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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
So you criticize me for typing "if" as opposed to "is" and make the same mistake?!
This is embarrassing.

Now in regards to Wii Fit Trainer being E3 material, yeah, I suppose you're right. Though on the other hand, there are probably higher expectations for this E3 and what characters come out of it, not to mention the fact that many of the previous newcomers have been more surprising additions. A little fan service would be most fitting now. And with quite a number if characters who could and should be revealed for the occasion, such as Mewtwo, Ridley, King K. Rool, Palutena, Pac-Man, and Miis, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of room for someone like Chrom or Robin. It's far from out of the question, but I think there are other characters who should be revealed here who would take priority over a new Fire Emblem character.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Well, Ganondorf could be present in the Zelda newcomer trailer. Like Charizard was in Greninja's. :)

Although I have a feeling all newcomers to be announced at E3 will share the same trailer (a damn shame that would be).
Well, last time it was staggered. Wii Fit Trainer showed up after-the-fact.

Perhaps the ceremony will be kicked off with a trailer and some announcements, the tournament will run, and then another trailer will run before the end of day one. On day two, they can have yet another trailer, since they could always use some sexy material to dominate both days.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Oh yes, there is also Pac-Man. I really have no idea of what to expect of this E3. :dizzy: I mean, they would definitely use the E3 to announce a third party character like Pac-Man. Unless the infamous Sal Romano leak is fake and Pac-Man isn't even in the game. lol
Well, last time it was staggered. Wii Fit Trainer showed up after-the-fact.

Perhaps the ceremony will be kicked off with a trailer and some announcements, the tournament will run, and then another trailer will run before the end of day one. On day two, they can have yet another trailer, since they could always use some sexy material to dominate both days.
True, but Wii Fit Trainer is small fish compared to any of the characters speculated to be announced at E3. The idea of showing a trailer in the start of the Direct and other in the end would be neat, though.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I believe waiting for both Ganondorf and Captain Falcon this long is similar to why he said he waited on Yoshi. We may see him show off Ganondorf and Captain Falcon together, showcasing Ganondorf's new moveset, and how Captain Falcon may have obtained a few of Ganondorf's abilities, possibly even as custom move changes for specials.
Yeah. That's what I figure, too. I would honestly not even feel shamed to hear him apologize for what he had done to Falcon in Brawl. That was something NOBODY had to see. >.>

Supported by the fact Pit basically nicked Raptor Boost off of Falcon, let's be honest here. Wonder if that's being replaced.
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Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
Yeah. That's what I figure, too. I would honestly not even feel shamed to hear him apologize for what he had done to Falcon in Brawl. That was something NOBODY had to see. >.>

Supported by the fact Pit basically nicked Raptor Boost off of Falcon, let's be honest here. Wonder if that's being replaced.
Haha yeah that's true. Ugh speaking of that I'm really not big on the Upperdash Arm being his side special. If he's supposed to be based more on his Uprising appearance now, it would have made more sense to give him more of a Little Mac style side special, where he'd do his dodge dive while maybe firing a short range shot from a weapon.


Smash Cadet
Nov 21, 2013
I am replaying Awakening (in anticipation of Robin in Smash) and I have to say, she is one of the most bland characters in the game. I did not realize it at first, but she is honestly more boring than Chrom. I still love her, but I find it really odd that Chrom gets criticized for being more boring than Mrs. No Personality. It is not relevant to her chances in Smash, but I am certainly supporting her for her move-set potential and diversity. She is not really an interesting character in my opinion.
Honestly, very few Fire Emblem characters are actually known for their personality: while they often have interesting dialogue now and then, the overwhelming majority of them fall into generic anime tropes. Personality is certainly one vector of character appeal, but it's not the only measure. Yu Narukami is a popular character among P4 fans, and he's also a blank slate.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
If Ganondorf won't finally have his trademark tennis projectile I'll be miffed. Seriously, it's the ONE attack he (or his minions, in the case of Aghanim) has in most Zelda games and it'd be fun gameplay.

I'm honestly still not quite convinced we'll only get one Awakening character. I mean, the most likely outcome in my mind is that we will get only one, but I think the chances for getting both Robin and Chrom is higher than getting none at all.

