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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
So, since discussion seems to be going nowhere at the moment, here's a question for you all.

If Robin were to be playable, what kinds of weapons, spells, or special skills would you like to see incorporated into Robin's move set? What kind of move would they be, and how would they function?
I think they could implement the weapon triangle in robin's moveset, since there isn't something necessarily canon that he/she uses. I was thinking of a "weapon type change" kind of moveset where down b would change his type from physical to magic weapons and viceversa.
So basically during the magic weapon stance: regular b lighting bolt that you can charge but can also fire small ones in succcetion (fully charged would have a flinch effect similar to ZSS gun), side b would be a whip-like fire attack with good range and knockback that can be sweetspotted, and up b would be a wind magic tornado that can be moved in different directions and is overall a really good recovery.
In the physical weapon stance, b becomes a powerful axe swing that works in a similar fashion to falcon punch, side b a spear rush with good horizontal range that sends opponents flying on the ground but downwards in the air (can also act as horizontal recovery), up b would be similar to marth's recovey but with a much more vertical angle and more power.
Down B would act as the means to change stances.
Magic robin is floatier and gets launches easily, but has amazing recovery and better grabs and throws as well as ranged attacks while physical robin is heavier, falls faster but has overall more power in his/her regular melee attacks, making him/her better for combos.
Both have the same speed.
Melee attacks would be done with the lighthing spear like attack than robin uses to stab chrom in the intro and wouldn't change animations between stances.
My intention with this moveset would be to represent the strategic element of fire emblem by making robin adapt to his/her opponents.
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Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
So, since discussion seems to be going nowhere at the moment, here's a question for you all.

If Robin were to be playable, what kinds of weapons, spells, or special skills would you like to see incorporated into Robin's move set? What kind of move would they be, and how would they function?
Here is my item list:
Steel Sword
Levin Sword


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
We were a few dumb posts away from being the miiverse smash community.

Also, i just realised, regardless of wether or not robin gets in or not, when ssb4 comes out, these threads are gonna die.
Papa hong, please tell me that im wrong...
Papa... Hong..?

Let me stop you there for a moment to collect myself.

... Alright. Anyway. If Robin is revealed as a character, this will be moved to a new board for the character. If she is my style, I'll still be around and discussing technology. Otherwise, with Brawl the majority of people who came for the hype vanished within a month. Robin, should she not appear, would be no different.

The people who remained on SmashBoards after Brawl was released, for the most part, were people interested in taking the game to the next level. A lot of those folks were interested in the idea of hacking the game, and that soon led to P:M and a chance to retain some of the community.

That's also why I think making a game exclusively for casual play was a horrible idea. Smash Bros is naturally something people will play for years, and you need a game design that can scale with the players.
On that subject, how would you react if robin was announced as a paid dlc charcter?

My feelings on DLC are the same as with anything. As long as Robin is developed and added to the game in response to what people want, and not something we find out was already on the disc, I don't mind.
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Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2014
Seattle WA
Hey guys I bet MorbidAltruism is going to like this post! E3 get here already and give us something to discuss.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
There is but one thing I absolutely must have in Robin's moveset, and that's for his/her down grab to be brutally shanking the enemy exactly the same way it was done to Chrom.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
There is but one thing I absolutely must have in Robin's moveset, and that's for his/her down grab to be brutally shanking the enemy exactly the same way it was done to Chrom.
I think that would be an awesome reveal trailer. Let people think the trailer is about Chrom, until Grima takes control of Robin's mind and she shanks him. >:D


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2014
Quebec, The land no one ever speaks about.
Papa... Hong..?

Let me stop you there for a moment to collect myself.

... Alright. Anyway. If Robin is revealed as a character, this will be moved to a new board for the character. If she is my style, I'll still be around and discussing technology. Otherwise, with Brawl the majority of people who came for the hype vanished within a month. Robin, should she not appear, would be no different.

The people who remained on SmashBoards after Brawl was released, for the most part, were people interested in taking the game to the next level. A lot of those folks were interested in the idea of hacking the game, and that soon led to P:M and a chance to retain some of the community.

