly for Robin I highly doubt it would oppose my play-style enough for me to not play them. Really sluggish characters like Ganondorf I find really hard to enjoy playing and I doubt Robin would be slow enough for me to dislike the way they play. There wouldn't likely be anything I couldn't at the very least get used to provided there isn't a MASSIVE balance issue like there was with Link in Brawl/64. Funny enough the only slow character I actually enjoyed was Ike and that was well before I played any fire emblem game.
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I just want to throw out there that I disagree with them using Tactician as her name.

It might be tempting to use the Villager argument against me, but the Villager never had a default name to begin with. Robin does. The Villager only works in favour of my argument, as they are not afraid of having to have to have so many different names for the Villagr across even the various European languages. AFAIK Robin has even fewer translated names.

Edit - To make my point, go onto the official page and use the language toggle at the bottom. Look at how Villager's name changes with each.
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