A page back or so Hong started talking about Robin's attributes, thought that was a good topic to continue:
I think Robin would have slow walking and average running speed. Since Robin isn't particularly light (and can be quite the tank in Awakening) I'd place the weight somewhere betwen average and heavy.
I agree with Hong that he/she wouldn't be particularly great in jump height, but I can't imagine the jumps being floaty either. Link is probably a good measure for this. This would probably mean that the recovery would have to make up for the otherwise bad air time, lest Robin have a real problem once knocked off the stage a fair bit. Though that might not be such a disadvantage when Smash 4 handles recovery more like Melee than Brawl.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
@ Drakonis Drakonis Good analysis.

I don't think there was much discussion on the topic because I get the feeling people have a generally unanimous idea of what Robin should be. You get the idea she shouldn't be particularly nimble wearing what she does, and I think that's what most expect. That said, I do agree there can be a lot taken away from the combination of above average weight, above average gravity, and slow movement, but not to the same degree as Link. Samus, for example, is another projectile user who is very heavy. However, while she has an ungodly recovery, she has some of the lowest gravity and is easy to KO off the top.

In that sense, Robin would have good launch resistance against both horizontal and vertical KOs. This also has negative implication in that she would have a harder time recovering (especially with an average double jump) and be a preferable target for combos, much like Falco in Melee. I would say it wouldn't be unreasonable for her recovery special to compensate so that she has at least an average recovery in distance. While I don't think she should have good aerial combat, unlike with Little Mac, I also don't think it should impact her life expectancy.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
If Ganondorf won't finally have his trademark tennis projectile I'll be miffed. Seriously, it's the ONE attack he (or his minions, in the case of Aghanim) has in most Zelda games and it'd be fun gameplay.

I'm honestly still not quite convinced we'll only get one Awakening character. I mean, the most likely outcome in my mind is that we will get only one, but I think the chances for getting both Robin and Chrom is higher than getting none at all.

A page back or so Hong started talking about Robin's attributes, thought that was a good topic to continue:
I think Robin would have slow walking and average running speed. Since Robin isn't particularly light (and can be quite the tank in Awakening) I'd place the weight somewhere betwen average and heavy.
I agree with Hong that he/she wouldn't be particularly great in jump height, but I can't imagine the jumps being floaty either. Link is probably a good measure for this. This would probably mean that the recovery would have to make up for the otherwise bad air time, lest Robin have a real problem once knocked off the stage a fair bit. Though that might not be such a disadvantage when Smash 4 handles recovery more like Melee than Brawl.
Well both Robin's stats in Awakening and the Grandmaster class are pretty average all the way through, but I don't think Sakurai tries to be consistent with particular stats THAT much, as he changed Ike from being actually pretty quick on his feet to the brutish heavy hitter he is in Smash. I suppose his Radiant Dawn design at least looks the part for that style now though.

We don't know how heavy Ike is now, but I don't think Sakurai would make Robin as heavy as Ike... but probably closer to being as heavy as Ike than being as light as Marth.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2014
Quebec, The land no one ever speaks about.
I am replaying Awakening (in anticipation of Robin in Smash) and I have to say, she is one of the most bland characters in the game. I did not realize it at first, but she is honestly more boring than Chrom. I still love her, but I find it really odd that Chrom gets criticized for being more boring than Mrs. No Personality. It is not relevant to her chances in Smash, but I am certainly supporting her for her move-set potential and diversity. She is not really an interesting character in my opinion.
Really? Maybye it was because i never bothered to support chrom with any character
I got to admire @ Narwalgod Narwalgod . Not only has he seemingly read this entire topic, but he is even loyal to his avatar. Well done. 10/10

Also, something has been on my mind: What does everyone think about Robin's properties? We talk about her moves a lot, but not her attributes. Ground speed, jump height (double and single) air speed, gravity, and weight are all core attributes to a character.

I don't think Robin should be a particularly nimble character. She has a surcoat and some light armour under that robe, plus her tome. I would also say her aerial speed and jumping ability would also be hindered. I would say she should be a bit lighter than Link and have roughly the same falling speed, in that regard.

I don't think Robin should be able to take to the skies and excel, anyway. I would imagine she has good anti-air technology to compensate for that.
That's me! Always a thousand years late to the punch!


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
@ Drakonis Drakonis Good analysis.

I don't think there was much discussion on the topic because I get the feeling people have a generally unanimous idea of what Robin should be. You get the idea she shouldn't be particularly nimble wearing what she does, and I think that's what most expect. That said, I do agree there can be a lot taken away from the combination of above average weight, above average gravity, and slow movement, but not to the same degree as Link. Samus, for example, is another projectile user who is very heavy. However, while she has an ungodly recovery, she has some of the lowest gravity and is easy to KO off the top.