That's also why I think making a game exclusively for casual play was a horrible idea. Smash Bros is naturally something people will play for years, and you need a game design that can scale with the players.

My feelings on DLC are the same as with anything. As long as Robin is developed and added to the game in response to what people want, and not something we find out was already on the disc, I don't mind.
Thanks papa hong!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2014
I think that would be an awesome reveal trailer. Let people think the trailer is about Chrom, until Grima takes control of Robin's mind and she shanks him. >:D
That's exactly something thing that Sakurai would do.

"Mewtwo! Mewtwo!!!



The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
That's exactly something thing that Sakurai would do.

"Mewtwo! Mewtwo!!!

In that case, I think it's more of people seeing what they want to see. That is a problem with the SmashBoards hype community in general. Other examples are making up stupid rules or trying to find patterns, seeing Ridley's face in the clouds, trying to find out about the director's personal experiences to determine who will be in the game. It's delusion.

When I saw that trailer, not for one moment had I thought "MEWTWO!". It was clear as day that it was another character.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2014
Seattle WA
One thing though is I don't want pure magic Robin, that's what we have Zelda for, in fact I'm thinking up some A attacks to add to my moveset...


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
After seeing Ike revealed, I think Robin will be the new Fire Emblem character instead of Chrom, and my reason for this theory is Robin could be put in like WFT where she's in as a female by default then she has a male Robin alternative costume, this gives us a female rep for the series, never mind that derp Lyn trophy, and speaking of which, yeah counting Lyn, we have Marth, Ike and Lyn, we need a different type of Fire Emblem character, not just another guy with a sword such as Chrom.



Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
After seeing Ike revealed, I think Robin will be the new Fire Emblem character instead of Chrom, and my reason for this theory is Robin could be put in like WFT where she's in as a female by default then she has a male Robin alternative costume, this gives us a female rep for the series, never mind that derp Lyn trophy, and speaking of which, yeah counting Lyn, we have Marth, Ike and Lyn, we need a different type of Fire Emblem character, not just another guy with a sword such as Chrom.

Lyn, a derp? Lyn has better moveset potential than Chrom and Roy combined. She also arguably has some of the best attack animations in the entire Fire Emblem series. Alas, she wasn't even the true main character in the game she appeared in.

That aside though... I obviously agree with you on Robin being in the game. Whether they reveal Robin as male or female is a tough one though, as they did one and the other for WFT and Villager.

It could really go either way. On one hand I could see them going for the male, which is more commonly seen in the promotional media (Nintendo website, demo, etc.,) but on the other hand it may be somewhat beneficial for Smash's own promotion for there to finally be a female Fire Emblem character announced.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I always wanted a Robin avatar, but I couldn't find anything cute. That changes today.

Technically it's Morgan, but basically the same ahoge aside!
One thing though is I don't want pure magic Robin, that's what we have Zelda for, in fact I'm thinking up some A attacks to add to my moveset...
How do you define "pure magic"?
After seeing Ike revealed, I think Robin will be the new Fire Emblem character instead of Chrom, and my reason for this theory is Robin could be put in like WFT where she's in as a female by default then she has a male Robin alternative costume, this gives us a female rep for the series, never mind that derp Lyn trophy, and speaking of which, yeah counting Lyn, we have Marth, Ike and Lyn, we need a different type of Fire Emblem character, not just another guy with a sword such as Chrom.
Welcome to the Robin support topic, fellow Tactician. :D We all share the same sentiments in regards to how much variety Robin could bring to the table.
It could really go either way. On one hand I could see them going for the male, which is more commonly seen in the promotional media (Nintendo website, demo, etc.,) but on the other hand it may be somewhat beneficial for Smash's own promotion for there to finally be a female Fire Emblem character announced.
One could say the subtle backlash over only Robin♂ being available for the demo is as much reason to go female.

Also, is there really anything besides the demo that insinuated a male Robin?

