Morning all. Have an INPO one hour in the making:
Book 4:
Master Knight is OP, Please Nerf
So I stuffed myself with dumplings and blocked forts with my ass. Sounds legit to me.
I would consider making the Master Knight an event. Round up the units that would be outright murdered and give them a percentage chance to escape. 50/50, we'll say. All victims get one line to describe how they dodged or fell.
Alternatively, it could be a game limiter. Ensure it doesn't generate before turn 10 or so. Then if the game runs long, this can end it. Or just run it very rarely to begin with.
My Falcon son (amiibo) just performed a grave sin to all Falcon kind; He kneed thy as the match began during the time we ask thou to show thine moves.
Be merciful, he only sought to please you.
I trained my Falcon son by cutting to 1/4 speed and feeding him kneecaps until he grew big and strong.
Like you and @
Moydow though I could never quite get him to learn the joy of showing his moves. I think high-level amiibo might get that trait worked out of them over time. Mine seemed to stop taunting except for rarely between level 25-35 or so, no matter how much I tried to train them otherwise.
Makes sense, I mean, it doesn't
usually kill anyone. Usually. Except for Weegee.
Someone say Deadpool?
I want a Captain Falcon amiibo!

I WANT TO SHOW HIM MY MOVES!!! You're so lucky!
Ike however has been a whole other story...
I feel this way about Shulk and Dedede.
Supposedly Shulk is en route. Supposedly. Dirty Deeds I'll be lucky to snap off a scalper.
He won't be done dirt cheap, is what I'm saying.
I've otherwise been lucky so far, but I haven't even seen preorders for Wave 4 yet and I'm getting a little concerned...
There's a joke about package handlers in here somewhere.
So you can NEVER see Chrom's S-Support with Olivia, except in the Support Gallery after you've crushed Grima.
Actually, after marrying Chrom to Olivia in my Frederick Emblem run a support played in the middle of the cutscenes after the two-year skip. I'll check later and see if this was the S-rank or not.
Sumia should have been able to support Libra. That way Cynthia could have been blonde. Which would have been far more fitting.
In other news, I see crap like
this and it kind of makes me mad because it's going to sour people on the prospect of custom stages. I think in the right hands, the stage maker could very well make fun, even tournament viable, stages. But stuff like that? I don't think it's going to do custom stages any favors.
There is no Cynthia but Pega-Pony Princess Cynthia.
No discussion.
Also there's always
Smashketball (link's got some language, fair warning). I've wanted to see that at tourney since I found it existed.
ships, eh? Those are fun.
Of course you can't talk @
ships without bringing up @
. But, you know, it's like ChromxSumia... It's basically canon, but the fandom rejects it in favour of others. @
x Raziek is an option. I like that they argue a lot during their supports and turn that resolve into love... plus you get excellent stats and Hong guarantees Galeforce. Some people have suggested @
x @
The Merc
, and that just doesn't sit right with me IMO. The latter is way too young so I feel kind of guilty. There's also @
x @
. I like the kind of "knight and squire" relationship and the close bond they share. Worthy of note is @
x @
: Stat caps are a bit odd, but their support conversations are so sweet that it can be hard to pass up. If we're willing to talk SpotPass, the best you can get is @
x @
Soul Blazer. I love the erotic undertones between the two rivals, and @
Soul Blazer guarantees sick stats.
Just my opinion. Hope @
doesn't find out we are talking about this kind of thing.
Potential stat distributions and SpotPass options.
Let me pick my jaw up off the floor.
And so Unknown Hero embraces his destiny as a Shipping Lord.
For the record I can totally see that one.
I honestly would trade smash run and smash tour for essentially anything. Better balance, more music, more stages, etc. Basically anything but smash run and smash tour.
Smash Run is pretty goddamn amazing actually. I understand why they couldn't transfer it to Wii U - everyone has their own map to interact on, which requires their own screen, which works best on the 3DS, where they all have their own console - but I wish they would have kept the extra mode in
that vein rather than Smash Tour.
Naturally Smash Tour can take a long walk off a short cliff. Random fighters was the stupidest decision ever.
That's it. Drop the mic. See y'all in 12 hours or so.