In that sense, Robin would have good launch resistance against both horizontal and vertical KOs. This also has negative implication in that she would have a harder time recovering (especially with an average double jump) and be a preferable target for combos, much like Falco in Melee. I would say it wouldn't be unreasonable for her recovery special to compensate so that she has at least an average recovery in distance. While I don't think she should have good aerial combat, unlike with Little Mac, I also don't think it should impact her life expectancy.
I actually envision Robin completely differently; I feel as though she should be nimble with below average gravity. I also feel as though she should have a great recovery (she could be the first Fire Emblem character afforded that honor). However, I am not really using any logic, it is just how I imagined her.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2014
Quebec, The land no one ever speaks about.
I actually envision Robin completely differently; I feel as though she should be nimble with below average gravity. I also feel as though she should have a great recovery (she could be the first Fire Emblem character afforded that honor). However, I am not really using any logic, it is just how I imagined her.
I feel as though robin should be the slowest, heaviest character in smash history and the first to have an instant K.O. move that does not require a smash ball or charging a gauge. I base this on absolutly nothing.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I actually envision Robin completely differently; I feel as though she should be nimble with below average gravity. I also feel as though she should have a great recovery (she could be the first Fire Emblem character afforded that honor). However, I am not really using any logic, it is just how I imagined her.

Of course, it can be taken either way. Samus realistically weighs quite a bit, but she is very floaty in Smash Bros. Similarly, Ness should be much lighter than he is, when instead he the heaviest of the light-weights. So, even if Robin is a bit padded, they could have her assume whatever properties are necessitated by game balance. Don't think anyone would really challenge it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2014
Quebec, The land no one ever speaks about.

Of course, it can be taken either way. Samus realistically weighs quite a bit, but she is very floaty in Smash Bros. Similarly, Ness should be much lighter than he is, when instead he the heaviest of the light-weights. So, even if Robin is a bit padded, they could have her assume whatever properties are necessitated by game balance. Don't think anyone would really challenge it.
TWAS A JOKE! When you guys aren't going on and on about my stache you're taking jokes seriously.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I can't help it.. I'm suffering from MorbidAltruismitis. ヘ(。□°)ヘ

I want people to feel like somebody actually reads their posts. A lot of the time, it is more convenient than quoting them and being like "YEAH I AGREE".


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014

Of course, it can be taken either way. Samus realistically weighs quite a bit, but she is very floaty in Smash Bros.
Well, ACTUALLY, ... *puts on big framed nerd glasses*
Samus is that very floaty because of the way she handles in Metroid. It's actually something quite subtle that Smash Bros does: If a character has dabbled in 2d platforming, you'll find him/her controlling very closely to that in Smash. This is to ensure that you really feel like you're playing the respective character. Of course, with RPG characters this just doesn't translate.

TBH, each time I see people saying that Ike isn't anything like in PoR and RD, I always think to myself "Would you really want Ike to one-shot even Tabuu with one to two Aethirs while being healed for a portion of the damage he inflicts and ignoring part of the weight of the other character for knockback? While also being very quick?" Yes, Ike was actually relatively nimble (and generaly amazing) in PoR, but sometimes you have to take big liberties so the character can work in the game at all. I actually quite enjoy Ike as the heavy bruiser, even if I could clearly imagine him doing other stuff as well.
Though I could have done without the eruption spell in his moveset. Guess they had to come up with some sort of attack that wasn't just swordplay.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Well, ACTUALLY, ... *puts on big framed nerd glasses*
Samus is that very floaty because of the way she handles in Metroid. It's actually something quite subtle that Smash Bros does: If a character has dabbled in 2d platforming, you'll find him/her controlling very closely to that in Smash. This is to ensure that you really feel like you're playing the respective character. Of course, with RPG characters this just doesn't translate.
I gathered as much. I felt that was given.