Edit - Surely not on the main site. The portrait is animated, and alternates between ♀ and ♂.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
One thing though is I don't want pure magic Robin, that's what we have Zelda for, in fact I'm thinking up some A attacks to add to my moveset...
I agree with this sentiment, I would like Robin to use her tomes and her sword. Although, I would rather if she was predominantly a mage as we have Marth and Ike for Fire Emblem swordsmen.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I agree with this sentiment, I would like Robin to use her tomes and her sword. Although, I would rather if she was predominantly a mage as we have Marth and Ike for Fire Emblem swordsmen.
Which sword do you think she should use?

I am in favour of her carrying either a Thoron tome and Steel Sword or Thunder tome and a Bronze sword, like how she starts out. I think having a plain weapon helps to convey the idea that she can be a pocket swordsman, but it's not really her forte as it would be Marth or Ike.

I am not too picky, but I would prefer if she did not carry any of the divine weapons, especially ones associated with past heroes.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Which sword do you think she should use?

I am in favour of her carrying either a Thoron tome and Steel Sword or Thunder tome and a Bronze sword, like how she starts out. I think having a plain weapon helps to convey the idea that she can be a pocket swordsman, but it's not really her forte as it would be Marth or Ike.

I am not too picky, but I would prefer if she did not carry any of the divine weapons, especially ones associated with past heroes.
I actually enjoy her default build, Thunder Tome and Bronze Sword. The roster is already saturated with special swords, so something generic would actually add some variety to the roster.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
Wait, how is the oddly shaped bronze sword more generic than the Steel or Iron Swords, epitomes of generic sword designs?
Also since I assume that Robin will have multiple spells I don't think you'd be able to make out anything about the tome other than it's color. And he/she might even pull out other tomes depending on the attack used.

That being said - if you'd put a gun to my head I'd say Alm's Blade and Thoron.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
Also, is there really anything besides the demo that insinuated a male Robin?

Edit - Surely not on the main site. The portrait is animated, and alternates between ♀ and ♂.
Ahh my bad, I didn't realize the portrait was animated.

I actually enjoy her default build, Thunder Tome and Bronze Sword. The roster is already saturated with special swords, so something generic would actually add some variety to the roster.
That could definitely work, but I'm definitely thinking more the Thoron & Steel Sword combo. Thoron is not only the first tome you see Robin holding, but Robin even uses it to blast Validar at the Dragon's Table in Ch. 23, regardless of what tomes you had equipped.

Robin may not even hold a tome for Smash, but without a doubt Thoron is going to be one of the assigned special attacks.
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Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
I'm trying to bring myself to like Robin, but it's not going well. Is there any reason other than uniqueness (whether it be Robin having it or Chrom's lack of it) for Robin to be put in over Chrom?


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I'm trying to bring myself to like Robin, but it's not going well. Is there any reason other than uniqueness (whether it be Robin having it or Chrom's lack of it) for Robin to be put in over Chrom?
Her character design is miles better than Chrom. That is all I need to support her.

Plus, uniqueness in terms of gameplay, design (again) and Robin is a character who can be either female or male, which is great.

Also, she is the protagonist of Awakening, not Chrom.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
I'm trying to bring myself to like Robin, but it's not going well. Is there any reason other than uniqueness (whether it be Robin having it or Chrom's lack of it) for Robin to be put in over Chrom?
Your mileage might vary, but I like Robin's characterization and role in the story better. If you disliked Robin in the game (especially compared to Chrom) I'm not really sure I could change your mind. Maybe some of the others here have better arguments for him/her, I just really liked Robin and didn't care as much for the Chromster.
If I had to point at one thing in particular that I liked more about him (or her) from a gameplay standpoint then it's the options he/she has: Robin can be any class and can build supports with every non-streetpass/non-DLC character in the game - and in some cases, he/she's sadly one of the if not the only one who can do that. Though again, gameplay stuff might not be enough for you to like a character.
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Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
Her character design is miles better than Chrom. That is all I need to support her.

Plus, uniqueness in terms of gameplay, design (again) and Robin is a character who can be either female or male, which is great.