TBH, each time I see people saying that Ike isn't anything like in PoR and RD, I always think to myself "Would you really want Ike to one-shot even Tabuu with one to two Aethirs while being healed for a portion of the damage he inflicts and ignoring part of the weight of the other character for knockback? While also being very quick?" Yes, Ike was actually relatively nimble (and generaly amazing) in PoR, but sometimes you have to take big liberties so the character can work in the game at all. I actually quite enjoy Ike as the heavy bruiser, even if I could clearly imagine him doing other stuff as well.
Though I could have done without the eruption spell in his moveset. Guess they had to come up with some sort of attack that wasn't just swordplay.
I think it's more of a case because Ike was thematically, as in the animations and cinematics, shown to be quite the agile acrobat.

No one is saying that it is bad game design to fit the character to a specific niche as necessitated by having a well-rounded game. As the differences in Ike are some of the most pronounced, it is naturally more discussed. If the Tellius games were not played by such a relatively small sample of people, it would be discussed even more.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2014
Robin is probably the character I'm most excited about possibly having in Smash. I think there's room on the roster for both Chrom and Robin (assuming there's about 50 characters). Chrom will fit the sweet spot between Ike and Marth in terms of strength and speed, while Robin will focus more on magic attacks, or attacks pulling from the various Fire Emblem classes he/she can obtain during the game. I think it's pretty unanimous that if Robin is in the game they will feature both male and female costumes, which is another boon for adding the character.

Robin's Down B could be Light, similar to Pikachu's Thunder. His Side B could be any number of things from a fireball, wind attack, sword, lance or axe. I think giving Robin a lance or axe would be a cool way to distinguish the character from the other FE representatives.
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Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
I've always wanted Robin in the next smash ever since I tried Fire Emblem awakening. I always saw him using elwind as his up b and he would be wielding an armorslayer because it seems like a tactical advantage against certain ennemies.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I think there's room on the roster for both Chrom and Robin (assuming there's about 50 characters). Chrom will fit the sweet spot between Ike and Marth in terms of strength and speed,
Well, if Ike were properly designed, the in-between would be just about that. ;)

That said, I certainly think Chrom can coexist with Marth and Ike. There is more to a character than just the speed in which they function. Chrom could certainly fill in a number of fighting styles the series has yet to see, all which the Chrom thread covers well.

I've always wanted Robin in the next smash ever since I tried Fire Emblem awakening. I always saw him using elwind as his up b and he would be wielding an armorslayer because it seems like a tactical advantage against certain ennemies.
Alternatively, that or the rapier can work just fine as a Fire Emblem item, since we still don't have one! True to the series, they could break after a number of uses.
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Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
Well, if Ike were properly designed, the in-between would be just about that. ;)

That said, I certainly think Chrom can coexist with Marth and Ike. There is more to a character than just the speed in which they function. Chrom could certainly fill in a number of fighting styles the series has yet to see, all which the Chrom thread covers well.

Alternatively, that or the rapier can work just fine as a Fire Emblem item, since we still don't have one! True to the series, they could break after a number of uses.
Perhaps, but the rapier is very basic and uninteresting. The armorslayer, or the brave sword would look much better but I think that armorslayer beats the brave sword because of the color of the weapon must fit with the character
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
The armorslayer, or the brave sword would look much better but I think that armorslayer beats the brave swors because of the color of the weapon must fit with the character
You seem creative. Do you have any ideas for items you would like to appear for this entry that could represent Fire Emblem?


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
You seem creative. Do you have any ideas for items you would like to appear for this entry that could represent Fire Emblem?
Hmm that's a good question. I never really thought about it. A vulnerairy could be added with the food. Also I could see them adding a dragonstone that lets you shoot dragon breath everytime you use it. But we already have alot of projectile type items so maybe we could have a rescue staff used in team battles that you could pick up during battle like a dragoon piece and use anytime after with a button that is not used very often. Those would be rare


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
I've always wanted Robin in the next smash ever since I tried Fire Emblem awakening. I always saw him using elwind as his up b and he would be wielding an armorslayer because it seems like a tactical advantage against certain ennemies.
The Awakening Armorslayer is too much like a great sword for Robin to use in Smash unless it was heavily thinned down. Though the only two things that cone to mind for me are either an Iron Sword (boring, but works as a basic weapon for a jack of all trades) or preferably a sword-sized version of the lightning blade Robin guts our hero with in the opening cutscene. I believe it's supposed to be a tiny Thoron, which still works as that is obviously Robin's favored spell.

As for Fire Emblem items... Maybe staves? A barrier staff as a reflect, or maybe a warp staff as another recovery item?