Also, she is the protagonist of Awakening, not Chrom.
If character design was a driving force behind roster decisions, I doubt we would have gotten Wii Fit Trainer:troll:
In terms of gender choice characters, we already have Villager, Wii Fit, and possibly Miis. Having the option is great and all, but after 4 characters it can get a bit stale.
But Chrom is absolutely the protagonist of Awakening. After all, who is on the box art and required in every mission?

Your mileage might vary, but I like Robin's characterization and role in the story better. If you disliked Robin in the game (especially compared to Chrom) I'm not really sure I could change your mind. Maybe some of the others here have better arguments for him/her, I just really liked Robin and didn't care as much for the Chromster.
If I had to point at one thing in particular that I liked more about him (or her) from a gameplay standpoint then it's the options he/she has: Robin can be any class and can build supports with every non-streetpass/non-DLC character in the game - and in some cases, he/she's sadly one of the if not the only one who can do that. Though again, gameplay stuff might not be enough for you to like a character.
Yeah, I really was not a fan of him/her in the game. But the idea of a magic FE character is really cool to me, so I'm trying to find a reason to like them in smash, even if I don't like them in Awakening.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I think Ike's reveal plays a lot of role in Robin's sudden shift in interest, the shift has alot to do with prespection how Chrom would and could be added which I think caused some people who were borderline to begin with to waver to Robin because he is less like Ike or Marth compared to Chrom or Lucina. Of course not to say anything is for certain but I do think it's one of the factors that play into it.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Goodness. I haven't had a good look through this thread lately, but its really taken off!
Ike's reveal really increased interest in Robin.

I'm trying to bring myself to like Robin, but it's not going well. Is there any reason other than uniqueness (whether it be Robin having it or Chrom's lack of it) for Robin to be put in over Chrom?
Well, depending on who you talk to, Robin is a magic user, he/she's the main character of Awakening, represents the tactical side of FE, represents an innovation in game play (avatars).

The list goes on and on.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
If character design was a driving force behind roster decisions, I doubt we would have gotten Wii Fit Trainer:troll:
In terms of gender choice characters, we already have Villager, Wii Fit, and possibly Miis. Having the option is great and all, but after 4 characters it can get a bit stale.
But Chrom is absolutely the protagonist of Awakening. After all, who is on the box art and required in every mission?
How is having an option vs. not having an option ever getting stale? ;)

Anyways, I think I said waaay back in this topic that I think Robin was the true protagonist of the game, but after playing some of the earlier parts of the story again it's become pretty clear to me that they are both about even. Chrom's story is finished after Walhart is defeated and after that he's "just" another man trying to fight Grima - who just happens do be the leader of our army and be best buds with our "new" protagonist: Robin. There's actually a name for that: Deuteragonist.
The only reason why I think Robin isn't on the boxart is because you can customize him/her. And I have no idea why the only time you can take Chrom out of the party is during skirmishes and DLC. Though the fact that it's game over when Robin dies, too, shows how important he/she is.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Robin and Chrom are about equal in overall importance. Both are there from the very beginning, both play huge roles in the story (with Chrom having more focus towards the beginning, while Robin gets build-up throughout the game up till the Robin-based final battle), and both will cause a game over when they die. The two are, I think, both main characters of Awakening, and as such, either one could viably represent Awakening as a playable character in Smash.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
So many posts! Can you people shut up and stop being so hyped!? Gosh! :troll:
Wait, how is the oddly shaped bronze sword more generic than the Steel or Iron Swords, epitomes of generic sword designs?
The fact it is both weak, yet unique in design, is all the more reason to have that no? You have a design that both stands out, but compositionally justifies it for being a weaker weapon.
I'm trying to bring myself to like Robin, but it's not going well. Is there any reason other than uniqueness (whether it be Robin having it or Chrom's lack of it) for Robin to be put in over Chrom?
Now I don't mean any disrespect to Robin fans, but I'll tell you this: Support her because she has great potential for a fighter, and will do her home series justice more than anyone else they could reveal, save Anna.

You need to look at things down the road. Within a few weeks of playing the game, how much does all this newcomer hype matter? I don't think it's a rough estimation to say 90% of the people who play Smash Bros for longer than a month will be using the character who presents a style that is the most fun or fitting for them. I like Link and I used to like Samus before the 3d era, but there are certainly characters I like more, such as Marth.

So in that sense, we should try to have as many characters with as many play styles as possible.

To use my feelings for another character as an example: I liked the original line of 2d Metroid games, but there are few characters I care less for than Ridley. That said, I still want him. He's popular, he's thematically unique, he offers new horizons for gameplay. Robin can be supported for all the same, and even if I didn't like the character I would still be here.

Support Robin for a better game. Fire Emblem deserves it. Smash Bros deserves it.
I think Ike's reveal plays a lot of role in Robin's sudden shift in interest, the shift has alot to do with prespection how Chrom would and could be added which I think caused some people who were borderline to begin with to waver to Robin because he is less like Ike or Marth compared to Chrom or Lucina. Of course not to say anything is for certain but I do think it's one of the factors that play into it.
Which is odd, because it I could say anything should have made Robin supporters more optimistic, it would be Greninja.

Even less popular, even less important character. There are certainly other characters from other franchises who could have done all the same. There is nothing special about Greninja.

But we got the character anyway.

This is GREAT for Robin, who has more fans and more importance. While the Pokemon Company and Intelligent Systems are different at a corporate level, there are still parallels in what they have to offer to Smash Bros. You get hundreds of character who come and go every generation. Both companies are ones that Sakurai would consult with for direction in Super Smash Bros. I wouldn't say Pokemon X and Y has a Chrom equivalent unless they wanted the trainers themselves to fight, so I suppose it differs in that respect. That said, it is proof they are willing to go deeper when choosing newcomers.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Uh, I want Robin to have a tome that doesn't exist which allows her to cast all types of Anima Magic and probably just a Steel Sword or something generic (if Robin has to have a blade at all). It would make Robin more interesting if she could use Fire, Thunder and Wind as opposed to just Thunder.

Since the April Direct and Sakurai's want of focusing on one moveset, I've been thinking of a pure Mage Robin who, instead of using a sword for basic attacks, uses a tome to smack the opponent. Of course, there's no reason Robin couldn't be more like Link and use Sword for basic attacks and Magic for specials. I just feel that is a little boring. Perhaps if the magic is equal to the swordplay without Stance Change, that would be fine.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Uh, I want Robin to have a tome that doesn't exist which allows her to cast all types of Anima Magic and probably just a Steel Sword or something generic (if Robin has to have a blade at all). It would make Robin more interesting if she could use Fire, Thunder and Wind as opposed to just Thunder.
Well, I didn't think it would at all limit her moves regardless of what she held. No doubt we will have stuff disappear from her hands when she is holding items or other fighters, so it's not like there is much regard in the presence of the tome in general.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Well, I didn't think it would at all limit her moves regardless of what she held. No doubt we will have stuff disappear from her hands when she is holding items or other fighters, so it's not like there is much regard in the presence of the tome in general.
True, true. It would just be silly if Robin pulled out a different tome for every type of spell.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
Fire emblem is the game with the most diverse arsenal of weapons in the smash games thus far. Why would you guys prefer a generic and plain weapon over an original and good looking one?
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Lyn, a derp? Lyn has better moveset potential than Chrom and Roy combined. She also arguably has some of the best attack animations in the entire Fire Emblem series. Alas, she wasn't even the true main character in the game she appeared in.

That aside though... I obviously agree with you on Robin being in the game. Whether they reveal Robin as male or female is a tough one though, as they did one and the other for WFT and Villager.

It could really go either way. On one hand I could see them going for the male, which is more commonly seen in the promotional media (Nintendo website, demo, etc.,) but on the other hand it may be somewhat beneficial for Smash's own promotion for there to finally be a female Fire Emblem character announced.
Yeah, Lyn would've made an EXCELLENT playable character. Plus, although she wasn't the "true" main Lord of that game, she's still the one most people associate the game with and she was chosen over Eliwood as an Assist Trophy. Lyn was one of the few AT's I thought could be promoted to playable... oh well.