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
The Awakening Armorslayer is too much like a great sword for Robin to use in Smash unless it was heavily thinned down. Though the only two things that cone to mind for me are either an Iron Sword (boring, but works as a basic weapon for a jack of all trades) or preferably a sword-sized version of the lightning blade Robin guts our hero with in the opening cutscene. I believe it's supposed to be a tiny Thoron, which still works as that is obviously Robin's favored spell.

As for Fire Emblem items... Maybe staves? A barrier staff as a reflect, or maybe a warp staff as another recovery item?
Are you referring to the Levin sword? That's genius


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I like ACDC's idea for the Rescue Staff. Fires a projectile that brings the victim TO YOU! It would always work on team mates, even without frendly fire on. We have lots of items to push people away, but none that do the opposite.

If you throw it at someone, you change places! Great for making an epic comeback on your recovery, and can turn the tables after your foe has made off with a crate.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I like ACDC's idea for the Rescue Staff. Fires a projectile that brings the victim TO YOU! It would always work on team mates, even without frendly fire on. We have lots of items to push people away, but none that do the opposite.

If you throw it at someone, you change places! Great for making an epic comeback on your recovery, and can turn the tables after your foe has made off with a crate.
So basically the Gale Boomerang? I do not like the idea, but that is probably because I hate the Gale Boomerang.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
So basically the Gale Boomerang? I do not like the idea, but that is probably because I hate the Gale Boomerang.
Sort of, but it would be instantaneous. Plus the Gale Boomerang only does that on the return.

But yeah. I don't like what they did to Link's special in Brawl, and I am glad that will probably be one of the special moves we can change.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
So basically the Gale Boomerang? I do not like the idea, but that is probably because I hate the Gale Boomerang.
It could be turned off nonetheless, but in my opinion it would add options to players, especially when one of your allies has been sent off stage and can't recover. But I haven't put much thought into that suggestion. It really only took me a minute or two to think of it so I think we could elaborate on it to make it appeal to players like you as well and tweak it a bit. In your opinion if we had a recover staff, how should it work?

Edit : In my mind the staff would just teleport you in the style of Zelda's up B right next to the player using the staff.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
It could be turned off nonetheless, but in my opinion it would add options to players, especially when one of your allies has been sent off stage and can't recover. But I haven't put much thought into that suggestion. It really only took me a minute or two to think of it so I think we could elaborate on it to make it appeal to players like you as well ans tweak it a bit. In your opinion if we had a recover staff, how should it work?

Edit : In my mind the staff would just teleport you in the style of Zelda's up B right next to the player using the staff.
It would appeal to me if it was instantaneous, the Gale Boomerang just made me really salty. It ruined Link in Brawl, that is the only game where I do not main him. However, the idea that the staff just "teleports" the other player is fine by me.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
It would appeal to me if it was instantaneous, the Gale Boomerang just made me really salty. It ruined Link in Brawl, that is the only game where I do not main him. However, the idea that the staff just "teleports" the other player is fine by me.
I couldn't agree more with the gale boomerang. It seems we use similar characters such as Ganondorf and Link for you and Young Link for me. The future looks bright for Link in SSB4, but I can't say the same for Toon Link unless they make him more projectile based.

Also I like Baws's idea for Robin having a staff to protect. He could just use it when we press L or R to protect. We have original protects such as Yoshi so I could see its implementation in the game realistically if Sakurai's team can come up with it.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
There will always be items people don't like. A lot of folks chuck stuff like the fan off the cliff because that's not their thing.

So when I try to imagine items, I always think about what already isn't there, and what could appeal to some characters who do not have as appealing options. The projectile characters, for example, love the ray gun more than anyone.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
There will always be items people don't like. A lot of folks chuck stuff like the fan off the cliff because that's not their thing.

So when I try to imagine items, I always think about what already isn't there, and what could appeal to some characters who do not have as appealing options. The projectile characters, for example, love the ray gun more than anyone.
If I get an item I don't like, I use it as a projectile. ****, sometimes I throw the Ray Gun to offset the timing of it's lasers.

As for Robin using staves, I think that's dumb. We have Palutena for that or Micaiah if you want an FE staff user. Robin should use a combo of Magic & Sword moves or just pure magic. A staff in a Robin moveset where Robin uses all Fire Emblem weapon types is fine but if you want cheat on what the Tactician class can do just so Robin can pull out a staff, that's stupid. There are much better recoveries Robin could have then that anyway.
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