Either way I doubt Chrom for numerous reasons, one major factor is he wouldn't bring much new. I really want a mage-based character from Fire Emblem, as well. Plus, all of the new characters have been very unique so far. I think if they're going to add another sword-based FE character, Sakurai would bring Roy back and updated Roy slightly rather than add in Chrom.

For Robin/Avatar, I think the name "Tactician" might fit better, and frankly, I think it'd be better if Robin just plain uses a tome, no swords. I think it'd be much better that way. I say "Tactician" because it could tie into past Tacticians as well. And I definitely think Robin would default to a female design rather than a male one.

Perhaps Robin could trade between different weapons for the regular attacks plus some additional magic-based attacks, too. It would be a cool nod to the Weapon Triangle. If not special weapons, then maybe Silver weapons.

Oh, and I support Robin. My only concern about Robin is I think Villager already fits the "create-a-character" niche, but by that logic they could just as easily use Morgan, whose almost the same as Robin anyway. :p


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2013
Southern Indiana
As far as Robin's sword goes, I actually like the idea of himer having an especially generic one. Robin isn't the wielder of any kind of legendary blade, which would actually be a first in Smash Bros. as far as swords go.

Plus, since the tomes are likely to be the more emphasized weapon, it makes sense to have hiser sword not stand out.

Hey look, I invented pronouns and didn't even make a big deal out of it.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
As far as Robin's sword goes, I actually like the idea of himer having an especially generic one. Robin isn't the wielder of any kind of legendary blade, which would actually be a first in Smash Bros. as far as swords go.

Plus, since the tomes are likely to be the more emphasized weapon, it makes sense to have hiser sword not stand out.

Hey look, I invented pronouns and didn't even make a big deal out of it.
Someone beat you to that one.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
Robin and Chrom are about equal in overall importance. Both are there from the very beginning, both play huge roles in the story (with Chrom having more focus towards the beginning, while Robin gets build-up throughout the game up till the Robin-based final battle), and both will cause a game over when they die. The two are, I think, both main characters of Awakening, and as such, either one could viably represent Awakening as a playable character in Smash.
I kinda wonder if both Robin and Chrom will make it, either by two separate slots (which I highly doubt) or them together. I can see such a thing functioning like a cross between Zelda/Sheik and Ice Climbers and there is a tag team mechanic like in DKC.

It encompasses the two main characters of Awakening, and showcases the team up gameplay that was in it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2014
I kinda wonder if both Robin and Chrom will make it, either by two separate slots (which I highly doubt) or them together. I can see such a thing functioning like a cross between Zelda/Sheik and Ice Climbers and there is a tag team mechanic like in DKC.

It encompasses the two main characters of Awakening, and showcases the team up gameplay that was in it.
I don't really see that happening. They're both unique enough to warrant separate slots, plus they're not typically a "duo" the way Ice Climbers or Zelda/Sheik are. Chrom/Lucina would make a better duo than Robin/Chrom in my opinion.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I kinda wonder if both Robin and Chrom will make it, either by two separate slots (which I highly doubt) or them together. I can see such a thing functioning like a cross between Zelda/Sheik and Ice Climbers and there is a tag team mechanic like in DKC.

It encompasses the two main characters of Awakening, and showcases the team up gameplay that was in it.
I personally highly doubt that we'll get four Fire Emblem characters, especially two from the same game. As for the tag team idea, that just seems like a weird and complicated way of trying to please everyone. I mean, if they can make both of them work together, why can't they just make one work on their own? Why make yet another tag team character, when the one we've had for two games now is already a technical challenge?

By the way, there is a separate support thread for that idea.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
I just thought about something. Robin's up B could be him throwing a rescue staff and teleporting wherever it is after pressing up B a second time. It could be reflected by Mario's cape so you'd have to be careful, but otherwise the staff would act offensively where the enemy would try to predict and punish you making an interesting mind game.
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